Combustion chambers: what are they for and types

In the combustion chambers It is where the fundamental chemical reaction for the operation of an engine takes place. The air and fuel mixture is compressed by the upward travel of the piston, lights up and expands generating the downward movement of the piston. Later, that vertical movement is transformed into a circular movement by means of the crankshaft.

Over the years, they have designed various types of combustion chambers, to improve the performance, durability and/or power of the engines. Especially in those of four times. Its shape notably influences both variables, so one type or another is chosen depending on the objective pursued.

Types of combustion chambers

The choice of the type of combustion chamber is also influenced by the engine timing type. As you can see in the following image, the inclination of the Válvulas directly affects placement what should he have camshaft and even if you must have one or two. something that also can influence the type of engine or even in the piston ring type.

Types of combustion chambers in an engine

cylindrical chamber

The first type of combustion chamber is the one shaped cylindrical. This is one of a kind more common for being the cheapest to manufacture without losing too many features. It is closed at the top with a flat surface where they are located valves parallel to each other and to the vertical axis of the cylinder.

Furthermore, the spark plug It can be placed on one side of the cylinder (more typical of older engines) or on the top, also parallel to the valves. In this type of combustion chamber the spark plug sits very close to the fuel-air mixture, allowing its spark to ignite it immediately.

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wedge chamber

Wedge type combustion chambers

The shaped combustion chamber cradle It is the second type that we can find. In it, the ceiling of the chamber or part of it has a certain slope to create a triangle (seen from the side as in the picture). On the large side the valves are located diagonally and on the short side the spark plug.

In this type of combustion chamber, the valves are located in the cylinder head to eliminate turbulence that are generated in the explosion of the mixture. One of its advantages is that the Rods suffer less effort and therefore the durability of the engine is increased.

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bathtub camera

Bathtub type combustion chamber

It is a type of combustion chamber very similar to wedge. The only difference is that the ceiling of the chamber has a horizontal part, so that the Válvulas be placed vertically. Instead, the spark plug remains diagonal. This configuration allows the valves to have more space and to open more (lift).

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hemispherical chamber

There are also hemispherical combustion chambers, also called in the form of summit. In them, the valves are located diagonally in the inclined parts of said dome and the spark plug at its peak. Thanks to this shape, the filling of the cylinder is more efficient, since it allows the use of larger valves.

hemispherical combustion chamber

Furthermore, in her the path of the spark (from spark plug to piston head) also is scarce, so the level of the flame is higher, allowing a higher power than in other engines with different types of combustion chambers.

radial chamber

This type of camera is typical of rotary or Wankel engines. Actually, it's about single camera, but whose space is divided into three by the rotor with a triangular shape in the center. Otherwise, it has the same cycles as a four-stroke piston engine: intake, compression, expansion and exhaust.

Given the characteristics of this engine, these combustion chambers are formed by the internal walls of the stator and the surface of the triangular rotor. That is why they have a crescent shape when they are in the phase of greatest volume. In the following video you can see how they are and how they work:

And what about two-stroke engines?

In the two stroke engines It has an extra peculiarity. Normally they work thanks to another space that receives the name of precompression chamber. The mixture of air, fuel and oil with which they work enters it through the intake port, to pre-compress it and lubricate the engine. Then it goes to the combustion chamber through the charging port.

Also, two-stroke engines they do not have valves in the combustion chamberjust the spark plug. This is because the mixture enters through the intake port and the gases resulting from burning fuel leave through the exhaust port. Both are placed at a certain height of the cylinder and are covered or uncovered depending on the height of the piston.

Images – psiho.child, h080, lw5315us

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      Marcos Granillo said

    How can I calculate in clear terms (because I am not an engineer?) the power in Kg generated by combustion inside the combustion chamber? I hope I was able to explain myself. Thanks for your help.