La timing belt break is the cause of one of the “expensive breakdowns” most common car owners have to deal with. Just like the dual mass flywheel failure, sometimes it happens unpredictably, but in many other cases it could have been avoided. Learn with us how to minimize risks.
Check the mileage and age
Every how many miles should the timing belt be changed?
The manufacturer of your vehicle will recommend a maximum mileage that you should travel before changing the belt (which will range between 60.000 and 160.000 km, approximately). In the event that we move frequently in urban environments, we must shorten this mileage by 20%, since the belt is "working" even if the car does not cover kilometers (for example in traffic jams, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc.
A clear example: if the manufacturer says that the belt must be changed every 120.000 km, it is not the same to drive them in 6th gear at 2.000 RPM on the highway at 120 km/h than to drive them in the city over thousands of starts-stops without shift from 4th gear on short trips.
Every how many years should the timing belt be changed?
The car manufacturer will also recommend a maximum belt change time. If not indicated, every 5 years it would be advisable to change it or at least check it thoroughly and at the slightest sign of fatigue (cracks, obvious discoloration, notches, wear, etc.) change it. A strap can reach 7-10 years with guarantees, but we must control its condition.
Driving in demanding conditions: we should check or change the belt every 4 years if we move a lot in an urban environment (for example, taxi drivers, daily commute, etc.) Also in very cold climates (-10ºC), very hot (+30ºC), with a very dusty environment, off-road or very humid. If the 4 years are not met, we must also control the kilometers and reduce the figure recommended by the manufacturer by 20%.
Timing belt care
- Belt tension: the timing belt must be properly tensioned, therefore we must monitor the health of the tensors. If we hear any rhythmic noise "that was not heard before" when the car is idling or when accelerating in neutral with the car stopped, it is possible that some tensioner is touched. If we are not able to find out the origin of the noise, we should have the engine checked. It can always help to know how it works and what role it plays really.
- Caution with the Water Pump: in many modern cars the water pump is also driven by the timing belt. On several occasions I have found a breakdown of the distribution caused by a simple failure of the water pump (seizure, looseness, etc.). If your car is like this, always demand that you change the water pump at each change of the timing belt. The pump may be fine and last the life of the car, but if it isn't, you'll regret not paying the 50 euros for a new pump. Likewise, if before arriving at the belt change we observe coolant leaks, do not hesitate to take the car to check it just in case.
distribution chain
Some cars instead of a strong toothed belt have a distribution chain. When buying the car, it is possible that the salesman at the dealership will try to "sell the bike" by saying that the chain is indestructible, etc. Some manufacturers recommend change periods of more than 200.000 km.
It is true that the chain has its advantages, especially in terms of reliability, but we must not forget about it either, since the tensioners are subjected to much more effort and wear, requiring vigilance. Furthermore, despite the fact that the chain hardly wears out, with use it can "stretch", which causes it to lose tension and become noisier, possibly causing a breakdown. This happens more frequently, especially when the driver is fond of driving the engine at high revs. If we hear a "click" when the engine is cold, we must take the car to be checked urgently.
It is a noise that on many occasions disappear after a while if the tensioner is oil actuated, since it tightens the chain when the oil pump feed it at the right level. That's why can be confused with the noise produced by hydraulic tappets without lubrication. It is also a "click" that also disappears when the oil gets to lubricate them well.
timing belt price
There is no "standard" price for a belt change, since it depends a lot on the car and engine in question. We are talking about a job that can range between 300 and 1.000 euros for a "normal car", since the price of the kit and the amount of labor required is highly variable.
Broken timing belt: consequences
If the breakdown occurs and the distribution goes out of point, it is most likely that let's destroy part of the engine. Although this may vary in some distribution types. By interfering with the movement of the Válvulas with the movement of the pistons. It's a lottery and the breakdown can be from "little thing" to a 6.000 euro lollipop, depending on the type of engine and how lucky we are.
On average, the breakdown is usually between 1.500 and 2.000 euros, so it is to take it into account.
timing belt vs. distribution chain
Whether or not a car has a timing chain is due more to a question of design and costs for the manufacture of the motor, which for reasons of reliability of one system or another. Both are completely valid today, because like the belt needs to be replaced every x kilometres, the chain also needs to maintain a series of elements in perfect condition.
However, both the chain and the timing belt have a series of advantages and disadvantages who may decline the purchase of a vehicle to one side or the other.
Timing belt
The advantages of timing belt are:
- Cost savings for the brand. Manufacturing the belt is much cheaper than the chain, so it is an element that firms value when designing and manufacturing their engines.
- Noise. The belt is constantly rubbing against the metal sprockets to which it is attached, so as it is mostly made of rubber, noise transmission is less of a problem.
The timing belt drawbacks are:
- chances of breakage. The straps, despite being made of resistant materials, are not immune to wear and tear, so their useful life will depend on their quality.
- Precisely because they are made of a material that degrades, they must be replaced. The moment in which this operation has to be carried out will depend on the engine and manufacturer, but there are few models that exceed 120 thousand kilometers without needing to change this element.
Distribution chain
The supply chain advantages are:
- That a chain breaks is very unlikely, because being made of metal it has a greater durability.
- Maintenance. A chain does not need maintenance other than checking that the tensioners are in good condition and little else. In any case, and only in some models, it can be replaced at 250 thousand kilometers, but only as a preventive measure.
The supply chain drawbacks are:
- Just as the belt needs to be changed, the chain tensioners can show wear and consequently cause looseness. This problem usually appears when the vehicle has traveled at least 250 thousand kilometers, and it is solved by changing the tensioners and adjusting the chain.
- The friction noise of the chain is greater than that of the belt due to the materials that form it. This sound, if the engine is poorly soundproofed, will be evident (not annoying) so its solution is to incorporate more sound-absorbing material.
What cars do not have a timing belt?
To late eighties, most cars used to move the camshafts and the water pump distribution chain. However, as engine development costs increased, brands decided to replace them to lower costs. This reason was never explained as such, but other reasons did come out, such as its less noise or lightness regarding the chain.
However, the counterpart of using a strap, instead of a chain, was that had to be replaced and that its cost would not be exactly low (in a change of timing belt other parts such as the water pump are included). Therefore, at the same time that the brands reduced the balance of costs in manufacturing, they increased that of income per steps in the workshop.
However, over the years, some brands have once again rescued the distribution chain for some of their engines. Preparing a list of models that incorporate this system would be very complex, since more and more engines include it and are associated with several models of one, or several brands.
What we can do is list the ten best-known models that have a timing chain on their engines. In addition, this list can be extrapolated to other models of sister brands, since they share engines and many other mechanical elements.
Mark | Model | Motor | Power |
Mark | Model | Motor | Power |
BMW | Series 1 118d | 2.0 D | 143 CV |
Dacia | Sandero | 0.9 TCe | 90 CV |
Ferrari | California | 3.8 T | 560 CV |
Ford | Seafood | 1.0 EcoBoost | 100 CV |
Kia | Cee'd | 1.6 CDRI | 128 CV |
Mercedes-Benz | Class A 200 CDI | 2.1 D | 163 CV |
Opel | Zafira | 1.6 CDTi | 136 CV |
Peugeot | 108 | 1.0 VTi | 69 CV |
Renault | Mégane | 1.6 dCi | 130 CV |
Seat | Ibiza | 1.2 TSI | 105 CV |
Images 2, 5, 6 and 8 – Nick Nguyen, Marco Verch Professional Photographer, Christopher Blizzard, Windell Oskay
2002 Jeep Liberty Engine Belt Inside
Every time you change the timing chain, do you have to change the tensioners and the water pump?
No, that depends on the wear conditions of the machine: generally, the kit is made up of a belt and a tensioner; the water pump is changed when it has suffered damage and requires replacement
Thanks Jose. I have Toyota Corolla 1996 1.6L.
Everything seems fine. no light no weird sound. But they advise me to change the timing belt because of the driving time, it has 155 miles and this maintenance was never done.
Now I find Kit from 33 usd to 200 usd. Is there a quality brand that you recommend?
My car has 100.000km and seven years is it dangerous???
My car has 125000 km and is nine years old, a peujeot 307 2000 HDI-136 CV
Hello, I have a bora year 2011 with 50.000 km and I have to change the belts?
The recommended change periods will come in the instruction book of your car. These periods are made by mileage or by time. The period is shortened if you use the car intensively in the city or in dirty and dusty environments. In any case, consult the booklet of the car that surely indicates it
Every 5 years is their thing, so, right now it goes through a workshop, I would do it in 2017
Hello, I have a 2010 sandero. I would like to know about the strap, because they tell me that it has a chain.
My car has 26000 km and is 7 years old, a Renault laguna1 from the year 2000, would I have to change the belts? I'm out of work, and I'm short on money, but I'm afraid it might break like it did in 2008, which with 106000 km and 8 years old and the breakdown cost me 3000 euros.
could you take more? but safely.
I would appreciate a professional who would answer me. Thank you
Emilio, I would love to tell you that it can withstand "something more" for sure, but you answered yourself... a car from the year 2.000 broke its belt when it was 8 years old. Now 7 years have passed and you ask if you can wait any longer. No one can answer you for sure. Perhaps seeing the leash in-situ someone can venture... but surely not.
It is something that I imagined, that by looking you could see something, but I would have to take it to someone who would see it and they do not do that for free and it would mean more money to add, something that would have to change the straps,
What I will do is change them, in 15 days I have a little more money.
Greetings and thanks Luis.
Hello, how are you? I would like to know if you have a workshop where I can take my car.
I have an Audi A3 2002 1.8T and I would like to change the belt and pulleys
Hello, the videos are great!
I have a peugeot 308 SPSPORTHDI11 from 2009 and 150000km.
I have asked a local dealer for a quote to change the timing and alternator belts. I get the budget at €427uros95 VAT and labor (3,4 hours included).
It seems like a good estimate to me. What do you think?
I have a normal 1,9 citroen berlingo and changed the new pump and when I assembled it it worked fine but after a day I turn it on cold it makes a tak tak tak noise like a ford transit but when it warms up it is removed it is urgent pls
Hello, good, I have a Peugeot partner tepee from 2009, it has about 40 kilometers, how much mileage do you change, greetings
Hello, I have a 2005 megane expression, in a descent in neutral right from the start the car stopped, the distribution chain is from. Plastic nobse broke, my question is have the bony head been damaged the valves.
Hi, I have a 2013 Celta and it already has 62.000 km… should I change the belt now? Up to how many km can the strap last?
Excuse me, I don't trust what the manual says, at least regarding the change of belts. A French car, the manual says: 60,000 km or 5 years and of the same brand, it is obvious that they also sell spare parts, and not they will tell you to buy substitute parts, or to change your distribution kid at 100,000 km because it is not their business
skf is a good brand better than the original that comes with a renault clio for example
I have a Kia Carnival and I need to change the timing belt. The original is 151 teeth x 30mm but I can't find it in my city and I've got a 151x29mm one. The query is if there is any risk if I place this instead of the original?
Question I sent it to change and they told me that the tension spring would be making a noise since it touches something and that they would have to rectify the engine cover. It may be so? or did they tell me anything?
hello! my car has 61.000 km, it is a fiat way from the end of 2011, when it should change. the belt
I await your response thank you very much!
I have a focus 2011 gasoline engine 1.6 with 72 thousand kilometers when I change the belt
Hello, I have a Rover 618, Honda engine, 190000 km, and 17 years old, I have never changed the belt, and I think it is a bit of a legend to change it after 60.000 km, or 10 years.
Maybe I'm wrong, but many people never change it and nothing happens.
From some comments it is deduced that half of the people do not even read the article...
Timing belt, plus alternative belt and water pump changed at 130 km, complete SKF kit, in a 1500-year-old Escenic 6 diesel. Well, it broke at 170 km, I paid 3000 for repairs and the workshop is not responsible because 20 months had already passed.
Warning not to mount that crap.
Hi iveco daily engine tuning?? w/ timing belt? someone guide me ..grcs!
Hello, I bought a 2007 voyager with 218.000 km and now with 224.000 km the timing belt has snapped and my engine has been destroyed. He is going to get me the invoice since he had to pay more than €200.000 for the distribution. My question is if for this reason the workshop can be claimed, if it has any type of responsibility or in the end I am going to have to take responsibility for the damages? Thank you
Hello, I would like to know if I should change the belts. I have a 2006 diesel polo, it has 87.000 km, thanks.
Hello, I have a Fiorino van 1.3, years 2013. Almost reaching 50 km. How many km should I change the belt?
Hello, I have an Audi A3 1.4 with 90000km and I want to know if it has a timing belt or a belt.
Hello everyone, I have a peugeot 407 2000 HDI 136 horses from the year 2007, it currently has 202000 km, of which about 170000 are done on the highway and the rest in the city and regional roads. I have not changed it yet and it is like the first day the manufacturer recommends 10 years and 240000 km on this particular car. I also have a Renault Laguna 1900 DTI from the year 99 with 312000 km, the manufacturer recommends every 75000 km, I have changed the first two every 95000 km and the current belt has already 115000 kilometers and is in perfect condition also with most of the kilometers running. city highway and little county roads. Having the car in the garage and not jerking suddenly, especially in low gear, greatly influences durability. By this I mean that changing the strap for the sake of changing it is like taking a €500 bill and flushing it down the toilet bowl. a greeting
I have a Renault symbol 2008 it has 17000 km because it was stored for a long time it may be that there is a need to change the distribution belt soon because it has crystallized or it may not be necessary thanks for the answer
Hello, My name is Giovanni Gutierrez, I have a recently purchased KIA RIO LX 2007, what I don't know is when do I have to change the timing belt or when do I have to change it? The car has 128,500 km.
Hello everyone, my name is Abdul, it's the first time I've entered this blog and I don't know how it works
I don't know if the issue is just the timing belt or I can ask about other issues. Greetings and thank you very much.
hello, I have a nissan march with 98000 km and a while ago it sounded, I thought it was the belt but it kept sounding after having stopped for a long time. Today they are telling me that it is the timing chain that is worn. my car is changed rudder and I can not take it to the dealer, they are charging me 354 euros
Good morning: I have a VW quantum 1.8 single point model 1994. It's really very good, I have in an excel spreadsheet year by year the things that have to be done and the ones that I did. I've been doing very little lately and I need your opinion on changing the timing belt. I changed the last one 4 years ago but I only drove 13.000 km, of which 8.000 are in the city and about 5000 on the road.
What do you suggest me?
hello I have an Audi A3 from 2002-2003 tdi 1.9 the first change of distribution was about 90 thousand now it has 197 thousand and would it be time to change the distribution again ???? It's not that I use it much but if it plays, it plays
hello, I have a hiundai getz 1.3 broke the timing belt, is it necessary to change the tensioner too? Last year I changed both parts, back then it had 85.000km but now it has 204.000km. Your help would be very useful. Thank you
hello , grateful for your willingness to answer our concerns .
I just bought a used car brand Chevrolet corsa plus year 2009 with 75.000 kilometers.,
the car looks great, but when you put the air conditioning on, it sounds forced while idling.-
Is it normal or is there a fault, I will also have to change the belt with this mileage.
Thanks again for all the information.
Hello Ronald, when you buy a used car, the most recommended thing is to do preventive maintenance, that is, change the timing belt and tensioner, check the spark plugs and their cables, change the oil and filter, so you will know that the vehicle will not really leave you thrown. if it is within your reach. write down the dates on which you make these changes and thus keep track.
I have fiesta kinetic 2014 every how many km is the timing belt changed?
thank you day perez for your recommendation that you are very well.
Someone who has changed the distribution belt of opel insignia from the year 2009 gasoline 140 hp. Can you tell me the cost involved?
Good afternoon, can you pass me an image of the tuning of the distribution of the kia carnival 2.9 GS year 2000? Thank you very much in advance. Cheers
Hello friend, my car is a fox 1.6 with 113000 km and they changed the belt at 59000 km, when should I change it again?
Hi, I have a doubt. Can you just change the pump or do you have to change the entire distribution kit? I have a coolant leak, and about 3 years ago, when they sold me the car, they changed the belt... but I see that the pump isn't because it's bothering me. I know that there are places where they only change the pump, but here in Spain I don't know???? Can someone help me with this question? THANK YOU
I have a 97 Chevrolet Blazer, every how many kilometers is it advisable to change the timing belt?
Hello, I have a 2011 Chevrolet Astra with 65000 km. I use it very little, weekends. I would like to know if I have to make the change. Thank you very much. I need to know because I'm traveling soon, I'll do about 800 km!
I have a 2001 Altima, they changed the timing chain kit, and after that the oil warning light started to come on, they changed the oil pump and cleaned the silk, and it continues to come on, what could be the problem?
Hi, I have a question. I have a 2003 Seat León with 210000 km. I just changed the timing belt plus pump and I tested the car on the highway and it does not accelerate more than 120 km/hour. My question is, could the belt be the reason for this? issue?
Hello, I want to clear up a doubt. I took my car to have the belt changed and they told me that it has a chain. My car is a 2010 sandero.
I have an h1 with 270000km. From the year 2008. The h1 does not use a strap but a chain. There is no need to change.
The h1 you don't have to change. It does not have a strap but a chain. I have 270000km… I won the lottery.
Good afternoon everyone, I have a 2012 Ford Fiesta "se" model and I would like to know at what mileage it is advisable to change the accessory belt. My vehicle has 59.860 km of travel.
I have a montero 2006 xls sport every time the timing belt is changed and what brand of belt do you recommend? You see that there are already many brands now there is a risk of damaging valves if the belt were to burst or this type of engine protects itself and damage is it minimal? Cheers
I have a golf 4 and the belt was changed with 260000 km and now it has 330000 can someone tell me when I have to change it approximately
Hello good, I have a Seat Leon from 2011 and I wanted to know if I have to change the timing belt because this summer I plan to make a fairly long trip of about 7500 km round trip, the car currently has 104000 km and the manufacturer told me It is recommended to change it at 120000 km. My question is to pay attention to the manufacturer or change it before starting the trip? Greetings and I appreciate your help!
Good afternoon,
I have a Ford Edge 2010 and 76.000 km, it comes with a chain, at what time is it advisable to change it or at what km.
Thank you
Olaaa I have a lagoon from the year 98 and I changed the distribution circle at 140 thousand and now it has 280 thousand I ask you can I throw away 290 thousand thanks a greeting
I have a 2006 kia senna 120.000 miles! When should I change the timing belt? Thank you
I have a focus with 180.000km and I have never changed it and recently in the workshop they told me that I can still hold on without changing it
Hello. I have a Peugeot 308 mod 2014 with 50000 km. At how many km do I have to change the timing belt?
Could you tell me at what kilometers the timing belt of the Ford Figo is changed?
Good evening, my car is a Ford Fiesta model 2011, it is in good condition, it is time to change the timing belt and what is the cost?
Audi A4 2.0 2011 I changed the timing chain and tensioners but now it doesn't start
To all those who ask if it's time for the strap change, read the note!!! it is very clear.
In my case, as a preventive measure, it was changed after 50 km, after 3 and a half years of use.
Read the vehicle manual! follow the manufacturer's recommendations and above all have a trusted mechanic check it out.