Hyundai and General Motors could jointly design pickup trucks

  • Hyundai and General Motors work to establish a strategic alliance
  • It is currently in an initial phase but could be firmly ratified at any time.
  • It will focus on the development of electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
  • In addition, it could be extended to the pickup segment for emerging markets.

Hyundai Santa Cruz XRT 2025 15

When we knew that Hyundai and General Motors had signed a memorandum for a possible collaboration agreement We were shaken. More than anything because some time ago the American group did the same with Honda and, almost surprisingly, we learned of their “half-way” breakup due to reasons not yet announced. But the worst of all is that if Honda has not been able to reach any port with GM, will they be able to do so with the South Korean company? Especially, knowing the reputation that the Yankees have with the “axe”…

As you well know since General Motors rose from the ashes after its bankruptcy in 2008, has not yet found its place. And not only that, along the way it has been responsible for killing and burying companies such as Saab or Pontiac that could be active today. Whatever the case, the complexity of the current automobile sector forces us to unite and Hyundai believes that the Yankees will be solvent partnersAnd now we learn that their plans could have included the development and sale of pick-ups… Can you imagine what they would be like?

For now, the collaboration between Hyundai and General Motors does not have a defined or public roadmap…

new chevrolet montana

The union, or technical partnership, between Hyundai and General Motors has not yet been reflected in an official and public document. Thanks to several sources we have learned that it is still They are discussing and looking at options to establish the next steps to follow.. The Korean digital Pulse has confirmed that the head of the Asian house has gone to see Mary Barra in the United States to discuss certain issues. And among all his issues could be the fact that design, manufacture and sell pick ups “in pairs”…

as you well know General Motors is one of the most powerful giants in the pickup market in the American continent. In the USA, it fights every year for first or second place, since the Ford F150 Series is the great myth of the segment and the one that brings together the most sales. Then there is Latin America and Mercosur, where it has to compete with the success of Fiat and Stellantis with their Toro or Strada. Whatever the case, Hyundai only sells the Santa Cruz and the Porter chassis cab truck and at Kia the Tasman has just been born.

kia tasman

True is that Kia has announced a wide-ranging pickup truck offensive Among them there will be a 100% electric model. However, could Hyundai be thinking of sharing the development of these models with GM in order to save costs? In essence, it would be the same as the Volkswagen Group's strategy with Ford to develop the latest Amarok. So if the rumors told to us by Pulse are true, we could have a new field of collaboration between two of the largest automotive groups in the world.

To all this we must add that Hyundai could “pull” a lot out of GM now that Trump has won the election again presidential elections. If everything goes as planned, foreign brands and manufacturers that do not have direct connections with other Yankee brands may have problems in the future. Whether due to the imposition of tariffs (which will happen) or the fact that labor costs could skyrocket due to greater protectionism in one of the most important markets in the world after China and India.

Sources suggest that these pickups would be for Latin America and could be manufactured by any of the brands…

In any case, several sources point to what direction Hyundai and General Motors engineers could follow if this possible agreement comes to fruition. Apparently, the idea would be in share development costs and once the pickup truck in question is created, decide who would be in charge of its manufacture. Thus, depending on the situation, it could be the Korean company that is in charge of manufacturing them so that they can then reach all the companies controlled by General Motors or vice versa. The objective? Reduce production costs.

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It seems that, at the beginning, This possibility would be limited to Latin America and MercosurAs we have already said, General Motors is still strong in that region of the world and Hyundai is on the hunt for new customers. Therefore, it would not be strange to see a Chevrolet Montana with the logos of the Korean company. Or who knows, maybe the company with the bow tie will show off its logo on the front of the Santa Cruz that is giving so much joy to the Asian company. Whatever the case, everything indicates that we will not be long in hearing about it... What do you want to bet?

Source - Press

Images | Hyundai – General Motors

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