The brake lights They are one of the most important in our car. They are in charge of indicating to the rest of the drivers that we reduce speed. Yes Brake lights don't come on, we could suffer an impact due to range, in addition to being sanctioned and, of course, we would not pass the ITV.
Brake lights can fail for many reasons. The most common is that a light bulb burns out, but when none of the brake lights work, one of two, or we are very lazy and they have all melted or we have a problem with the electrical installation.
What to do if the brake lights do not come on
If the brake lights of our car do not turn on, we will have to solve it as soon as possible. Yes all have stopped shining at the same time, it would be rare for them to have melted at the same time, most likely there is a problem with the installation.
What is the fuse for the brake lights
This point is the easiest to check. In the user manual of the car we can see where the fuse box and what is the fuse related to brake lights. If you can't find the user manual or you don't get clear with it, you can always check the fuses one by one.
You have to remove the fuse from its location to check it. A quick glance should be enough to check if the resistor is broken. It is the small connection that joins the two metal plates, which can be seen through the transparent plastic. If you can't see it clearly, you can also use a multimeter by following these steps:
- Set the multimeter to continuity (function indicated by the symbol of a loudspeaker and/or an arrow with a vertical line at the end)
- Put the test leads touching the fuse tabs
- If the multimeter beeps, it means that there is current, if not, it is fused.
If this is the case, it will have to be changed to one of the specifications required by the manufacturer (a fuse costs pennies). I mean, you have to have the same number of amps indicated at the top. If we put a lower amp fuse in, it will blow the next time the brake lights come on.
eye! It is possible that the blown fuse is not the cause, but the result of a larger problem. If there is a short circuit or a bad cable, it could be the cause of the blown fuse. If the fuse blows frequently, the electrical installation should be checked carefully.
Burnt brake bulbs
If only one of the brake lights has stopped working, the most common is that it is a burned out light bulb. Normally one of type P21 24V. The difficulty of replacing it with a new one depends a lot on the model and brand of the car, but in most cases the steps to follow are always the same. Before you begin, we recommend that you disconnect the battery. Although this is not completely necessary, it is advisable to be careful when touching electrical components.
- The first thing we have to do is open the trunk to gain access to the rear lights. In today's cars, the most normal thing is to have to remove tail light, but it may also be that you can simply reach the socketwithout having to disassemble anything. The pilot is usually attached with screws from the side and inside the cargo space.
- Whether you had to remove the entire pilot or not, you will need to remove the bulb holder. It is usually attached with a tab or with a screw.
- Once you have removed the bulb holder, remove the bulb in the same way as in domestic lamps, turning it counterclockwise. In some cases it may be necessary press it to rotate it. This is a system to improve their fixation and that they do not loosen during the march.
- Check if the bulb is really burnt out or has become loose.
- If the car is old, it may be convenient to clean metal contacts bulb holder to remove any dirt or rust. This will ensure that the new bulb makes proper contact.
- Putting in the new bulb make sure it is well fixed.
- Reassemble the bulb holder in the pilot
- Place the pilot if you had to remove it.
- start the car and press the brake pedal to see if the bulb is working properly.
XNUMXrd brake light not working
In the event that the third brake light does not work but the others do, the problem may be something else. If it's on the tailgate of the car, there are times when the trunk's closing slams cause it to some component loses contact over the years. It can also happen that some of the LED lights that make up the line stop lighting up. That is usually because a diode (each LED light) has stopped working.
In such a case, changing the brake light usually costs between 70 and 150 euros, depending on the model of your car. Buying it yourself and putting it on is also an option, if you have some mechanical knowledge. In some vehicles it is very simple.
You can also take it out and repair it by yourself. If any wires have come loose, The solution is very simple. Just plug it back in. If only one diode has been damaged, you can take it out and change it by yourself. Although this requires a tin soldering iron and maybe a desoldering iron. Although the latter is not essential.
brake pedal sensor
The brake lights come on when we apply the brake pedal. This happens because you have a sensor with a switch (Switch), which when pressed the lights stay off. When we apply the brake, pressure is released on it and close the circuit of the brake lighting system, sending electricity to the bulbs.
It is not uncommon for the brake pedal sensor or switch to fail. If we crouch down and look at the bottom bracket, we will see the switch in question, with a push button that goes in and out. The first check is to see if it has been misplaced or there is any defect in its placement. The switch must be depressed enough when the brake pedal is released. If it doesn't, you should adjust it so that it touches it properly.
If that's not the problem, usually we can disassemble the sensor by hand turning it around and disconnecting the cables. Try to clean the contacts well because many times the problem can be solved with this alone. If it still does not work, it is recommended to check it with a polymer. The steps to follow are:
- Set the multimeter to continuity, which is the option that is marked with the symbol of a speaker or an arrow with a vertical line at the end.
- Place the test leads of the multimeter on the metal tabs of the switch. Many times there are only two, so there will be no possibility of error. If you have four, place the wires where they are facing each other. They are usually easy to distinguish because they are the same color: a silver pair and a copper or bronze pair. In this case, the positive and negative polarity does not matter.
- With the cables placed in the tabs, hit the switch to see if it opens and interrupts the current correctly. If there is power the multimeter should beep. If, as we have told you before, there are four tabs, one pair will beep when the switch is pressed and the other will beep when it is not.
If the multimeter does not sound, it means that the switch is not working. The best thing to do is to replace it with a new one, because it is a cheap and easy part to replace. you can find one for your specific model for about 20 euros. Although with some premium models this figure can go up a little more.
to place it you just have to repeat it disassembly steps in reverse:
- Connect the cables firmly, until the clicks of the side tabs sound
- Put it in your hueco where was the faulty sensor
- Tour until fully engaged.
Brake lights stay on
It may also happen that brake lights stay on at all times. In this circumstance, the most common problem is that the brake pedal has lost its plug that tightens the brake sensor (switch or Switch). In other words, when we release the brake, it does not fully tighten and the lights stay on.
In that case, buying a replacement is very cheap (around 2 or 3 euros). Placing it is also very simple in many models. Just be observant and locate the switch above the brake pedal. The most common thing is that the rubber stopper that tightens it has fallen off, so you will only have to put a new one.
If that's your problem, you may notice that your car runs out of battery. The tricky part is that you may not even see that the lights are on. The next video explains how to detect current leakage from the battery, among which are those related to car lights:
Problems in the electrical installation
If the light bulbs, the fuse and the brake switch are not the solution to our problem, then we have to look at the car's electrical installation. will have to check the main masses that may affect the brake system, as well as check that the electrical circuit of the brake lights is not cut in any of its parts. This is the most complicated diagnosis to make, since the wiring of the car can be very intricate depending on the model. If you do not have mechanical knowledge, we recommend that you take it to a workshop.
Excuse me, my gear lever is hard and I just checked that the lights don't turn on when I brake either, could you help me
it's the brake switch, the one you see in the photo, at my pace the same, you change it and that's it, it's under the brake pedal, I assure you that's it
Excuse me, my gear lever is hard and I just checked that the lights don't turn on when I brake either, could you help me
My third brake light stopped working and then the other two that can happen thanks.
My brake lights don't work, from what I've read it could be a fuse or something to do with the brake pedal, if it was the fuse, how can I find the fuse?
Thank you!
Not every time it's the switch, it's another problem.
first the fuses, then the switch, and finally installation.
The 3 brake light on my nissan terrano truck does not come on
Thanks for the information, it helped me a lot, the 3 brake lights went out, I checked the fuses, they were all good, it was the pedal switch, it is very easy to check, the button is regulated and that's it, my car is a Renault logan 2012
hello my renault clio III 1.5 brake light does not work and it is not because of the pedal or the fuse, would anyone know what the problem is?
the 3 brake lights don't work check the fuse and change the pedal switch and nothing. does anyone know what the problem would be. thanks...
sometimes that's not the problem, that's not even the switch, it's an electricity problem. and I'm telling you the switches, in case mine rangers line is a disaster, they're poorly made. mine.
And if the reversing or braking light doesn't work either... and a large 4-input fuse is missing... could it be that????
Please help, only the third light works for me.
I already checked the lights, the fuse, changed the switch twice and nothing turns on what else can I check my car is a 2006 pt crussier
I have an automatic 2002 ford focus and I have a fault with the brake lights, the problem is that the lights come on when it is parked, but when I speed up they no longer work, if someone could help me, thanks
Hi Hector, I would like to know if you found the solution for the brake light because I have the same problem…and I don't know what to do…please contact me…thanks in advance….
I have a ford fiesta, and when braking, it does not turn on rear lights. Can someone please help me.,,
my brake lights don't work
seemed weird to me
I already changed the lights, fuses are fine, I replaced the switch, and nothing, it's still the same, if the lights turn on, it just doesn't do the other function when braking...
At night my rear lights don't turn on, they only turn on when I brake, does anyone know what the reason will be for why they don't turn on?
Hello, I have a Mazda 2. A week ago a light came on on the dashboard indicating a malfunction of the brake switch. I do not know what that means. Any information would be appreciated
My truck didn't have the brake lights working. After that, they started working again. I don't know.
Hi Mario, how did you solve the problem? I have a Mazda 2, and I am now having the same symptom (switch light on the dash, and no brake lights).
check fuses and brake switch, but when pressing the brake laterally it works.
Thank you very much
you only need a good electrician. the scan does not solve the problem. I had it recently with the rangers new line. the guy is a bocho and has nothing in technology. if you take it to the agency they will kill you and I don't think so with all the technology at least in this case know more. with all due respect.
a query I have a chevrolet spark gt the third brake light and the light on the right side come on but the light on the left side does not come on and the bulb is good, what could it be.
One of the brake lights doesn't turn on... but I hit it in the trunk and it turns on... could it be that it's going to melt? Or is it false contact….I have a few.months with the car and it had not failed
i have a seat ibiza 95, the brake lights don't come on i checked the fuses and they are fine, i checked the brake switch and apparently it works. previously everything was fine, my question is if there is a relay that controls the brake lights, such as the turn signals?
I have a 2001 sport explorer they stopped turning on the brake light and a left turn signal on the right if it works
Hello good, I have a ford tournament and the brake light does not work, the bulbs are fine, the fuse is fine and the pedal has two, I changed one and it still does not work, could you help me please
Why do you have to change the two pedal switches or just one?
Good evening, my car is an explorer 97 and I moved the buttons that I brought the steering wheel in front of and they stopped turning on the brake lights now so that they could join
A dictionary please!
I have a scenic 2 from 2007 I have a problem with the right rear light that does not give me the brake signal and the position light shakes. Could someone tell me what is wrong.
I have a Chevrolet optra and the 3 brake lights do not come on what could I do I need help I would not like to be fined for it
I have a toyota higlander 2002 v6 3.0l and the brake light does not come on when I brake and all the fuses are good
I have a new rangers line 2,2 the stop does not work the fuses are fine and the switch is new it may be a switch failure. In the scan it says brake signal A and B do not match. It is the switch or fault in the cpu thanks.
chevrolet captivat brake light pilots does not go third yes pedal switch fuse lamps and ground all good no current reaches the positive of the lamps I do not know where the circuit passes to check
I have a 95 jetta and only the signals and brakes turn on, but the lights that are below the reverse lights do not turn on.
I have a 1992 silverado and the stop stays on when I move the brake, it goes off but comes back on, what could be damaged, how do I solve this? ... also, it has already been marked on the brake dashboard
Thank you very much, all your information is valuable.
Just one question………is it easy for one to change the brake switch? I don't know anything about cars but can I risk changing it?
sometimes not the switch is another problem. of course you have to find an electrician who is a bocho, in the case of fairly new vehicles.
It is too easy. You just have to turn the switch a quarter turn and that's it. This switch is in contact with the brake pedal.
I have a 2008 Nitro and the stop light stays on all the time.
Hello friends
If this has happened to someone and they can give me a little hand I would appreciate it, it happens that the brake lights do not turn on, change the pedal sensor, it was fixed for about 10 minutes, it turned on everything normal, after a while it turned off again and did not turn on more… anything to check or any idea where the problem might be? Thank you very much in advance, regards
The same problem with a Nissan frontier and carefully checking it was not due to damage to the switch, but because there is a small plastic piece on the brake pedal that makes the switch work, since it has a small plunger: when the brake pedal is pressed, it it moves away from the switch and consequently the brake lights turn on, once you release the pedal, it approaches and a small piece of plastic that protrudes forces the piston to hide and the lights turn off. This small piece is damaged leaving a hole. The solution is to look for a piece of rubber that fits into the hole, that is wider at the tip so that it fits and that's it.
Good morning, I have a similar problem.
My Stop light stays stuck since I turn on the lights, sometimes it only works when the car is in P, but when I put it in drive the stop stays stuck. what could you be An electrician says that there is a plate that takes care of that? it will be? my car is a 2002 focus wagen.
I have a 2017 Elantra and today it turned off 2 times I had to turn it on by putting the pedal and pushing the button but it never showed me the check enginer
I have a corsa and the third brake light does not come on, I tried this with an external battery and it works OK. my doubt is the brake switch located on the pedal, it has two inputs or rather two connections, two cables enter one and only 1 in the other, could it be that one is the return of the voltage and in the double it is 1 for sides and the other for 3rd brake light???
I have no current in the fuses, can you help me please?
the three brake lights do not come on in my 2009 ford edge, can you help me
I have a 2006 vw polo car and the stop lights stopped working and they tell me that it is the pedal switch, what can I do?
How do I change the upper stop bulbs for the rear access door gmcterrair 2012 there are 10 I have 3 burnt out
Because my brake lights don't come on and in the quarters they do, but when braking the high brake light doesn't alternate, only the bar that is above the mirror.