If you are one of those who wants to maintain your car on your own, you should know where get rid of the waste you generate. Both oil and antifreeze are highly polluting liquids, which cannot end up in any container, drain or wasteland. The same goes for tires, filters, batteries or light bulbs. For all this there are clean points distributed throughout the Spanish territory.
Every good mechanic, even if he is an amateur, must carry out his work complying with certain minimum respect and know-how. It's not enough change the oil o bleed cooling system like a pro. You also have to take responsibility for waste to respect the environment. Not to mention the fine that can befall you if you are caught red-handed.
Where is there a Clean Point?
If we throw liquids such as oil or antifreeze down the drain, we are seriously polluting the rivers and seas where they end up. The same happens if we throw it in a normal container or in a field. Do not think that they are the same as other household products like frying oil. Although these must also be recycled properly, they do not come even close to the damage caused by the fluids of a car or a motorcycle.
Get rid of waste at any Clean Point is free, although many times you have to stick to the schedules that have taxes at the Clean Point in question. If you want to know which one is closest, take a look at this listing, in which you can put the autonomous community and the locality to know which ones are closest to you.
What elements of the car must be thrown at a Clean Point?
As in any house, cars also generate waste such as incandescent bulbs, halogen or type LED , Electronic components o junk. Needless to say, even if they come from a vehicle, they also need to be disposed of properly. But it is that, in addition to these elements, cars generate some much more dangerous pollutants than those we are used to seeing in our homes. These are the following:
Engine oil and filter
Es the most polluting liquid in today's cars. It only takes two liters to contaminate an Olympic pool. That is, only two liters to ruin the 2,5 million liters it takes to fill one. Another interesting comparison is that with a single liter of Motor oil the surface equivalent to a soccer field, or what is the same, 10.800 square meters can be contaminated. What would suppose its inability to cultivate or to lodge any type of animal.
The reason motor oil is so polluting is because of its large amount of heavy metals and their slow degradation. When it reaches the sea it can last between 10 and 15 years floating on the waters. After that time, the contamination of many of its compounds is still maintained for hundreds of years. It must not be forgotten that the oil filters they must also finish at the Clean Points.
El antifreeze or coolant engine is not far behind in terms of pollution. Though inorganics are the most harmfulDon't underestimate organics either. They may also contain heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, or lead at levels high enough to make them a hazardous waste. It also contains ethylene glycol, which is a toxic compound for people, animals and plants.
car battery
If a mobile phone battery or a simple battery are highly polluting, imagine what can happen with a car battery. They basically contain two dangerous substances: lead and acid electrolyte. The first can be very toxic to the health of humans and animals, because it enters the body and is transported through the bloodstream, gradually accumulating in all organs. The second is very corrosive and also has a high content of lead particles.
The car wheels they must also finish at the Clean Points. It is very important that they be recycled, because can be used for various uses: paving of roads, manufacture of other floors such as athletics tracks or playgrounds and the creation of some materials for the construction of vehicles or buildings. They can also be used to make shoe soles or even rugs.
When they are left abandoned in a wasteland or a landfill, the tires go partially degrading gradually losing the properties necessary for its use. In addition, when they are left in non-specific areas for it, it can cause a great environmental pollution.
If they are not given the proper treatment, many times they are burned with the consequent emission of gases that are toxic and very harmful to the environment, people and animals.
Images – Daniel Lobo, Papa Pic
Hello. They told me that they only accept batteries and I think he told me something else, but that the hubcaps that I was going to take, he could not accept them, due to theft, blows and that. Where should they be thrown in this case?
Well, in all of Aragón it is impossible to carry car batteries. They don't accept them, what do I do with one that I have old? The companies that do accept them are only for companies, not for individuals.
The clean points do not receive many things, it is an unheard of thing, so in the end people throw it in the containers, a pity, they should change the recycling policy. In Madrid I don't know a place to leave it, if I didn't have a friend who has a workshop I would have to leave it on the street much to my regret.
I wanted to know where car oil bottles and air filters are recycled in Caceres and if the oil filters are collected, the air filters are not and I don't know what to do with them
Well, antifreeze is not accepted at clean points in Madrid. Neither the 010 Town Hall nor the 012 Community know what to do with them.
Well, antifreeze is not accepted at clean points in Madrid. Neither the 010 Town Hall nor the 012 Community know what to do with them.