Cruise control: when to use it and when not to

Speed ​​regulator

There is not the slightest doubt that the driving assistance systems They really make the task much easier for us drivers. And it is that, cars have evolved a lot in recent years in this area. One of the most used is the automatic speed regulator, also known as cruise control o cruise control.

This system helps us to rest our right ankle especially during travel. Therefore, the speed regulator is very comfortable, but in addition it can also free us from more than one speeding ticket for absent-mindedness; as long as we select a speed within the margins of the law, of course. However, there are situations in which we should not use it. doWhen to use cruise control and when not to?

First of all, it should be noted that this system has evolved in recent years. Initially, it only allowed us to select a speed and modify it manually with the steering wheel controls. Now we have the adaptive cruise control, which automatically slows down if the vehicle in front of us is going slower, keeping the safety distance without the driver intervening.

How cruise control works

Mercedes adaptive cruise control

Cruise control is a system that, although it helps us a lot, has a very basic operating principle. When we activate it and select a speed, the electronics simply is responsible for managing the accelerator to maintain that speed. When we face a slope and it detects that the vehicle is losing speed, it increases the load to stabilize again at the one we had preselected.

It must be said that the first models with speed regulator were somewhat abrupt in this regard, as they accelerated quite strongly when they noticed that we were facing a slope and, therefore, it was noticeable in the passenger compartment. They are much softer now when it comes to increasing the load, improving comfort and the feeling of safety and control for both the driver and passengers.

How to disable cruise control

To deactivate it we only have to push the button of the steering wheel for said function. Of course, it is also automatically deactivated with just touch the brake pedal and, on vehicles with a manual gearbox, when step on the clutch. If for any circumstance of the circulation we find ourselves in the need to have to accelerate more, we simply press the accelerator again.

How adaptive cruise control works

This variant shares all of the above with the standard cruise control, only increases its functions and security. It may be the case that, with the conventional cruise control, we get distracted and get too close to the vehicle in front of us without maintaining a correct safety distance.

El adaptive cruise control, through a radar located in the front of the vehicle, reduces the speed of our car if it detects that in front of us there is another vehicle relatively close and maintains an optimal safety distance. As a general rule, the driver can vary that distance. If the vehicle in front of us moves away, the system increases the speed and recovers the speed we had selected.

When to use cruise control

Toyota Cruise Control

Normally, the first times we use the cruise control we don't feel completely comfortable, because we are not used to our car continuing to accelerate if we are not the ones who order it directly with the right pedal. In any case, that fear turns into comfort soon after you start using it, but always must be used when driving conditions are optimal.

Express lanes with little traffic

The ideal is to activate the speed regulator on expressways (motorways and dual carriageways) in situations of Low traffic. That is when we can get the most out of cruise control, whether it is adaptive or not, because we can really relax our right foot since we will not have to be deactivating it and constantly changing the preset speed.

As I said above, we we will save speeding tickets by mistake We should also keep in mind that, by maintaining a steady speed, logic tells us that we can save some fuel, because if we drive using the accelerator in a traditional way, we will vary the speed more unintentionally.

at responsible speeds

Cruise Control

Although the maximum limit of our highways is 120 km/h, it may be that "one day we go a little faster" than we should, or that we travel to Germany and drive along some section of the Autobahn without a speed limit. Better use only at “normal” speeds, because if we go very fast we cover many more meters from when we want to deactivate it until we do it and it may not be very safe.

In conditions of good visibility

Ideally, in addition to activating the speed regulator on fast roads, in low traffic conditions and at politically correct speeds, it is to do when visibility is good. It is not that we cannot use it at night, but we will feel safer on sunny days, without rain and without fog.

When not to use cruise control

As you will see, we should not use this driving aid when logic dictates.

All active safety systems and driving assistance of modern vehicles are always welcome, but we must have common sense and not think that they will always save us from the most complicated situations, as there are times when it is better to avoid their operation or trust them 100%.

In town

cruise control off

In this image, the cruise control appears deactivated

When driving around the city we are constantly accelerating, changing gear, braking, changing from one lane to another, using the turn signals, looking in the rear-view mirrors, be careful with that pedestrian who is still crossing... That is to say, changes of pace and much more work than on the open road. Therefore, in these situations it is better to forget about it. Moreover, many models do not allow it to be activated below 50 km/h.

with heavy traffic

If we drive on two-way roads or expressways with a lot of traffic is also not recommended. Changes of pace are frequent, as well as overtaking and lane changes, so we will have a greater control and more agility if we dispense with its use in these conditions of circulation.

In contrast, some models with adaptive cruise control also have the function of traffic jam assistant; although only vehicles with an automatic gearbox can incorporate it. In traffic jams -since we drive at very low speed, stop and start-, the system maintains a safety distance from the vehicle in front of us and is able to completely stop the car and resume driving when it moves again. All this automatically. It is usually combined with lane keeping assist.

twisty roads

On twisty roads, like those found in mountain passes, we go constantly accelerating and braking, so on these types of roads it makes no sense activate the automatic cruise control. In addition, on these roads, visibility is reduced due to the abundance of curves, so we could find an obstacle with little room for reaction.

During adverse weather conditions

Again, and following the logic, we do not recommend using it when the weather conditions are complicated. With rain, fog or snow we have less visibility and obviously our tires offer a lower grip. We can find a puddle unexpectedly and, although the cruise control is automatically deactivated if the stability control comes into action, it is better to anticipate to increase our safety.

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