How to drive a car with automatic transmission

How to drive automatic car

Although the vast majority of passenger cars marketed in Europe still have a manual gearbox, it is true that more and more customers are opting for the automatic transmissions. And it is quite logical, because an automatic car is always more comfortable and easier to drive.

However, the novelty and the fact of facing something that we are not used to always scares us. If we have always driven cars with a manual transmission, it is normal that we have some fear of taking an automatic one. Do not worry, it is very easy. In this article we are going to give you the tips on how to drive an automatic car.

Main differences between automatic and manual cars

Audi A3 automatic transmission selector

The first thing we must recognize are the main differences between a car with a manual transmission and an automatic one in terms of driving controls. Easy and simple. Instead of having three pedals, we have two, well clutch pedal removed. Furthermore, as a general rule, the brake pedal increases its surface.

For its part, the gear lever also changes its design and, on some occasions, even its location. Instead of having the traditional lever, we usually have a bulkier lever. That yes, this already remains in the hands of designers of the company because being an element that is used much less than in manual cars, they do not need to be so ergonomic.

I invite you to take a look at this other article where I tell you the main advantages of automatic gearboxes and why I am so surprised that we buy more automatic cars in Europe.

Mercedes automatic gear lever

Some Toyota models (in the header image of the gear selector of a Toyota Prius), for example, have been significantly reduced in size. In Mercedes it is common for automatics to have the gear lever as a satellite control of the steering wheel, which remains in the right hand, where the windshield wiper controls usually go. In the case of Mercedes, we need a little more time to adapt to this location, which is so unnatural for Europeans. Other cars like the Alfa Romeo 4C, instead of a lever, have "keys" on the center console to select the operation of the transmission.

What is each position of the gear lever for?

In the automatic transmission selector levers, depending on the brand, model and mechanical version, we can find different positions. The most common are the following:

Positions of the automatic transmission of a Hyundai Ioniq

  • P: The “P” position means “Parking”. The transmission is locked and we must select that position of the gear lever when we park our vehicle. We can only activate it with the car stopped, pressing the brake pedal and also the safety button on the lever itself. Although the car will not be able to move, it is important to engage the parking brake so that the transmission's locking pawl does not suffer. Most vehicles will not let us start the engine if we are not with the gearbox in this position.
The function of the P position is similar to leaving first gear engaged with the engine off in a manual car.
  • R: When we activate the “R” position we are selecting the reverse. Similarly, we can only move the lever to "R" with the vehicle completely stopped, pressing the brake pedal and the safety button on the gear lever. If we release the brake pedal, the vehicle will begin to move backwards at low speed, as if we were with reverse gear engaged and half clutch in a manual transmission car.
  • N: The “N” stands for “neutral”, that is, Deadpoint. The transmission is decoupled from the engine and, therefore, even if we accelerate, the vehicle will not move despite the fact that the thermal engine will go up in revolutions. Normally, although it depends on each vehicle, to go from "R" to "N" we will have to press the brake and the safety button on the lever. However, from “N” to “D”, and from “D” to “N”, it is not usually necessary to use this lever trigger.
  • D: The “D” position is the one we use so that the engine and the automatic transmission are coupled, that is, to drive forward under normal conditions. It means "drive". If we release the brake pedal, the vehicle will begin to move at low speed, as if we were in first gear and half clutch in a manual transmission car.
  • S: Many automatic cars, in addition to the “D” position, also have the “S” position. It means "Sport”, and serves to offer a more dynamic behavior. The transmission further spreads the gears to offer a more instantaneous and powerful response to throttle demands. It also downshifts earlier, thus seeking to keep the engine revs higher. You can go from “D” to “S” and vice versa without having to press the brake or the safety button on the lever.
  • 1, 2 and/or 3: Although they are less common, in some automatic vehicles we still see the numbers “1”, “2” and/or “3”; especially on older cars. These positions are used to circulate at low and medium speed, when we do not want the transmission to go up many gears by reducing the engine rpm. Its operation is mainly oriented to the time of circulating on mountain roads, where we will not go at high speed and we are interested in maintaining a high speed of rotation to have more response.
  • B: It is not very widespread either, but some brands such as Toyota, in its hybrid models, do have this “B” position. This is a mode of the automatic gearbox that offers a higher retention when we stop accelerating, thus relieving the work of the brake system. In Toyota hybrids, in addition to preventing the car from significantly increasing speed on downhill gradients, it also helps recover electrical energy for the batteries.
  • M: The “M” position means manual. We will be the ones who say to the transmission when should you shift up or down from the selector lever itself, generally with longitudinal touches on it, or from the steering wheel paddles. In any case, the electronics will always try to protect the engine in case we order, for example, to go down to second gear while driving at a very high speed. Also, as a general rule, just before reaching the red zone of the tachometer, it will increase by itself to a higher speed.

How to use paddle shifters on an automatic car

Automatic transmission paddles

Nowadays, a high percentage of automatic cars offer -some as standard and others as an option- some cams behind the steering wheel so that the driver can change gears sequentially without taking their hand off the wheel, Formula 1 style.

Whether we have the automatic transmission selector lever in “D” or “S”, or if we have it in “M”, we can use them. There are some that are small and turn in solidarity with the steering wheel, while others are larger and fixed, always remaining in the same position even if we turn the steering wheel. Simply, with the left cam we reduce gears and with the right we go up.

Personally, I prefer that they are fixed and large, although many prefer those that rotate with the steering wheel even if they are somewhat smaller.

Basic tips when driving an automatic car for the first time

How to drive an automatic car

The first and most important thing that we should be aware of is that we do not have a clutch pedal. That is why it is always remembered that the left foot must be on the footrest at all times, that is, we will not use it for absolutely nothing.

if we get distracted and we look for the clutch while driving, it is more than likely that step on the brake pedal, with what this entails. A sudden sudden stop that, in addition to frightening you and your companions, can generate a serious dangerous situation. Trust me, it's not pretty. Your heart rate will skyrocket, because the car will be stuck without you expecting it.

If it is your first time with an automatic car, you can make the mistake of thinking that, having only two pedals, you will use the right one to accelerate and the left one to brake. Nope. Use your right foot to both accelerate and brake. The reason is simple: the sensitivity that we have gained with the right foot -whether we are left-handed or right-handed- driving manual cars is not comparable to that of the left foot. So, as I was saying, forget about using your left foot.

Toyota Yaris hybrid automatic transmission

The best thing to do before you hit the open road (or the urban jungle) with an automatic car is practice in a clear place; without traffic and without dangers. After a few minutes you will see that it is very simple and that there is no mystery, checking the car reactions when accelerating and how it initiates by itself and very smoothly the displacement both in position “R” and in “D” when releasing the brake pedal.

For the rest, there is not much difference compared to a model with manual transmission. In current models, the benefits of the same engine hardly change from a variant with a manual gearbox to an automatic one, nor do the consumptions. As you will see, an automatic car is much more practical and comfortable, although it is also true that if you like to drive, it may be something more boring.

Never forget to set the parking brake in addition to the “P” position when parking, nor do you reach for the clutch pedal or think about braking with your left foot.

How to take care of the automatic transmission of the car

How to care for an automatic gearbox

As with any mechanical system in the car, there must also be a series of care not to break or create premature wear on the automatic gearbox. An automatic transmission is expensive and complex to repair, so you should pay attention to the following tips and, of course, the instructions in the manual car maintenance.

Do not change the position of the lever with the car in motion

As I told you before, while explaining the different positions and operating modes that automatic gearboxes usually offer, to select the “P”, “R”, “N” and “D” positions, we must be with the car completely stopped and stepping on the brake pedal. to do it on the move, the gearbox would suffer a very aggressive jolt that could destroy it.

Take care of the P position

We must have Be very careful when moving the shift lever in and out of the “P” position., of Parking. As I was saying before, a pawl locks the transmission as if in a car with a manual gearbox we left the first gear engaged with the engine off. Just as in the manual car we also apply the parking brake, with the automatic we must do it exactly.

Ideally, when we go to stop the vehicle, with the With the foot brake pressed, activate the parking brake and then put the lever in position “P”. We can now release the footbrake. When starting, when we are going to start the march, we do the same, but in reverse. That is, we hit the brakes, start the engine, put the gear in D, release the parking brake and then start driving.

We must never let the car rest in position "P" without first activating the parking brake.. If we do, we can damage that transmission lock, since all this element would support the entire weight of the vehicle. We must take it even more into account if we are on a slope.

Put "N" in long stops or retentions

When stopping at a traffic light, it is not necessary to go from “D” to “N”, since we are going to be stopped for only a few seconds. However, if we are going to stop for several minutes with the engine running or if, for example, we are in a long hold, it is convenient put the transmission in neutral. In this way we will avoid possible overheating, especially in the torque converter gearboxes.

Subaru XV automatic transmission

Avoid keeping the car on a hill with the throttle

Watch out for the slopes. In the same way that in a manual car it would not occur to you to spend several seconds keeping the vehicle stationary playing with the clutch and the accelerator on a slope (because you would burn the clutch in the blink of an eye), do not do it with an automatic gearbox either. . You will cause internal overheating cash and wear and tear that you can save simply by keeping the car stationary with the brake pedal, which is what it's for.

tow or push

Although it may seem silly, it is more common than we think that a user breaks the automatic gearbox of his car by trying to push it or when towing it. In a manual car it is as simple as put the gear lever in position “N”, but this is not always so easy in an automatic model that has broken down or simply run out of battery. As there are several ways depending on the models, read the manufacturer's manual to learn how to put your car in neutral and tow it.

Maintenance and oil changes

Depending on the type of automatic gearbox and each version, some will have oil lubrication. It is of vital importance for the box carry out the maintenance stipulated by the manufacturer, without letting it “expire”. Old oil (either by kilometers or by time) will not effectively lubricate the internal components and, therefore, will end up creating fatal wear. Thus, do not skimp when using a good oil and respect the deadlines indicated.

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      byron said

    Good afternoon, it is very good and very interesting and more than all important this information. Since it helps us a lot to take care of our automatic vehicle, I bought an sz. Automatic but I'm very curious about the proper handling, and I don't understand much why on a piece of paper that is attached it says not to use the neutral, and as is normal at a traffic light it would be put in neutral so that it rests, well I would like to know everything regarding these boxes and your advice seems excellent to me...thanks

      David said

    Hello, why in a photo where you can see the pedals and the gear lever (Automatic) why do you see 3 pedals? If the automatics only have 2 pedals, accelerator and brake, what does that third pedal on the automatic correspond to, according to that image? Thanks.

         Carlos said

      Hello David.
      What you see on the left and gives the impression of being the clutch pedal, is just a platform where you can rest your left foot in order not to wear out the upholstery/carpet of the vehicle; it is easier to replace that sheet when it is worn than to replace the carpet on the floor, apart from the fact that the aluminum sheet will hold much longer than the fabric.
      It is placed in order to protect the area, since, in this type of vehicle, the left foot, as it is not occupied during the entire drive, is constantly supported there, so the wear on the carpet would be significant and the aesthetic appearance after a certain time would be quite bad.

      Jose said

    I want to know if when I arrive at a traffic light or in a heavy traffic jam, frequently placing the bar in the neutral position is recommended or if it causes wear on the gearbox.
    Thank you very much for the answer

      Saints said

    I would like to know if you can go from automatic to manual running, which you have not commented on at all

      Teresa Martin Viguera said

    I have an A3 automatic.
    If I stop at a traffic light, do I have to step on the brake all the time because if I don't it starts to walk even if there is no hill?
    Or do you have to apply the parking brake?
    Does the brake wear a lot if it is used continuously?
    Thank you for your advices.

      Benji said


    By population, how does the automatic gearbox suffer less? In position D or in Sport mode?

    Gracias y saludos.