Function of a car alternator regulator box

car alternator regulator

When talking about the components of the car, surely many are unaware that the regulatory box It is found in the extensive list of its constituent parts. Another way to call it is alternator regulator.

This box has the mission, as its name indicates, to regulate the intensity of the electric current generated by the engine. An essential task so that no electrical component of the car is damaged.

The importance of the alternator regulator

car alternator

As el motor rotates at different speeds, the current generated by the alternator would be unstable and, in most cases, out of proper voltage to charge the battery. For example, the current intensity can easily reach 18 volts (V) when the motor is running very high, which would be excessive for a conventional 12 V battery.

To avoid this, the regulator he is in charge of keep it at the right levels: usually between 13,5V and the 14,5V. A value that will fluctuate depending on the needs of the battery, mainly determined by the level of charge it already has and the temperature it is at.

What happens when the regulator does not work

Alternator regulator failure

The most common is that when the regulator or regulator box fails, it does so by issuing a minor current intensity to the necessary. That is, below the 13,5 V mentioned before. The result is that the battery is never charged and eventually runs out completely.

This is so because from their design they are usually designed so that when they fail, the current drops in any case. If it went up instead, the damage to the vehicle could be very serious.

In any case, in older vehicles the increase in current intensity can be a somewhat more frequent fault, which should not be neglected.

How is the regulator?

modern cars

car alternator regulators

In today's cars, the regulator is directly coupled to the alternator. Normally under a plastic casing that covers one of its sides. From there, it analyzes the voltages and controls its operation. Moreover, there are more and more models in which said regulator goes connected to the switchboard of the car, to achieve a more advanced regulation. In which case, it is she who has "the last word" on the power supply.

As you can see in the image in this section, it has carbon brushes that are quickly identified because they go in pairs and are usually copper or silver. These are the ones that come into contact with the alternator rotor.

Old cars

In old cars, it was a independent regulator box with electromagnets (known as relays) that detected the difference in current. That is, a completely mechanical device and, therefore, had a much cruder energy management.

We recommend the following video to find out the state of your battery and the alternator of your car. It is very simple and you just need a multimeter:

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      RAUL MARKET said

    hello ... I have a nissan pathfinder year 1994, the problem that is giving me is the electric pump. In 2 months I changed 3 pumps. and I continue with the same little problem, it works normally, only that it lacks fuel input, so it makes it jerk the vehicle and the engine counter-explodes due to the lack of fuel input.

    If you could give me a little hand to solve this problem... I would really appreciate it

         Fernando Martinez said

      to the computer

      saul said

    The fuel filter may be clogged and require replacement...

      GILO said


         Luis said

      if it's trembling when you stop, it's because it's advanced and you have to slow it down.

      miguel angel said

    Good day, look, I have a 1988 Blaizer. Suddenly, the current from the fuel pump went off. I put the pump directly on if it starts, but it lasts a while and stops again. It could be the vdd. I don't want to get rid of that truck. thanks

      Alfonso Zamora said

    good I have a problem with my fiat one year 89
    first it started with problems k the alternator did not charge the battery
    I sent it to be repaired and a guy changed the regulator box. Now the car doesn't turn on any lights. Cats contact nothing. Change all the fuses, charge the battery, change relays and nothing happens. I also changed the plate and nothing and testing, the current reaches the plate well.
    please contact the email thank you

      Jose Enrique said

    I have a 2004 Toyota Corolla XLI. The problem I have is that after having the car stopped for approx. After 8 or 10 hours, when you turn it on again, the battery indicator light stays on for several minutes. Sometimes it turns off after a while, however, other times it does not turn off. We checked the alternator and it charges without problems and they tell me that the problem may be the regulator box. The problem is that it is quite expensive and before changing I need to know if anyone has had a similar problem.

    Thank you

      manuel caceres said

    Mr. Zamora check the positive cables from the battery, it happened to me that one of the positive cables had been cut

         George said

      Change the regulator box aiesta the problem I am electrical author

         Gabriel Morales Pena said

      I have a hilux truck from the year 1979 to which everything has been changed, it began by disassembling the engine, metal rings and others were changed. For the electrical part, the condenser platinum spark plugs were changed, also the all-new alternator, the distributor ordered it to be repaired.
      the problem is that it doesn't start well, it doesn't have strength going up. when part you have to have in choker
      thrown to more than half, the regulator box was changed and there is no case. I need if you can help me
      the mechanic can't do it. I am afraid someone else will see her for the money they are asking for.

      hugo soto said

    Good afternoon, my question is the following about the regulator box, I have an injected Volvo 360 year 86, the problem I've had lately is that at times the battery goes away when trying to start it, as if it were discharged. I charge the battery, all the terminals are tight, I have checked cables and so on, but the same thing keeps happening, for example I am driving in the car and at a certain moment I feel that the lights dim, if I stop the car and make it start, this not part. But after a while more or less an hour, when giving it part contact, the dashboard lights show that the battery is with very little charge. I start the car and disconnect the battery and it runs smoothly, but the issue of the charge going out happens to me randomly. From what I've read about automotive electricity, I think it's the regulator box. I hope you can help me.

    Thank you.

      jonathan echiburu said

    i have a subaru loyale car i repaired the alternator by changing the plate that the mechanic told me but now
    I was voted on the road again according to the mechanic said that I had been loading 13,5 and not 14 as I should have I do not know what to do it is my first car and I have passed many
    ravias please. a little help
    thank you

         Lean17_4000 said

      change mechanic

      Manuel said

    I have a chevrolet monza, the problem is that the alternator stops charging sometimes, I sent the alternator to check and they put it on a test bench and they told me that it is good and there are no faults when consuming energy, check the cables and change the that goes to the battery, I made a new jumper to the ground one, it worked fine but it presented the same problem again, could it be that the regulator box sometimes does not work well? thanks to all this for your collaboration

      Christian Honorato said

    I have a 2007 toyota new yaris sedan, and the bat charge light. It stays on, I checked the load and it's fine, what could it be? the regulator box? can it be changed?
    stay tuned

         George said

      Ola changes the regulator box when it heats up it presents a fault any query I am electric 78051900

           daniel said

        Hello Jorge, how do I test the electronic regulator box to see if it is good, I mean outside the alternator

      Miguel Espinosa 03 said

    With what instrument do I see in what conditions
    is the regulator box???

      Francisco said

    What is the operation of alternators with integrated regulator box?

      Pablo Munoz said

    how do i know if the hyunday elantra regulator box is good

      rayer187 said

    I have a 97 Ford Escort car which vibrates a lot when braking and turning on the lights or A/C
    and I would like to know if it has a lot to do with the alternator and what I should do. Thank you.

      jose said

    I have a corsa and with the use of the lights afterwards it does not want to break my car, which could be if I change the coals.

      Jose Power Lautaro said

    hello virtual workshop good afternoon, my questions is if you know where is the regulator box of the mahindra pick up 2009? Thank you in advance.

      albert castle said

    Hello, I have a hyundai accent 98, super good and economical car, given the years I have not had major problems, but at this time, I go out with it and after a few minutes it stops and does not start again, is this related to the regulator box?

      Sergio Rodrigo said

    I have a slight query I have a 1.6 chevrolet corsa 1998, and last night it was at its best and the lights went out, and everything that is the electrical part stopped working, the engine starts when I push it but I turn on the lights and it stops, sometimes my opinion has to do with the alternator, perhaps the regulator box, what else could it be? Cheers…

      Ivan San Martin Espinoza said

    Hello, I have a 323 Mazda 81 and it has a universal regulator box and I want to put an alternator from a Chevrolet Monza. I would like to know if it is possible, greetings, I will be attentive to the answers

      Juan rojas said

    power input and power output are protected by fuses

      Juan rojas said

    I did not specify well the input and output of the alternator of a Mahindra is protected by fuses, it does not generate current, it was a fuse

      Alvaro Martin Matamala Lefimil said

    hello I need help with a hyundai getz 1.4 year 2006 – I took it to the technical review and after this I started with the following problem.
    When I remove the ignition key or turn off the vehicle, the window lifter continues to work, I can raise and lower the windows, with the key in my hand, in addition to the air commands, which if I forget to close I imagine they will use up the battery , (new). Why is it, a fuse is blown, a regulator is damaged???

      Ivan said

    I have a chevrolet luv double cab engine 2.3 year 95 with injection the problem is when I make it start and and I do it it sucks and I have to drive about three kilometers and it hits like a jerk and it goes well then I stop it it went handar and it goes back to the same change spark plugs spark plug wires distributor cap give me a hand

      Edgardo said

    hello you know I have a toyota corolla xL 1.3 year 90 yesterday it stopped for one and now the witness (the red light) does not show me to buy a battery and it continues with the same thing, what could it be?

      beautiful francisco said

    good morning I have a nissan d-21 2006 4 × 4 the alternator stopped working and I discharged the battery I sent it to repair and it's good I put it back and it doesn't work what I did realize is that the truck turns on but it doesn't neither the headlights nor the dashboard lights come on, I check the fuselage and they don't get power either, can you tell me what it could be, thanks

      Christopher said

    Has anyone answered the question?

      Achilles Baeza said

    Hello, has anyone answered your questions? 😀

      José said

    Hello, I have a fiat type 1.4 and I changed the battery, which they checked to give me the guarantee and they told me that it does not go up to 14 volts and it stays at twelve, well, up to two days, it turned on, but now it does not even start, can you tell me what it could be?

      Manuel Ruiz said

    Good morning . I have a similar problem. I already changed the alternator. I checked all the cables and changed the relays. And it still doesn't give me more than 12v, sometimes it's close to 13 but it doesn't go over there