Cars with LPG and CNG in 2022: differences and prices

Differences between LPG and CNG and cars that use them

You may be considering buying a new car soon. Do you need an Eco-labeled car to get to the city center, but you are not interested in hybrid models? Probably the best option for you is to opt for an LPG or CNG car. But What cars are there in 2022 that use these gases?

CNG and LPG vehicles are an alternative to be taken into account. They can work both with gasoline and with one of these two fuels. Indeed, they are less polluting and benefit from significant tax benefits, such as less taxes or bonuses in regulated car parks. Also they tend to stand out for their low cost, except in special situations like the ones we are currently experiencing in the geopolitical and economic sphere.

Cars with LPG 2022

LPG cars in 2022

We currently find more cars on the market with LPG than with CNG. There was a certain tendency to reverse this situation, but this is no longer the case due to the rising prices of this fuel. Liquefied Petroleum Gas is and will continue to be more widespread in Europe and Spain than Compressed Natural Gas.

There are several car brands that offer us their vehicles adapted to LPG directly when we bought it new from the dealer. The LPG cars of 2022 are:

Thus we have had to say goodbye to models with LPG like those of Opel, which had bet heavily on LPG years ago, but has gradually deflated and now does not offer cars that use this type of fuel. There were also several LPG models in Subarulike the XV, Outback, Levorg or Impreza, but they are no longer available first hand. Fiat has also stopped selling the Panda with LPG. To top it off, we find that SsangYong Spain sold the XLV with LPG, a product that has been highly demanded in the taxi sector in Madrid; although it is already discontinued.

Cars with CNG 2022

CNG cars in 2022

Fewer are the options with NCG. and it may be that the trend is for there to be even less due to the increase in the price of this gas. Although we have to see how the geopolitical and economic conflicts that have caused this price increase unfold. In 2022 the cars with CNG are:

In other words, only the Volkswagen Group offers passenger cars with this fuel in our country. Although we have had to say goodbye to the Audi A3 Sportback and A4 Avant, with CNG.

LPG and CNG do not have the same composition and cannot be used interchangeably

What is LPG?

LPG is the Liquefied petroleum gas. It is a butane and propane mixture which is extracted from oil. It can be extracted directly from oil wells or during oil refining. The first to adopt this fuel en masse were taxi drivers, who equip a cylinder in the trunk and a basic circuit.

What is LPG
Related article:
What is LPG? Possible car problems and their solutions

What is CNG?

CNG is Natural Compressed Gas. It is basically the same gas that is currently used in many domestic heating systems. It is also obtained from bags in the ground, but they are different from those of oil. CNG is mainly composed of methane.

CNG refueling
Related article:
What is CNG

LPG and CNG engines

LPG tank

In cars, both LPG and CNG vehicles turn to gasoline engines, because they have the necessary spark plugs to start them. For this reason, LPG is not compatible with diesel mechanics, which generate combustion by compressing the mixture.

In any case, diesel vehicles can be adapted to CNG with deep modifications. However, the cost is very high and it is not often to see CNG/diesel cars. Only in large industrial vehicles, such as trucks or buses, can you compensate for the adaptation so that your diesel mechanics also use CNG as fuel.

Actually, gas-adapted engines should not be called “petrol engines”, but rather “Otto cycle engines”.

The regulations say that cars adapted to gas must be at least Euro3, i.e. from 2001 onwards. Best of all, it can be used in modest cars with small displacements and also in powerful models with high displacement. In this way, you can have LPG or CNG in both a Dacia Sandero and a Ford Mustang V8.

LPG and CNG prices

CNG and LPG prices

Both LPG and CNG are subsidized fuels. For this reason, among other things, they are usually considerably cheaper than gasoline and diesel. However, due to geopolitical and political issues, they may be susceptible to price increases. Especially the CNG.

For example, as of today (22/04/2022), the price of CNG is 2,317 euros per kg. LPG, on the other hand, has a price of 0,983 euros per kg.

To compare, at the beginning of the year 2020, LPG was around 0,70 euros per kg; while CNG was a little more expensive, around 0,85 euros per litre. For its part, gasoline cost approximately 1,32 euros per liter, with diesel having a price of approximately 1,25 euros per liter.

CNG cars

Consumption difference between LPG and CNG

Generally the consumption of LPG is slightly higher than that of CNG in equal conditions. However, it is not a very useful comparison to make a purchase decision. Other factors such as mechanics, electronics and aerodynamics are more influential, which can be very different in each brand and in each car.

As a curiosity, the the only model that was sold with an autogas and natural gas system was Fiat Panda, but used different engines. For the LPG it resorted to a 1.2 hp 69 engine without a turbo and for the CNG it was equipped with the 0.9 hp 80 TwinAir.

What must be taken into account is that both LPG and CNG cars they spend a little more than when they use gasoline. However, it is true that this efficiency has been refined and they are becoming more equal to their gasoline counterparts. Currently we are talking about just 10% or 15% more.

Are LPG and CNG cars hybrids?

LPG cars

Surely you have wondered if an LPG or CNG car is a hybrid vehicle. Technically yes, but as a general rule when we refer to a car with the word hybrid, we all have associated that it is a gasoline or diesel car with an electric motor. That is, what they call in English Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) or hybrid electric vehicle in Spanish

In any case, it would be more appropriate to use terms such as bi-fuel or bi-fuel, to refer to vehicles with two different fuels.

Which is better, gas or diesel?

What to buy, diesel or gas

Finally, it is time to ask yourself what is better, a diesel or gas car. It all depends on the situation and needs of each client.. From my point of view, gas cars, both CNG and LPG, only make sense if we have at least one gas station near our home that allows us to refuel that gas.

In addition, if we make many long journeys -trips- it is probably better to opt for diesel. Trust me; I have traveled with CNG cars (with little gasoline autonomy) and we have to prepare the route, especially if we have to travel on a Sunday through sparsely populated areas, since many service stations close.

It is true that gas, especially CNG, is a very environmentally friendly fuel. LPG too, but less than CNG. But it is no less true that the latest generation diesel engines are much cleaner than those of ten or fifteen years ago. They have nothing to do with it.

Gas station map with LPG

Gas station map with CNG

Images – Pictures of Money, Urduñako udala, David Villa

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      Pablo said

    CNG cars spend almost half that of a gasoline car, around 4kg at 100 on average.
    It is necessary to inform yourself a little before publishing an article since it can be confusing.

      Fernando said

    I applaud what was said by Mr. PAUL.
    My seat Leon TGI 1.4 110cv spends 4kg CNG/100 km, having a range of 400 km with gas.
    Another thing is the aberration of the new models with a 9-liter emergency fuel tank, in a country with only 80 stations in the entire peninsula.
    On the other hand, there is no mention that the VAG group abandons CNG options for the near future, focusing exclusively on hybrid or 100% electric models.
    However, it maintains the current range of models but with no intention of investing more in other models or engines in the coming years.
    Diesel and LPG are better options for long trips, and hybrid and electric for city and mixed use, where LPG can also be targeted, due to its network of stations and the DGT ECO label.