If you must look for a pay a traffic fine, you have the possibility to do it through Internet. Something that will save you the inconvenience of going to a post office, La Caixa branch or Provincial Traffic Headquarters. The procedure is simple, although there are some pitfalls that we are going to help you overcome.
There are three methods to pay a traffic fine online: without electronic certificate, with certificate y with cl@ve. The first is the simplest, because in reality it is enough to put a couple of data and the code that comes in the ticket. The other two are useful when you don't have the ticket in hand and you can't know that code. This is because they allow you to access the fines you have pending and download them. Although before you will have to register to be able to use them.
Note that this operation it cannot be done through the DGT page (www.dgt.es), is a process that must be carried out through its electronic headquarters: headquarters.dgt.gob.es. Once you enter you must click on the link that is located halfway up on the right of the page.
This link will take you directly to an information page where you must select one of the three methods that we have mentioned before: Payment with a digital certificate, payment without a certificate and payment with Cl@ve. to get started let's focus on the simplest because it does not require that you have a certificate or that you are registered in the administration's Cl@ve system.
Payment of a traffic fine without a Digital Certificate
For this method, the data you will need are: your name and surnames, the DNI, the date of the traffic fine, the file number and the total amount of the fine, that is, without applying any modification such as the reduction for prompt payment of 50% or others you may have. You can find all this data in the notification of the fine they sent you home.
What if I don't have the traffic ticket to see the data?
If you do not have the date and file number of the fine, you can still pay online. For those are the payment with digital certificate and payment with Cl@ve. The reason you need any of these methods is because you have to identify yourself online in some way. They have to know that the one who is doing the process is you.
Sign in How to register in the Clave system of the DGT, to know what you have to do to get it. When you finish just enter the link Payment of fines with Cl@ve and follow the instructions. You will not need more than your personal data because you will be able to see all the pending fines that you have.
How to identify another driver as responsible for the ticket
It can also happen that receive a fine for which you are not responsible. In this case, you must identify who should be the recipient of the traffic ticket, a procedure that can also be done online. For this you can also access the headquarters.dgt.gob.es and click on the link "Procedures and fines" found in the upper gray bar.
You will see a list of actions that can be carried out in relation to fines. Click on the link driver identification responsible for infringement. From there they will take you to the instructions page where they will again give you the option to do it with or without a digital certificate. you will need the Notification code that appears on the fine (image below). Remember that if you do it with a certificate you will be able to access your fine online, so you would not need to have the fine in hand.
Doing this procedure online is more comfortable, but you can also do it by mail or by fax. In both cases you must send the notification with the field "7. Data other driver» completed, to the address or fax of the Automated Complaints Treatment Center. Both come in the notification itself.
Remember leave a fine unpaid can have consequences as serious as the embargo of bank accounts, assets or even the vehicle itself. here you can see what happens if you leave without paying depending on the time that passes.
Si You suspect that you have a fine but it has not arrived at your house, the DGT offers information to users that can get you out of doubt. You have all the necessary information to do it yourself in the article How to check traffic fines by license plate. Do not be fooled, it is not necessary to hire external services or sign up on a page.
If you want to know more about traffic management that can be done online, we recommend the article How to pay traffic fees through the Internet. In it we explain how to do this procedure without leaving home.