La ITV o Technical inspection of vehicles It is a periodic review that all motor vehicles must pass. The periodicity between revisions is fixed according to the type of vehicle and its age, but they always get used to checking the same points, with lighting, brakes, suspensions, engine emissions and clearances being the most important. A task that they theoretically perform more inflexibly after the changes it has received in 2018.
Passing the ITV is mandatory and the police can sanction us if we don't. For this reason, at Actualidad Motor we will try to answer the main doubts and concerns that drivers have about the ITV: how much does it cost to pass it? Where can I do it? What do the inspectors look at? How often do I have to take my vehicle?
Where can I pass the ITV?
You can check where are the ITV stations in page of the Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicles or in the list of the DGT. Some useful databases, but whose updating is not always very diligent. Nowadays, the most logical thing is that you do a search on Google or Google Maps, to find the closest one. Having liberalized the sector, the centers themselves they worry about being visible on the internet.
If your car is old, it is advisable that you go to a mechanical workshop first to do a pre-ITV review. There they will do some tests similar to those that are done during the ITV, to correct defects that can contribute to a unfavorable outcome. Many workshops, insurers and associations offer the service of taking your car on your behalf. They can even do it free of charge as a claim for you to do the periodic review at their establishment. Ask if they offer that service and try to match your review with the date you have to pass the ITV.
How often do you have to pass the ITV?
ITV frequency will vary by vehicle type. Also after the ITV reform of 2018 these deadlines have changed for some. In any case, the cars continue to pass the first at four years, every two until 10 years old and annually thereafter.
are to rental cars For those that have, the inspection frequency has been changed. Before they had to pass the ITV every two years from the beginning. But with the new regulations receive the same treatment than a private car. The Light vehicles they will pass the ITV every two years until the sixth. The following four years will be annual and from then on every six months.
How much does it cost to pass the ITV?
This is the one million question. There is no standardized price throughout the Spanish territory. especially since centers are proliferating dedicated to ITV after the liberalization of this service. Also, as the changes of the ITV 2018 involve an extra investment to upgrade inspection lines, this cost may be passed on to customers.
Large differences in prices can be found depending on the autonomous community where it is done They also vary depending on the fuel or anti-pollution measures of the vehicles. Even so, we make a small comparison between the most expensive community and the cheapest to pass the Technical Inspection in relation to passenger vehicles, where we find the categories of non-catalyzed gasoline, catalyzed and diesel vehicles. In most cases, the cheapest rate in passenger cars is for non-catalyzed gasoline, while the most expensive is usually for diesel. Motorcycles, mopeds and industrial vehicles are governed by other rates.
the cheapest place to pass the ITV of our car is Estremadura, with an average price of 29,99 euros regardless of the type of fuel. The most expensive is found in Ceuta, with an average price of 55,99 euros for diesel vehicles, winning the communities of Madrid and Valencia by a few cents. Therefore, in passenger cars, there is a difference of almost double according to communities.
What do I need to pass the ITV?
To pass the ITV it will be necessary to present certain documentation. It is mandatory to present the Circulation Permit, Vehicle Technical Sheet, also known as ITV card, and in some communities your DNI. It is no longer necessary to carry the valid insurance receipt between the car documentation, so the same thing happens when we take it in for inspection. In the center they can verify that it is paid electronically. Even with everything, it never hurts to take it in case they have a connection problem and can't see it at the time.
In any case, if this happens and you do not have the receipt, there is an agreement by the administration that would allow you sign a responsible declaration that you have valid insurance. The center itself could confirm it when it recovers the connection or you could provide the document later.
What do they watch on ITV?
In the ITV they look at various sections of the vehicle and with the ITV 2018 defects are not allowed previously considered mild. In any case, everyone knows that some seasons are more thorough than others with items to check. Normally, the chassis number of the car is compared with the one that appears in the documentation and elements such as the lights, windshield wipers and the horn are checked. Then the condition of the tires is checked and that all the parts of the bodywork are suitably fastened and that they cannot cause any damage due to sharp edges or the like.
The next step is the review of the possible fault lights on dashboard or even the correct operation of the seat belt lock. They will also check the condition of suspensions and brakes in specialized measuring devices. will be reviewed the underside of the vehicle in search of defective elements, gaps or leaks.
The dreaded emissions tests
Finally, one of the most important tests of the inspection will be passed: the emissions test. In it they will ensure that the contamination levels are within what is required. Cars of a certain age and especially diesels can have problems with this test. That's what they exist for ways to remove carbon and problems with gases or kits like the STP pre-ITV for diesel y for gasoline.
refurbished cars
If our vehicle presents modifications considered important reforms, they will demand the corresponding homologation, since in case of not fulfilling this requirement, the car would not pass the technical inspection. Take a look at article on the reforms in which we explain what are the necessary requirements to avoid the frequent scares that changes in the car entail.
What happens if I do not pass the ITV?
It is quite common, especially in old vehicles, for defects to appear on the ITV that may prevent us from obtaining the "approved" certificate. An unfavorable ITV supposes that You will have a period of one month to correct the problem and pass inspection again. As of May 20, 2018 already it is not mandatory to return to the same center to do it. It will be possible to demonstrate that the problems have been corrected in any other station. Although see if the site where you passed the first review has a discount to pass the second. Lest you have to pay full price again when you didn't have to.
In the case of a negative result, due to a very serious defect, you will have the same period of one month to fix it, with the exception that the vehicle will not be able to leave the ITV station on its own. It will be necessary to call a tow truck.