How to clean car windows: mosquitoes, bird droppings, dust...

How to clean the windows of a car: mosquitoes, bird poop, etc.

Let's not fool ourselves, although the motor world tends to attract more men, when we talk about cleanliness the ones who know the most are our mothers, grandmothers or anyone who has worked as a househusband for many years. They know all the tricks to remove any dirt, so when it comes to clean the windows, even if they are the car, you have to resort to the tricks they have been using all their lives.

There are hundreds of specific cleaning products, but in this article we are going to give you the keys to clean windows like a pro, without having to spend more money than you should. The safest thing is that you will find everything that we are going to mention in your house or for a few cents in any supermarket. In any case, if you opt for a glass cleaner, the advice that we are going to give you will be just as useful for you.

First step: the fattest with water

Cleans larger dirt from glass with just water

If the windows of your car are full of dust, pollen or other accumulated dirt, you should give it a hose before starting. If you don't have a hose handy and you don't want to go for the typical pressure wash, just use a bucket of water and a cloth to remove the dirt yourself. This process must be done regardless of the products you are going to use after. If not, you will create a paste with the mixture of dirt and the product you use.

Beware of hot glass

Avoid cleaning when the windows of your car are hot. If you do, the cleaning product you use it will evaporate very quickly and dry out the spots. When this occurs, they become much harder and more difficult to remove. That's why, the first step can be recommended simply to cool the glass, although it is not full of dirt.

Second step: pulverize the mixture

Spray the mixture or product to clean the glass

Once you have removed the fat with water, it is time to use the cleaning products. Spray the mixture on the glass. we are going to give you three recipes so you can choose the one that best suits what you have on hand. You may thus complete the operation without having spent a penny. A glass cleaner ok too, but keep in mind that they are meant to dry out quickly. Something that is not good for some dry stains of bird droppings, mosquitoes or the like.

Recipe 1

  • 3 parts water
  • 1 of vinegar. It doesn't have to be cleaning vinegar, it can be any apple or wine vinegar, as cheap as possible. They usually cost around 50 cents in supermarkets.

Recipe 2

  • 3 parts water
  • 1 ammonia
  • You can add a splash of liquid dishwashing detergent. The equivalent of a teaspoon for 1 liter of mixture.

Recipe 3

  • Half glass of alcohol
  • Fill with water up to 1 liter
  • You can add a splash of liquid dishwashing detergent. The equivalent of a teaspoon for 1 liter of mixture.

Beware of alcohol

Use the alcohol recipe if you want a quick shine, but don't use it if there are paint stains. mosquitoes or bird droppings that are difficult to remove. The mixture dries out faster due to the alcohol and if that happens without these stains having been removed, it will only cause them to stick more.

Third step: let it act for a few minutes

Remove the product or mixture before it dries. Use a cloth dampened with water. If you want, do it a couple of times rinsing it to remove any residue. If you see that there are solidified stains that have not been removed, act on them quickly, because if they dry they will become more difficult to remove.

Let the mixture sit for a while to clean the glass of the car

Trick for bird droppings, dried mosquitoes, etc.

If there are stains that are not removed in any way there is a very useful trick. Leave a wet cloth on top of the stain for a few hours. Don't be stingy with the water, let it be well soaked. With this method you will get rehydrate the stain to make it easier to remove.

Fourth step: polish

To polish, pass a cotton rag lint-free (those made from old sheets are best). A kitchen paper or newspaper will fulfill this function and a microfiber cloth also, although the latter generate a lot of static electricity and attract more dust. Something that is noticeable especially when you clean the crystals inside.

And if you use a specific product…

The supermarket, gas stations and other stores are full of window cleaners or specific car cleaning products. You can also buy online some such as multiglassecoshine o K-Glass. If you opt for this option, all the recommendations that we have given you before are valid. In short, wear what you wear, apply these tips:

  • La dense dirt you must remove it only with water
  • No apply products on the hot crystal
  • Let act the product for a while, but take it off always before it dries
  • Remove the product with a wet rag
  • rehydrates stains that they do not come out by leaving a wet cloth on top for a few hours.
  • Seca with paper or a dry lint-free cloth
If you want to know more about taking care of a car, do not miss the article: What are the most expensive breakdowns to repair in a car and how to avoid them.

Images – Lachlan Donald, Nancy

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