The maintenance of our radiator

Car radiator maintenance: cleaning inside and outside and repair

El radiator of our car It is a fundamental part of its proper functioning. Without him, something as vital as engine cooling it could not be maintained and would soon be irretrievably damaged. But what must not be forgotten is that the radiator It's just one of the components. of the cooling system. It is a circuit full of parts and nooks and crannies where dirt can accumulate. Therefore, in this article we are going to show you how to keep the radiator in perfect condition and how to clean it together with the whole circuit.

Over time the radiator of a car begins to lose cooling capacity due to accumulated dirt inside and out. The one inside prevents the heat from being properly transmitted from the antifreeze to the radiator, in addition to hindering or preventing the circulation of the liquid. External dirt prevents the air from coming into contact with the radiator to lower its temperature.

clean the outside of the radiator

Clean car radiator outside for maintenance

The first step is simple and should be done periodically. Especially when we drive through areas with a lot of dust, mud or insects. It never hurts to hit it with the pressure hose when we go to wash the car. First with the soaping program and, after waiting a few minutes, with the rinsing program. The time it takes to soap the rest of the car will be enough. What you should never do is use the hot wax program, polish or any other function offered by the car wash you are at, because they leave residues.

If you would like to do it meticulously, the process can be a bit complicated. On most models you will have to remove the front bumper, to expose the radiator. The huge number of tutorials on Youtube can make it much easier for you to disassemble this part from almost any model. Here's an example:

Once you have left the radiator to air, you should use a brush with soap and water to make it very clean. If any remains have remained, such as insects or a stone, it is likely that you will have to pry it out. In these cases, do not use anything metal and be careful not to damage the aluminum sheets. Then rinse it very well with pressurized water.

Clean stepper motor...

Since you get down to work, clean the engine of the car to give it a glossier look is a good idea. Also, some plastics and rubbers they will last longer with a good cleaning and polishing. In the video below you can see how to do it in about 15 minutes.

As you may have seen in this video, some products can be used without problems because they do not conduct electricity. So you don't have to waste time on useless precautions. In addition, they are cheap products that can be found in any supermarket, if you do not already have them at home.

When to clean the radiator inside?

As well as other parts of our engine, the radiator requires periodic maintenance. A period of two or three years is adequate to carry out its cleaning. In addition, changing the antifreeze is also recommended, not because it loses its properties against freezing or as a coolant. What can happen is that compounds that prevent corrosion of parts lose effectiveness and the circuit deteriorates over time.

Antifreeze G12

If you look closely, there are antifreezes that have the code G12 on the packaging. It is an organic antifreeze of much higher quality than synthetic ones. Among the advantages it has is that it takes much longer to lose its properties than the rest. So you don't have to change it as often. In general, you should not mix any organic antifreeze with a synthetic one because they lose their properties and you will have to clean the entire circuit.

Inside radiator cleaning steps

Clean the car radiator inside for maintenance

Step 1 – Use of specific product (optional)

There are many products for cleaning a radiator inside. They are normally poured into the cooling system and the engine is heated so that the thermostat opens and coolant flows throughout the system. This step is optional, because although they can help rid us of dirt, it does not have to be necessary. We do not give you precise instructions on how to use it because they come in the container itself.

Step 2 - Cold Engine

To start with the cleaning and maintenance tasks, we must make sure that the engine is cold. When it is hot, the pressure and temperature inside the circuit can cause it to splash when we uncover its entrance.

Step 3 – Emptying the circuit

To drain the radiator and the rest of the cooling system, you must access the bottom of the car. There we will find a kind of stopper or key that allows the opening and emptying of the antifreeze. Otherwise, you will have to remove the sleeve have the radiator at its lowest. If you remove another one that is in the upper part, the circuit will not be completely emptied.

Open cap, key or hose to drain antifreeze from the radiator

Step 4 – Recycle

The coolant is highly toxic, especially non-organic. So it is recommended that you use a container for storage and disposal in a recycling center, without having contact with animals or children in the process.

Step 5 – Rinse

Once the radiator is completely empty, place a hose in the expansion tank or radiator opening and let the water flow with all the pressure you can without splashing. In the article about How to clean the engine, what can be done and what not, we tell you what the consequences can be of wetting what should not be in vain.

The plug, key or bottom sleeve must be open for the water to flow out of it. Apply plenty of water until you see that it comes out completely clear. If it's hot, better than better.

Dirty radiator inside. View of the expansion tank during maintenance.

Step 6 – Fill with distilled water

The next step to do it perfectly is to fill the circuit with distilled water, close and start the engine to warm it up again. Do not forget also turn on the heating at its maximum temperature and the fan at minimum so that the secondary circuit also opens. The heaters usually work thanks to the heat of the engine, through a small system that receives the hot antifreeze liquid.

After that, wait again for it to cool down a little so it doesn't splash when you open the expansion tank. Also open the cap, key or hose at the bottom of the radiator so that all the distilled water comes out. Now your radiator is nice and clean.

clean radiator of classic car

Step 7 - Fill with New Antifreeze

Close the radiator cap, key or hose and fill it up little by little with coolant. There are also people who use again distilled water to replace. An alternative that manufacturers strongly discourage. Liquids have all necessary additives to take care of the system. In addition, it is clear that if you use distilled water in areas where the temperature drops below 0º, you will cause very serious damage to the engine. The price of antifreeze is very low, so it is not worth taking the risk to save a few euros every few years.

Important notice: do not mix types of antifreeze

Before we have mentioned the organic antifreeze G12. Well, if your car indicates that you have to use that type, do not use another. It is always indicated on the expansion vessel, in an easily visible place.

G12 antifreeze. use correct antifreeze

Step 8 - Bleeding the Antifreeze

Don't think you're done with just pouring the antifreeze into the expansion tank. As the refrigeration circuit turns and passes complex components there will always be some air. Normally you have to open the filler cap and run the engine up to operating temperature for the thermostat to open. Thus, the motor that moves the liquid will expel the air through the expander vessel and we will be able to pour the liquid until the indicated level is reached.

However, the purging process may not be so simple. There are models of all types, for which you have to do different tasks. That is why we recommend that you visit the article How to bleed antifreeze from the cooling circuit. Here we explain this process in more detail.

Step 9 – Cap Change (Optional)

The radiator cap is an element that should not be neglected in the maintenance of the car. Normally its replacement is not necessary, since only in very old cars it may not fit well when put back. The passage of time and the constant changes in temperature they can warp or crack it. In the rest of the cases, it will be enough for you to use a hose to remove the dirt.

Types of antifreeze for the car
Related article:
Antifreeze for the car: what types are there and which can be mixed

When to use products for the interior of the radiator

If you can't decide to use a specific product To clean the radiator inside, here are the circumstances in which it should be used:

  • La use of tap water It is a recurring problem. This is a very harmful practice for the radiator since mineral residues accumulate, creating a film that hinders heat exchange and can end up obstructing the flow of liquid. If you have purchased a used car and find this film inside your radiator, you should clean it with a specific product.
  • If you have found one mixture of antifreeze and oil, the first thing will be to fix the mechanical problem, but you will also have to use a cleaning product. If you don't, it is very likely that there will be remains, since a brown paste is created that is difficult to remove.
  • In the cars where antifreeze hasn't been changed in a long time, it is also a good idea to use a product. The liquid loses properties and creates sediments that must be removed.

Crack in car radiator

Correct level of antifreeze in car radiator maintenance.

Your car may be leaking antifreeze somewhere. In these cases there are products to cover the fissures have the system. It is a liquid that coagulates on contact with oxygen and prevents the liquid from escaping through those small openings. Although it is often called permanent sealant or permanent leak stopper, it is a provisional solution with which you can continue circulating for a certain time until they reopen.

Good examples of this product are Wynn's or the Liqui Moly. As you can see they have different names: leak stopper, sealant or waterproofing, but in essence they are the same type of product and work in the same way.

You can try such a product if the leaks are very small, but if the antifreeze comes out in abundance, you will have to repair it properly. Fluid loss can be by the radiator itself or by a hose of the refrigeration circuit. Normally you have to take it to the workshop. There you will make sure that this important element of your car ends up fully operational. If not, there may come a day when the temperature gauge goes off during a trip and you are left lying on the road.

Related article:
Function and importance of the water pump

The radiator or expansion tank cap

Another typical breakdown that can cause problems in the cooling system is the fluid leak from radiator cap. Although this will only happen in the few models that remain without an expansion vessel. This is completely normal, since the cap withstands high pressures and when our car is in motion it can give way over time. To identify the fault, it will be enough to have the car running for a few minutes to verify that the plug is firm and the liquid does not come out.

Apart from this, the function of the radiator cap or the expansion vessel is also that of maintain adequate pressure within the circuit. If the plug does not close properly, there will be problems in the system, so it is advisable to change them if you see liquid or gas coming out when the engine is hot.

What happens if I run out of antifreeze?

Car with damaged radiator picked up by crane

Although it is commonly called antifreeze, it is actually its main function is to cool the engine. Therefore, if the car's radiator and the entire cooling system are not properly maintained, the damage can become very serious.

The first thing to check if the engine temperature warning light comes on is the coolant level. It is normally indicated on the system's expansion vessel. The indication may be half hidden by the hoses and other pipes of the engine, but you will be able to see it if you dig a little.

If the problem is that you are losing antifreeze the normal thing is that you do not directly see the liquid. If the check engine light has come on, the leak is serious, not just a little. In this case, the best thing you can do is stop as soon as possible, respecting road safety regulations, and call the tow truck to take your car to a workshop.

Temporary fix in case of emergency (not recommended)

Old cooling system: radiator, expansion tank.

If you need for whatever get somewhere urgently and you can't stop long. The best thing to do is to lift a hood and take a look in case you are lucky and the leak is in a visible place. If so, use electrical tape or contact adhesives similar to those used in plumbing to plug the leak. Then fill the expansion tank or the radiator until it reaches the level. Remember that it is recommended that wait for the engine to cool down, so that the hot liquid does not splash on you when you open the glass.

Bleed the system by reheating the engine with the glass open to remove the air. In addition, this way you will make sure if what you have used to provisionally cover the leak holds. When all the air has come out, fill with more antifreeze until reaching the level.

Faults due to loss of antifreeze

This interim arrangement not recommended and you run the risk of damage to your engine that is very expensive to repair. When an engine overheats, many of its parts are deformed and pieces like butt, collectors and turbo among others they can lose their tightness. Very expensive breakdowns to fix.

For example, if the cylinder head or its gaskets are damaged you can find the typical mixture of oil and antifreeze in the expansion vessel. A breakdown that involves very high costs because they require fixing or changing the cylinder head and/or its gaskets and cleaning the entire cooling system in depth. The same process that we have explained to you above, but with the extra difficulty of having to remove oil. All this added adds up to many hours of workshop that greatly increase the bill.

If you want to know more about the maintenance of your car We recommend the articles from Actualidad Motor:

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      frank thrown said

    One question, I have a 250-cylinder Suzuki 4 GSX motorcycle, and well, after a long trip, the motorcycle began to heat up and I began to stop so that it could cool down, and then I continued like this until I reached a tap where I waited about 15 minutes and pour water with the bike off.
    Before, I didn't consume much liquid, at most half a glass, now that I'm using it after experiencing problems with the motorcycle such as a drop in radiator liquid, etc. Now my liquid is consumed quickly and instead of half a glass, now I put half a liter of liquid, which is what What do you ask me please help me what do I do? I give it maintenance as you explain on your page. Thank you


         louis gaton said

      It seems to me that your bike has another problem. Possibly the cap does not close properly and loses pressure, which causes heating and loss of liquid. Although perhaps the most likely is that you have a bad head gasket. See if there is steam coming out of the exhaust pipe or there are traces of oil in the antifreeze or vice versa.

      Joseph Canalejo said

    How can you tell that the G12 is not organic? I recommend that you review your knowledge about antifreeze and modify the information you provide. G12 is an antifreeze based on organic corrosion inhibitors, carboxylates to be more exact.

         Motor News said

      Thank you for your comments José Canalejo. Indeed, the G12 antifreeze is organic and this is reflected in most of the article, except in the part you comment on. It must have remained as a redoubt of an old article on which we made this one. Corrected information. Thanks and greetings from Actualidad Motor.