How often do you need change car oil? Actually, this depends on a number of factors. details like the type of oil used, type of motor and the way the car drives affect how often this maintenance task should be performed.
Formerly, many decades ago, the general recommendation was to carry out the oil change every three to six months, or at least every 5.000 kilometers. However, improvements in engine technologies and the development of more capable oils mean that oil changes are now performed much more frequently. In some models we go up to 30.000 kilometers.
To understand everything that we are going to explain to you below and to better understand the importance of lubricant in the car engine, I use a very traditional expression. Car oil is like human blood.. This means that it is of vital importance for the life of the engine, but the essential difference is that our body purifies it on its own. There is a filter in the car, but this does not mean that we do not have to make the substitutions and put “new blood into the heart of the car”.
oil change over time
As we said at the beginning, there are manufacturers that recommend changing the oil every few months and others allow us to extend it to even two years. In this sense, it must be taken into account that, for example, the engine of a sports vehicle is not the same as that of a quieter car, a normal and current tourism. Another extreme is for older vehicles.
The motor oil of a very high performance car must have specific characteristics to lubricate correctly at high temperature and with the mechanics turning above 8.000 rpm. Having such a high performance, it must have all its properties at 100%, otherwise it will cause a serious breakdown. And it is that, with use and time, the lubricant loses its effectiveness.
In a normal car we need a good oil, but its characteristics are different and it will withstand the passage of time better than in the case of lubricants for high-performance cars, with very revving engines.
In the case of old vehicles, when the engines were much less refined than now and the oils had a quality light years away from the current ones, it was not strange to see that some manufacturers recommended changing them every three months. Yes, you had to do a minimum of four oil changes a year. Of course, the price of a liter of oil in those days was very low and practically anyone could change it at home.
If we have such an old car, we can extend the deadlines a little of time. Please note that car brands made their recommendations based on the oils of the time, which were really bad compared to the current ones. Especially modern oils do not lose their performance as much with changes in temperature or the passage of time. That is to say, if in a car from the 70s we were recommended to change it every six months, with a current oil we can do it once a year.
oil change per mile
As with time, there replacement recommendations per kilometer. What's more, all engine lubricant manufacturers tell us that we must replace it every X years or X kilometers, whichever comes first. It can be every year or 15.000 kilometers, every 2 years or 20.000 kilometers, and so on.
As in the case of time in months or years, vehicle and oil manufacturers recommend a maximum number of kilometers depending on the type of engine that oil is intended for and the type of lubricant with which we are dealing. A mineral oil does not have the same durability -neither in time nor in kilometers- than a synthetic one.
Today we are struck by the rules that gave formerly. A few paragraphs above we have stated that several decades ago we had to change the oil in the car -depending on the model- every three months. Now it is easy to read replacement recommendations every 25.000 or even 30.000 kilometers. At that time, it was normal to do it at approximately 5.000.
As we have mentioned in the previous section, in some cases the margin of kilometers can also be stretched, especially when we talk about old spec cars. For example, in most cars of the 90s, the oil change was always under 10.000 kilometers. An old car with current oil I would have no problem stretching that range of kilometers by 30 or 40%. Of course, always speaking of normal driving.
Oil change according to driving and type of use
Logically the oil degrades more or less depending on the use of the vehicle. If we do most of the kilometers on the road at a stable and not very high speed, the capacities of the lubricant will be maintained for much longer than if we practically only use the car for loiter. In the first case we can stretch it a little with many guarantees, while in the second it is always more advisable to shorten it.
In the same way, if we really like to run or, directly, we enter the circuit from time to time with the car to get the most out of it, it is very important to check and replace the oil and filter much more frequently. The oil suffers more in these conditions and the engine needs the maximum possible lubrication and cooling.
To cite another quite particular case, the off road cars who spend a lot of time in the field should also shorten deadlines. Bear in mind that in these situations many mechanical efforts are usually combined at low speed (little cooling), strong accelerations, slips, lateral inclinations, the use of the gearbox... If that is the use, it is worth considerably reducing the time and kilometers.
Oil change depending on fuel (diesel or gasoline)
In the past there were more distinctions between diesel and gasoline mechanics. Although diesel engines turn at lower revolutions than gasoline engines, the fuel and gases that were generated in these mechanics three or four decades ago were much more polluting and dirty in diesel engines. The combustion of gasoline cars was much cleaner.
However, the engines were getting cleaner and the oils more efficient. For diesel cars, they began to resort to semi-synthetic oils before in those of gasoline, always speaking of ranges of conventional models. The revision was more expensive, but the replacement frequency was quite similar. The same thing happened at the beginning of the XNUMXst century, because the Long Life synthetic oils They began to become popular and their use in diesel cars spread, while gasoline cars, depending on the model, used semi-synthetic or synthetic.
Oil change according to type: synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral (5W30 – 10W40 – 20W50)
As we have explained, the oil change should be done based on the manufacturer's recommendation, which will always vary depending on the type of engine and the type of lubricant used. Synthetic and semi-synthetic oils are often used in normal passenger car engines.
Every how many km is the synthetic oil changed?
The synthetic oils They are the ones that offer the best benefits, although they are also the most expensive. Most new cars are equipped with these lubricants, especially when we talk about cars with supercharging and high compression ratio. The most common are 0W30 or 5W30, which work well at virtually any temperature. Its replacement is usually recommended every two years or 25.000 km maximum (there are manufacturers that allow it up to 30.000). They are also known as Long Life.
Every how many km is the semi-synthetic oil changed?
Meanwhile, the semi-synthetics they are rather typical of cars from a decade or two ago. However, 10W40 multigrade lubricants (for example) are also used in some current low-performance city cars. They are intermediate oils between the simple mineral and the careful synthetic. They should be replaced approximately every year or every 10.000 kilometers, although there are manufacturers that lengthen it up to 15.000.
Every how many km is the mineral oil changed?
Finally, we find the mineral oils. In modern cars it is deprecated; in fact, passenger cars stopped using these oils a long time ago. Some urban models of the late 90s and early 2000s did use it, but they were in the minority.
In this last period they had been improved and the change was recommended every year and, in some cases, every 8.000 kilometers. Previously it had to be replaced every six months or 5.000 kilometres. I remember that years ago at home we had a utility vehicle that recommended the 20W50 mineral, having to replace it every 5.000 kilometers or six months.
What happens if 3 years go by without changing the oil?
Surely on more than one occasion you have asked yourself what happens if we let time and kilometers pass. That is, if we do not pay attention to the recommendations and replacement periods dictated by the manufacturer. Well, the first thing to clarify is that if the manufacturer recommends you replace it at 10.000 kilometers and you do 300 more kilometers, you will not seize the engine. The same thing happens with time. If they recommend changing it every year and you replace it after 13 months, nothing will happen. Always talking about normal driving.
In more than one bar you have heard that "the revisions are to go through the box and leave money in the workshop" or "I always stretch the oil change more than what the brand says, that they anticipate it so that we have to go to the workshop and spend money”. Advice: Laugh at his grace, but it is not advisable to ignore him. It all depends on many factors. Your engine will thank you.
As we mentioned at the beginning, With the passage of time and the kilometers the oil loses its properties. In addition to preventing internal parts from rubbing directly against each other, it also helps cool and is anti-corrosive. With use it loses these capacities, and its viscosity also varies.
How long can an oil change take?
Starting from the basis that the recommended kilometers should not be exceeded, there are models in which the oil change can be extended without much problem. To find out how long an oil change can take in your car, you should pay attention to the state of the lubricant when it is changed. You check it with the engine oil dipstick.
El color is a good indicative of the state of the oil. The darker it is, the worse it is, and if you see opaque particles floating around, the worse it is.
Obviously, the more time and kilometers it takes, the worse it will perform its functions, so do not trust. In the end, we end up with an oil that lubricates less and cools less. Therefore, wear increases greatly, both due to lack of lubrication and excess temperature. If we go a little too far there will be no problems, but if we are too careless we are mistreating our engine and cutting life by leaps and bounds.
the oil filter
El oil filter is responsible for collecting all impurities or chips that may exist inside the engine. These particles travel with the oil and when they reach the filter, they must be trapped in it. If you wonder where they come from, the answer is that they are generated from internal friction between the different parts of the mechanics.
Formerly most manufacturers said that it was enough with replace the oil filter every two lubricant changes. That is, if the oil was changed every 5.000 kilometers, the filter was replaced every 10.000. If the oil was changed every six months, then the filter once a year.
It is true that the old engines generated more chips because there was more wear, since the fit between the parts was not as precise as it is now. But of course, before the deadlines were much shorter than today. Today, with current cars we must change the oil filter with each renewal of the lubricant. After all, we are carrying out this maintenance every 20.000 or even 30.000 kilometers. In addition, it is not that it is an expensive replacement.
How much does it cost to change the oil?
The price of an oil change in a workshop varies mainly depending on the amount of oil that our car carries, the type of oil you use, as well as the price of labor. The 5-liter synthetic bottle is usually around 45 euros; while the workforce depends a lot on the localities and on whether it is an official or generic workshop.
As a general rule, what it is to change the oil and the oil filter, as well as take a quick and general look at the main components and systems of the car without carrying out any further repairs, usually around 80 or 100 euros. Of course, it is a price that we must “take with tweezers”. There is nothing like asking the price before the professionals do the work.
If you prefer to do it yourself and save some, in this link you can find a selection of car oils in offer.
In order not to complicate yourself, follow the recommendations
The most important thing to do when considering a frequent oil change is consult the deadlines indicated by the manufacturer, which can be found in the car manual. If you own an old car that doesn't have a manual, you can request one from the manufacturer, or you can simply follow the recommendations presented here.
Images – Dafne Cholet, Berit Watkin, Matthias Mueller, Natalia Medd, Mike Mozart, Gabriel White, Calgary Reviews, Images Money
Hi Carlos,
Seriously, if you want to write articles about lubricants, find yourself another informant, I don't know where you get that information from, but I think you have some concepts that are outdated and others that are slightly incorrect.
If you want I can give you a hand, since I consider that it is better not to inform than to inform incorrectly, if you can see my email address, do not hesitate to write to me, I will be happy to compare information about lubricants with you.
a greeting.
Very good contribution. I believe that having basic knowledge in mechanics is very important for all those who own a vehicle. In this way, not only daily problems can be fixed in the different machines, but also the fact of being able to detect inconveniences in the cars helps to prevent traffic accidents.
Oil changes every three months or 5.000 km….
that there are people who never change the oil….
Please, let no one who reads this believe it, if you have any doubts, consult your car manual or go to a "professional" workshop.
He says that before it was every five thousand kilometers and really before it was like that
5000 km? I change it every morning before I leave home...
With what manufacturers like to earn money on maintenance, and with a recommendation of 5 to 8000 km, they go and put it at 15, 20, 30 or even 50.000 km...
The information on this is not correct in any way!
Hello. The best thing is to test the oil, see the contents of ashes, metals, fuels, water, etc., and thus make the most of the use of oils.
I have a fiat type tjet. In theory, the oil would have to be changed at 15.000 km, but during running-in they tend to use oil and with 6.000 km it has been at the minimum. The break-in oil is punished and contaminates a lot of metal particles in the first few thousand kilometers. I think that instead of adding new oil it is better to change the oil. I have vacuumed the oil and I have added almost three liters of new oil recommended by the manufacturer, in my case the 5-40 of petronás special for LPG. The ideal would be to change the filter too, but I couldn't because it requires a special tool. In another 9.000 km I will change the oil and filter, and from here every 15.000 km, as specified by the manufacturer. These engines require 3.2 liters of oil including the filter. No matter how long the oil is, it should not be used for more than 15.000 km, since carrying little oil works more and deteriorates more than if it carried more.
Consult, my vehicle has some time without starting, I mean I use it almost daily for one or 2 weeks and then I stop using it for a full month, how does this affect the performance and conservation of the oil and filters?
Ok Excellent article, I have been doing the right thing
As a general rule, the engine oil should be changed every year.
Depending on whether the oil is mineral (5.000 km or six months), semi-synthetic (10.000 km or one year) and synthetic (15.000 km or one year).
By following this simple rule we will be protecting and extending the life of our vehicles engine.
Justifying the mistreatment of the engine by lengthening the changes for the price it costs in each workshop or what the manufacturer says (exorbitant figures, because after all they sell cars) is a childish mistake that will only bring us problems.
Mineral (5.000 km), semi-synthetic (10.000 km) and synthetic (15.000 km) and not exceed one year.
Engine always like new (if we know how to drive and take care of the speed).
The most unfortunate thing is that when you change the engine oil, you have no possibility of knowing what state it is in, that is, you change it blindly.
I have to change it every 20.000 km.
I have 8.400 km so per km I am doing well.
However, it's been almost 3 years since the last review.
Better to go by time, than by km, right?