El parking brake adjustment It is a fairly simple task, which can be carried out without extensive knowledge of mechanics and no fancy tools. It is a maintenance that should be done from time to time, since the system of rods and cables that reaches the rear wheels can loosen over the years.
The good news is that it's easy to know when it's needed. You will notice that each time you have to pull the handbrake lever more, to achieve the same fixation of the rear wheels. In the case of electric parking brakes, it is normal that they do not loosen, since the system is different and has a small motor that is responsible for its operation.
Adjust from under the car
Step 1 – Raise Car
The first step that must be carried out is raise the vehicle to tighten the handbrake more comfortably. A lift or a jack can be used, although this second option is not recommended unless the car is secured in another way, such as using jack stands or stabilizer jacks. This step it's optional since it only simplifies things. Although depending on the car and your size, it may be highly recommended.
Step 2 - Turn Adjusting Nut
With the parking brake at rest, that is, without it being tense, you should see one or more cables in the lower part of the car that go towards some rods and a nut, to then reach the rear wheel. this is the call adjusting nut, which must be turned with a wrench of the appropriate dimensions until the cable has a greater tension.
Step 3 – Check the spin of the wheels
When this has been done, turn the rear wheels manually to check that it has not been tightened too much. If so, the wheels would not rotate normally because the brake is in contact, even with the lever fully lowered. If you have gone too far, loosen the cable a bit and repeat the same check. A good reference is that for it to start making contact you have to raise the lever three 'clicks'.
Adjust from inside the car
Step 1 – Remove cover
Adjustment can also be done from inside the car. The first thing to do is remove the protection cover handbrake, which generally has nuts and/or tabs on its sides. Each model is different, but it is not usually a very complicated process.
Step 2 – Adjust Screw
Once the cover is removed, it is normal to see a adjusting rod jam nut. You have to loosen it to make the screw below it can be adjusted until it is tight. Again, the reference of raising the lever three 'clicks' so that it begins to make contact with the wheel is a good option.
Step 3 – Check the spin of the wheels
Once we have finished, we must readjust the locknut and repeat the procedure of manually spin the wheels to see if they are locked. In the event that this is the case, the screw must be loosened until they do not. Finally, the lid is put back on and the job is done.
What if it's too tense
This would only happen if the relevant checks have not been made. That is, it has not been verified if the rear wheels move freely with the lever fully lowered. In the event that the car is circulated in this state, it will cause a premature wear of the tablets and brake discs. Especially since they will get very hot when rubbing continuously. Normally, it is noticeable when driving the car for a few meters, but this does not have to be the case if the pressure is very light.
A good way to make sure that the brake exerts no pressure is turning the wheel before tensioning it, to see how freely it rotates. So when you go to check it after tensioning you will know what to expect when you move it again.
Hello, one question, what does each cable do? Why are there 2? Thanks.