Gas and Opacity Test in ITV (Part I)

Gas and Opacity Test in ITV

The moment has arrived, it's time to pass the ITV and we're not entirely convinced whether our car will get through it flawlessly or, at best, a few minor ones.

In the ITV review, visual aspects are taken into account such as tire wear or if a light fails, as well as more technical aspects that require a machine to check their status. This is the case of brakes or exhaust gases, among others.

This time we are going to talk about the Exhaust gas test for gasoline vehicles and soon we will talk about the Opacity Test, for diesel. For the measurement of the values, the car must be warm and a measurement probe will be inserted into the exhaust pipe. Next we will see how the test is performed and the accepted values.

In these vehicles, we must distinguish if they equip catalytic converter or not (surely ours does). If the vehicle does not equip it, only the CO value will be measured with the engine idling. Vehicles registered up to 1 de Octubre de 1986, can give a maximum value of 4,5% vol of CO. If the registration date is later, the maximum is established at 3,5% vol of CO.

If our vehicle is catalyzed, CO values ​​will be measured at idle as well as at fast idle (approx. 2.000 RPM). The inspector will also take into account the value of Lambda at fast idle.

Gas and Opacity Test in ITV

In case our vehicle has been registered before the July 1th,2002, the CO value at idle must be a maximum of 0,5% vol, while at fast idle the maximum value is set to 0,3% vol. In cars registered as of July 1, 2002, the values ​​decrease, being the maximum at idle 0,3% vol of CO and at fast idle 0,2% vol of CO. Lambda value should always be 1,000, with a tolerance of +- 0,03.

If in the measurement we obtain values ​​above what we have spoken about, can be due to several causes. It may be that the vehicle does not have the correct temperature, it may also be that the air filter is dirty. Another cause may be an engine sensor, which may require a more comprehensive diagnosis.

More information – How often do I have to pass the MOT?

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      Urquiola said

    Hello: I have a car with first registration in France in 1972, and first registration in Spain in 2009, without a catalytic converter, and another made in the USA in 1976 and registered in Spain in 2009, I have fitted a catalytic converter without probes, only the tube. What CO values ​​should my cars give as a maximum? Thanks cheers +