The battery is a very important element of our car. In these days of intense cold, He suffers much more than at any other time, this being one of the times when more batteries are changed due to the cold temperatures that are recorded.
To conserve the battery as well as possible we should try to turn off all electrical elements when the car is not on. For example, we must turn off the radio, the lights or any other element that can consume electricity.
We must also know the useful life of a battery. In the market we can find a wide variety of batteries of many brands. As a general rule, it can be said that a car battery, under normal conditions, can have a life of approximately three years.
If the battery of our car is already more than three years old, it is very possible that it has little life left, so we have to think about change it for a new one before we get stuck.
When changing the battery it is also very important check the alternator since, due to a bad alternator, we can damage the battery. But the problem is not only that since, if we do not know the bad condition of the alternator, we will simply put a new battery that will stop working after a few months.
An alternator has to charge our car battery constantly. Roughly, the alternator should charge our car battery at 14,5 volts. If the voltage is higher, there may be an overvoltage that totally damages the battery. If the voltage is less, the battery will not be able to charge, so it will be completely discharged over time.
In addition, as far as possible, during the winter it is advisable keep the car in a covered place so that it does not suffer from the harsh winter temperatures that can completely damage our car's battery.
More information - Reasons for discharging a battery