Why does a battery discharge? Causes and solutions

Why does a battery discharge?

The battery of a car is responsible for providing the electrical energy necessary for ignition. In addition to powering the headlights, the radio and other equipment, when the engine is stopped or when the alternator fails to power them properly. But, if not used in that circumstance, why does a battery discharge?

This happens normally when supplying electrical energy to the starter motor and the electrical elements of the car. However, if everything is in good order, it will be recharged again through the alternator when the engine is running. Let's take a look at the reasons why the car battery is discharged. Starting with the most common to the least frequent.

Not charging the battery well

Journeys too short or car stopped

As we have told you, the alternator is the one that recharges the battery, but If we don't give it time, the battery will eventually discharge.. Try to do a somewhat longer route, to recharge it well. The duration that is most often indicated to ensure a good charge is 45 minutes at a constant speed. What it means to enter road o freeway. Doing it once a week may be enough.

Very low revs always

Another factor that causes the battery to discharge prematurely is driving at very low revolutions. Something that if combined with short trips is very bad for keeping the battery in good condition. Therefore, on the advice of circulate for 45 minutes It is usually followed by the indication to take the engine at about 2.000 rpm, and if it is to 2.500 rpm better.

both situations can be fixed with a battery charger for car there are very cheap and it is a device that, if used periodically, pays for itself because the battery lasts much longer.

Using equipment with the engine off

If you use the radio, lights or other electrical items With the engine off, you will gradually discharge the battery. A tip that they usually give in workshops is that the battery must be used to start the car and little else. That is, the courtesy lights that come on when you turn off the car and/or open the doors. The rest, with the engine running.

This type of consumption with the engine off is higher on newer cars with functions like follow me home o Leaving Home. That turn on almost all the lights in the car when you open or close it. They usually carry slightly more capable batteries, but if the cost is abused, it can end up with your battery.

If you are one of those who use the stereo with the car turned off on a regular basis, it is a good idea to add a specific battery for stereos. Is about add a circuit with multiple electrical components, which allow you to install another battery for those tasks.

Old or bad battery

The batteries that come with the car from the factory usually last a long time. Between 6 or 8 years is a common useful life. Although it can reach 10 in many cases, if they are well cared for. Those that are put in later tend to last less, with useful lives that are normally around 4 years. Keep these numbers in mind, because your battery may not be discharged, but may already be in poor condition.

A battery spoils prematurely if allowed to discharge completely. This is so because the vast majority of those used in cars are made of lead, which withstand complete discharge much worse than those made of, for example, lithium.

Check the battery status

FOR differentiate if the battery is only downloaded or already have to change it for a new one. We recommend that you visit the article Your car battery can be checked easily. Although if you want a quick explanation you can watch the following video:

Extreme temperatures

Very high or very low temperatures affect battery performance. In extreme heat, the eventual evaporation of the water mixed in the electrolyte, increases acid concentration and deteriorates the plates faster. This does not discharge the battery, but can cause it to fail.

Excessive cold, on the other hand, performance decreases of the battery and worsen its performance. Because it will slow down the chemical reaction that takes place inside it. It is not that the battery is discharged either, it is that it will not be able to fulfill its function well. For this reason, many people remove it from their vehicle if they know that the temperatures are going to drop a lot or just the opposite. They can also be added insulating covers to keep them warm during a frost.

How to change the car battery
Related article:
How to change the car battery

Bad alternator or regulator

As you have seen in the video, the alternator is an element that, if it fails, stop charging the battery. Therefore, if no warning light appears on the car's instrumentation, the first thing you think is that the battery is bad. However, that does not have to be the case yet if we detect it in time. If we don't do it, the normal thing is that in addition to a faulty alternator, we also end up having to change the battery because it breaks when it discharges completely.

Check if the alternator is bad it's very easy with a multimeter. At the beginning of the video you can see how to perform this operation in just one or two minutes. If you know what it is, you will save yourself surprises when you take it to the workshop.

It's also good to know that the alternator itself may be fine, but that your regulator fails. an appliance much smaller and cheaper, which wears out over the kilometers. Depending on the model, this can happen at 150.000 km, 200.000 km or never happen in the life of the car.

Why does the car battery discharge?

Abnormal electrical consumption

Cars are full of electrical elements that can fail. Therefore, it may also be the case that the battery is discharged because something continues to consume it when the car is off and closed.

Normally this occurs due to some equipment that does not come from the factory and has been installed incorrectly. Although they can also occur through some original component in poor condition.

We recommend the article How to check if there is electrical consumption? Although if you want one visual explanation Step by Step this video can be very helpful:

It is about measuring with the multimeter and going removing and inserting car fuses. As soon as the consumption disappears with any of them, you just have to look in the manual to which system it belongs to and you will have found what discharges your battery.

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      Andrew Mendez said

    Well, I'm writing to say that I have a problem with my car's battery, it's that the one I had was no longer working and I bought an LTH and pulled it for just a week and also fixed the car's alternator and regulator, but it still discharged.

    the car is a jetta 99 automatic has climate, stereo, amp 600w, capacitor 1 farad,

    OK, bye

      steven said

    friend how are you, what happens is that I have a problem. I have a 1.6 aveo sedan, when I have the car turned off I turn on the radio and at the moment I turn on the lights and the radio turns off, why does this happen? the car has been a year and a half, with 20000km. thanks friend.

      myth said

    Hello, I would like to know if someone can tell me
    How can I know what is stealing energy?
    to the battery of my car the problem is that I have to turn it on
    every day because if a day goes by that I don't turn it on, I know
    discharge will it be the stereo and will it be the alternator? if someone can me
    help this is my email thank you milton.ruiz86@yahoo.com

      Diego Peralta said

    I have a problem when the fiat 600 is very cold when it doesn't start. Does anyone know what it could be?

      nelson wins said

    I would like to know what is the maximum voltage that a battery could reach and my other question is if a 12v battery can be charged by a lesser source such as 8 volts
    Thank you

      february garcia said

    Good morning, I need to know why my car runs out of battery, it's a 2009 centaur, peugeot 1.6 engine, irani when I'm with it all day, but the next day when I turn it on, the battery is completely flat, I don't leave lights or radio. or anything lit

      r-lopez27 said

    The battery of my car is 5 months old but the car does not turn on, it just clicks and the lights and the stereo turn on

      ezequiel said

    hello everyone, I wanted to ask you: I have a peugeot 504 with a boss power of 1600 watts, the problem is that when I connect it the battery discharges, with the car on, what can I do?

      Anonymous said
      javier gutierrez said

    I have a 2 Chevy C2005 and in the mornings when I crank it doesn't start because the low battery is heard and it only lasts one three cranks and the battery discharges and when I managed to turn it on, it runs without fail all day, what can I do to remedy this fault?

      manuel said

    I have a problem with my hyundai 92, the alternator discharges the yalecamvie lavatory and when the battery is fully charged, it starts the key, but in 2 days they can help me

      Boris Requena Rhodes said

    a question, my battery is discharged I made it charge but now my car does not accelerate

      Joseph Gutierrez said

    In Volvo my bacteria weakens in the morning when it's cold…. Because…..somebody explain to me, thanks???????

      Sergio said

    Hello, I have a cabin 97, I already changed the alternator, I checked the battery and it has a good charge, ok, the problem is that I activate everything in my car and the battery begins to lower the charge, I want to know why

      Anthony said

    hello have a nice day
    I would like to know what steals energy from the battery of a jeep gran cherokee L6 I have to turn it on because in a day that passes it is completely discharged


    Hello, good day, I want to ask you about my oldsmobile eaves, the battery discharges and when I manage to turn it on after the current is switched on, the lights on the dashboard all turn on and they no longer turn off, could you help me tell me what it has, please

      Manuel Muniz Hevia said

    My Mazda car is about 10 years old. On several occasions I have delivered it to the Official Service for having run out of battery. The Official Service was never able to repair it.
    As soon as I leave the car on the street for a couple of days without starting, the battery is already discharged.
    Can someone tell me what is causing this error?
    Thank you