Our engine oil is a lubricant. That is, a substance placed between two moving parts forms a film that prevents their contact. In this way, it allows their movement without being worn by friction. The motor oils are designed to perform this task high temperatures and pressures without degrading.
However, the oil not only has the function of preventing wear and corrosion. It also cleans and refrigerates the pieces, in addition to acting as sealant between pistons and liners, helping to prevent compression leaks. Therefore, it is important to use the correct type of lubricant, to avoid problems in the operation of the engine.
Why is oil consumed?
It is normal for there to be oil consumption during the useful life of the engine. This is because it lubricates very critical parts, such as pistons or valves. Which means which part is located very close to or practically inside the combustion chamber. The lubricating film that enters is burned in the fuel burning process, and when this occurs in excess, the smoke from our car will have a bluish color.
Motor vehicles tend to consume more oil the older they are. Over time, the clearances of the parts are greater causing that extra lubricant expense. It is also often consumed more oil if the engine is revved. Since the faster the engine turns, the more explosions it makes, with the consequent burning of oil in each one of them.
Why does oil turn black?
The black color of the oil does not indicate that it is in poor condition. Cleaning the internal organs of the engine is one of the functions of the lubricant. In the combustion process of the engine, soot, lacquer and other impurities. The oil collects this dirt and changes color. However, it has a maximum tolerance. If it is not changed at the time indicated by the manufacturer, the oil will lose effectiveness due to having too much dirt in suspension. It should also be borne in mind that diesel engines blacken the oil more than gasoline engines.
What do the oil numbers mean?
You may have noticed that in motor oil there is always a bar code, such as: 5W40, 10W40, 5W30… These numbers refer to the hot and cold oil viscosity. The higher the number, the more viscous the oil, and the lower the number, the more fluid it will be.
El first number It indicates the viscosity of the oil when cold. So, if we are going to start the car at very low temperatures, it will be better to have a small number such as 5W. The second number determines the viscosity of the oil at 100º, which is approximately the temperature at which it usually works. The W that separates both figures means 'winter' in English and refers only to the first one.
The most suitable viscosity is the one recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Depending on the design of the engine and the clearances that its parts have, it will require one type of oil or another. Although it can vary slightly depending on the weather conditions and the use that is going to be given to it. Also viscosities can be mixed in an emergency, such as the typical filling when the oil level is low. But the resulting viscosity will not be optimal.
SAE classification of oils
Both the number that goes before the W and the one that goes after it, follow the viscosity classification of the W. Society of Automotive Engineers, or by its acronym in English: SAE. Although it is usually ignored on the front of the containers, you will see these letters on monograde oils, which only have one number: SAE30, SAE40, etc.
Mineral or synthetic motor oil
Mineral and synthetic oils differ primarily in the method of obtaining. Minerals are obtained from the distillation of crude oil, while synthetics are created through other chemical processes carried out in a factory, although they also use petroleum-derived components. As for his We take care of your rental property in Valencia. :
- Durability: As a general rule, synthetic oil lasts longer than mineral oil. Approximately double.
- Price: oil of mineral origin is cheaper than synthetic oil because the process of obtaining it is simpler.
- Engine Compatibility: Mineral oil is often used in older engines (up to the early 90s). Synthetics are used in modern engines.
- Versatility of use: synthetic oils maintain their properties in a higher temperature range. That is, they work better both hot and cold. Minerals have a variety of lower temperatures suitable for their operation.
All oils on the market (gasoline or diesel engine, mineral or synthetic) can be mixed with each other. The only drawback is that doing so lowers the quality of the better of the two. So you should change it when the time comes for the one with less durability.
When to change the oil
The interval for the oil change determined again by the manufacturer. It is given based on two parameters: the mileage and the time of use. In urban driving, with frequent starts and stops, it may be advisable to reduce the time between oil changes.
In any case, it is a good habit to consult in the workshop what types of oil we can use. If the period between oil changes is long, we should also replace the filter (image above). If not, we can change the filter every two oil changes. Although in these cases it is also recommended follow the instructions of the brand.
Looking for the best for your engine? Then I recommend the range of ESSO Oils and lubricants
with which you will obtain the best benefits for your car
These suggestions that you so kindly give us also apply to 200cc motorcycles? motorcycle for use in the city whose average daily journey is from home to work, from work to university and from university to home... (approximately 30Km in total travel)
I put mobile 220-5 oil in a 40 hp Boxster, I think it is too fluid, since then it makes a lot of noise from the tappets at any temperature, at more than 3 thousand revolutions I do not hear the noise, could it be due to too fluid oil, it is dangerous? (for the engine of course). Thanks a thousand.