What is the car documentation that must be carried?

Mandatory car documentation

Many people wonder what is the car documentation that must be carried by law. An understandable doubt considering that the regulations in this regard have changed several times. Currently you just have to take the Vehicle registration certificate y the ITV card with its latest report. In total there are three documents that show that the vehicle meets all the requirements to circulate legally.

As you may have seen, in the list already The insurance receipt is not included. of car or road tax, although many people still wear it out of habit or simply because they don't trust it. If that is your case, we recommend that you do not worry about those papers, because the agent himself can check in the databases if both things have been paid.

Vehicle registration certificate

Circulation permit

The vehicle's circulation permit is the green diptych issued by the DGT, which is common for the countries of the European Union. Inside appears information about our vehicle such as registration, brand, type, variant or version, service, maximum mass, registration date, date and place of issue, engine displacement, power or authorized number of seats. It is mandatory to carry it in the car documentation because demonstrates that the vehicle has the appropriate characteristics to circulate legally.

The ITV card with its latest report

The card of Technical inspection of vehicles is another green diptych in which data describing the vehicle reappears, but in which the inspections that have been made to the car are recorded. It is mandatory to take it because it is the one that demonstrates that the vehicle meets the minimum conditions to circulate safely.

Card of the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (ITV) and last report

It is also necessary to carry the last technical inspection report together with the card. This will show the conditions in which the vehicle was when it passed the last inspection with data such as the difference in braking intensity between wheels on the same axle, emissions or axle alignment. Also a photo of the license plate will appear and it will be signed and stamped by the center where the inspection was carried out.

Electronic ITV card

La electronic ITV card o eITV It is the card that facilitates procedures for manufacturers and administrations. In practice there are no changes for the car owner since he is more focused on facilitating the registration and registration of the car by manufacturers, dealers, etc. The only thing that can be seen as an improvement for the car buyer is that the dealership takes less time to make the arrangements and you can receive it sooner.

Cars, vans, trucks and trailers carry it since November 11, 2015 and motorcycles, mopeds, quads and other small displacement three- and four-wheel vehicles since May 11, 2016.

Fines for not carrying the car documentation

Fines for not carrying the car documentation

Fine for lack of driving license

If you do not have the driving license in the car, the fine is only 10 Euros. However, if the case is that the car does not have a valid circulation permit, this figure rises to 500 Euros.

Fine for lack of ITV card

If you do not have the ITV card and the latest report in the car, the fine is also 10 Euros. If you do not take it because your car has not passed it within the indicated period, the fine is 200 Euros.

Penalty for not having insurance

Although you do not have to bring the receipt of having paid the insurance, if the agent verifies that your car does not have it, the fine isBetween 600 and 3.000 euros depending on the type of vehicle.

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