How to change the antifreeze of our car

antifreeze radiator

antifreeze It is a very important liquid in the engine of our car. He is in charge of decrease engine temperature and keep it at its optimum operating temperature.

Normally, the refrigeration circuit is made up of several elements. The elements that are part of cooling system operation They are the expansion bottle, a radiator, a thermostat, a water pump, an electric fan and the hoses that contain the antifreeze itself.

Antifreeze needs to be replaced periodically to keep the engine cool in good condition. In the circuit we can only add new coolant and never water. The water causes the circuit to rust and, furthermore, it does not have the antifreeze power that the coolant does.

The way to replace the liquid is very simple. First of all we must open the cap of the expansion bottle. We must open this cap carefully since, if the car is hot, we can run the risk of burn ourselves with the antifreeze that will be expelled. It is advisable to wait for the car to cool down before removing the cap from the expansion bottle.


The next step will be to remove the antifreeze drain plug. This plug is usually located in the lower part of the radiator or some hose. In case you can't find it, we can directly remove the sleeve which is connected to the bottom of the radiator. With this method we must be careful since we will surely dirty everything around us, including us.

Once the circuit has been emptied completely, we will proceed to put the radiator hose back on or close the drain plug. We will make sure that the plug or the sleeve is well placed. Otherwise we could lose all the new antifreeze and severely damage the engine. The old antifreeze is necessary take it to a Clean Point for its correct treatment.

We will proceed to fill the antifreeze through the expansion bottle, leaving the level at the maximum. But before leaving everything ready, it is necessary to bleed the circuit to remove any air pockets that may be present.

More information - Antifreeze, that great unknown (I), Engine Cooling System Operation, We must take the waste to a Clean Point

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      quo said

    Terrible explanation, details are missing… how do we purge the trapped air?

      Jose said

    He explains each step perfectly in the next post, you have to learn to listen before you open your mouth.

      Frederick said

    It helped me a lot. But I still have the overheating problem. Could it be that I saw something?

      AM 10 said

    What do you mean by the sleeve and where is it located?