Of all the warnings that can appear on the control panel, the engine failure warning light o check engine light It is the one that can scare us the most. However, keep in mind that this yellow or red light can be turned on for the most varied reasons. There are so many components in the engine, that to have a warning of each of them we would need a control panel as complex as that of an airplane.
All manufacturers say the same thing if the engine failure warning light comes on: “Go to a home workshop”. there you have diagnostic machines that literally ask the car's control unit what is the specific error that it has detected. Thanks to this, mechanics know what to do, without having to rummage through all the parts of the car. Why doesn't the car give us that information?
An engine failure warning light for dozens of breakdowns
Indeed, with so much computerization and so many screens in modern cars, we have the means to give the owner more accurate information what's wrong with your car. But, although many motor enthusiasts might like this, the brands understand that the user is not a specialized mechanic and it is not necessary to give him information that could be misinterpreted.
At most, some brands differentiate the seriousness of the faults with the red or yellow color of the warning light. However, this is not standardized and each manufacturer does it in their own way.
The car is a machine that over the years has become increasingly complex and is full of interrelated components that depend on each other. In this article we are going to give you the keys to know what to do when the warning light comes on of the engine and, why not, some notions so you can know if the breakdown is serious.
What to do if the yellow check engine light comes on?
When the yellow check engine light comes on on your car's dashboard do not panic, and much less if you are driving on the road or highway. Stand in a safe place and reach for the manual. Remember that if you are on a highway, you must not stand on it or on its shoulder. It is not going to be that you have an accident by stopping where you should not, especially when the warning light has been able to turn on due to a minor fault. Take the first exit there is and stay out of traffic.
You should look at what it says in the manual, because depending on the manufacturer, the engine failure warning light may want to tell you to proceed in different ways. For example, there are those that indicate different gravities as a function of the color of light. Yellow for minor breakdowns, in which you can drive yourself to a workshop and red to indicate that you must stop the car, turn off the engine and call a tow truck.
If your car doesn't discriminate between minor and major faults, there are still a number of symptoms that allow you to get an idea of the magnitude of the problem. This may save you from waiting for someone to come pick you up on a lost road. The range is wide, but as much as cars have advanced, they continue to be governed by the same principles as before.
Symptoms to determine if the engine failure is serious
Formerly the mechanics had to be guided without sophisticated diagnostic machines. Only they used their knowledge and sharpen their hearing or sight. Using this, there are many symptoms that will allow you to discriminate if the fault is serious:
Power loss
There are many causes of power loss in an engine and the cost of its repair is very varied. A multitude of pieces can intervene in this symptom, which, as we have indicated before, are interrelated. It can be for example the turbo (if you have one), one of your sensors or the flow meter. In many cases, the control unit detects one of these problems and goes into "emergency mode", which limits the power of the engine. Something it does to prevent further damage to the system.
excess smoke
When the amount of smoke and its color are abnormal, it means that our car burns fuel poorly. This may be because of diesel heaters, oxygen sensor (or lambda probe), the emission control valve or emissions evaporation system. Some of them can end up spoiling the catalyst (if it is not itself that is damaged), a very expensive piece. So you better not move the car anymore.
Abnormal engine noise
Nobody notices better if the engine does not sound like always, than its owner. if you notice knocking or clicking With the engine running, the engine failure warning light will not be warning you in vain. Get out of the car to hear it from outside to make sure. Stop the car in a safe place and call the tow truck. You may have driven to the garage, but you could aggravate the problem along the way.
If the engine failure warning light is accompanied by a engine overheating, you must not continue circulating. You will be able to see it in the needle of the temperature of the car or with another light on. A common fault that causes this is the thermostat.
Consumption increase
If the car does not measure the air and fuel mixture well, it usually manifests itself with a noticeable increase in fuel. To avoid damage to the catalytic converter and other expensive parts, do not continue to use it until it is fixed.
If your car behaves normally with the check engine light on, you may be able to drive to the nearest workshop yourself. Although it is a risk. Assess it yourself based on the time you have and make sure that your insurance includes the towing service at no cost to you. You would not be the first to miss out on it because you are not informed. A simple call to your insurance can save you trouble.
Why does the check engine light come on?
Apart from the examples we have given for severe symptoms, there are many Reasons why the engine failure warning light may come on. All of them require mechanical work to correct them, hence the importance of this witness. But not all of them represent a significant outlay.
Air Measurement Components
These are the flowmeter, which measures the air intake that reaches the engine, and the Lambda Sensor, which measures the amount of oxygen in that air. These parts are very important for the system to know the precise amount of fuel it needs at any given time.
Are spark plugs as such in gasoline engines and glow plugs or heaters in diesel engines. In the first case, they are responsible for igniting the mixture of fuel and air. In the second, they increase the temperature of the mixture so that it sets correctly even when cold. The diesel engine ignites the sparkless mixture by subjecting the fuel and air to high pressures as the piston moves up inside the cylinder.
It is responsible for reducing car emissions. As we have already explained, it can be damaged by continuing to use the car when it does not burn fuel well. Whether it's the spark plugs, air metering components, or other factors.
Particle filter
This component can be damaged for the same reason as the catalytic converter. Although it can also be due to something lighter, such as always going low on revs with a diesel engine. You can try to fix it with a particulate filter treatment and take the car high in turns on the highway for a bit. Normally 3.000 rpm at 120 km/h, for about 5 minutes, is recommended. There are also people who use smoke reducers o injector cleaners.
reservoir cap
This is a very simple and cheap fault, but it also causes the check engine light to come on. Among its functions is that of maintain pressure in the tank of fuel so that it reaches the system well.
A very important piece for the car cooling system regulate engine temperature. If it stops working, it will not regulate the passage of refrigerant through the pipes.
Ignition system
Both ignition coil as spark plug wires and distributor, they should work properly. If not, the engine will run poorly and the engine fault warning light will come on.
Emission control: EGR, canister…
There are several systems that handle keep emissions in check which, with the tightening of regulations, are growing in number and complexity. The usual ones are EGR valve, the system canisters or the emission control valve.
Turn off the engine fault warning light
Depending on what caused it to turn on, the solution will be easier or more difficult. For example, when the car carbon the exhaust system gets too dirty, and the warning light comes on, normally it is enough to drive on the highway at high speed for a few minutes (3.000 rpm). To improve this trick, you can use some product against carbon and accelerate from time to time in third or fourth until reaching 4.000 rpm.
If what leak es any of the pieces that we have mentioned before, you must replace it or clean it properly (something very common in the EGR valve of some models, as you have seen above). Many of them do not require great knowledge of mechanics and, if you enter the links that we have put in some of them, you will be able to know how to do it. In any case, a trusted workshop will always be a good option.
Engine fault warning light goes off and on
In this case, the most common is that there is an imperfect connection in some system of the car. For example, air sensing components. This can happen in very old cars, if you have had a blow or if you have gone through a very large pothole. It is also a problem that can occur if the engine has been improperly cleaned. In the following video you can see how to do it without causing problems:
If your check engine light comes on and off, make sure all wire connections are tight and there is no dirt inside. Of course, always with the car completely off. In many cases it is solved with something as simple as this. However, if you do not succeed in this way, we recommend that you take the car to a trusted workshop.
Cars with less chance of the engine failure warning light going off
El engine failure warning light is something that can appear to anyone, even if you have the most expensive car on the market. However, the records of the workshops and the daily use of the owners show that there are huge differences in reliability between brands.
To have things clear in this regard, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has prepared the 2020 Reliability and Satisfaction Survey. 40.000 European drivers have participated in it, of which 8.000 were Spanish. In the video below you can see how reliable brands are today, as well as how satisfied customers have been on a day-to-day basis.
As you may have seen, in the studio there are some surprises that come from relatively new brands. In addition to the occasional contrast between the high price of some houses and their reliability.
If what you are looking for is a car in which the engine failure warning light does not go off, the top 5 brands in this video are the most suitable. You will see that they are not necessarily the most expensive. At least, if you settle for those that do not occupy the first and second position.
How much can the repair cost?
Depending on the brand and the part to be replaced, the price varies a lot. A new fuel cap does not usually exceed 15 euros, But a catalyst or a turbo can reach up to 1.000 euros. Between these extremes there is a whole range, but you have to bear in mind that what increases the bill the most is usually the workforce. With the workshop work included, the price of a Lambda Sensor can be around 200 euros, that of a flow meter around 150 euros and spark plugs 70 euros.
It tienes knowledge of mechanics and you dare to do it yourself, there are some parts that are not difficult to change. This is the case of diesel heaters or spark plug wires. In these articles we give you the necessary notions to change them yourself.
It happens to me that it turns on only on a certain slope and when I go out with the car in the morning. Only on one slope, any suggestions???
The same thing happens to me, if you could tell me what happened to you
the same thing happens to me today, how did you solve your situation carlos? Cheers
I have a skoda roomster and my problem is that the gas control system light comes on and I lose speed, going up hills it stays at 60 or at most it lets you run at 80, but you can't anymore (it's that the car no longer wants to run more) no matter how hard you press the accelerator, the car no longer responds. My skoda did 4 years in May and from the beginning it has given me quite a few problems with that gas system. I have already stopped taking it to the dealer because the previous ones Sometimes they told me (it's already fixed and I saw that the car was still the same). I'm desperate, I've changed workshops but the same, everyone has detected the error that because that pilot light comes on or because it loses speed (that's what what they tell me in the other workshops) but the only thing I know is that the same thing continues to happen to the car. I'm not even a milurista, well I'm thinking whether to leave it parked and go from being a piñetero car and let it rot or I don't know what to do anymore because it happens to me twice a year, especially when it's timecollect the extra pay from the kurro. well can someone help me solve my problem or someone give me some advice please, and I can't buy another car because I'm paying for it for the finance company. what do I do. thanks for listening to my complaints but This car is taking away my health with the trouble it gives me and expenses. I await an answer. Thank you pebealex@hotmail.com
It usually happens for not changing the diesel filter, this filter has a few km to change just like any other filter, it usually happens around 40000, 50000 or 60000km, which needs to be changed, depending on the fuel impurities it happened with an opel astra
the same symptoms for being clogged, change it new solution is easy
hello there are different reasons for what you mention to happen, in some cars when it starts to slow down it is because the fuel pump is not pumping the system well. check the fuel filter. If it's clean, have the injectors cleaned. another cause is that the pump no longer has enough power to send fuel and in this case it is not necessary to change the pump (which is expensive) changing the part is enough just check if it is a good brand... now if the problem persists then it is the box, mostly the box is said to be the throne when in the life of a car the oil is not changed and therefore the parts are tied... also check that it has its correct level...
what do you mean by changing the spare part instead of the pump... mine is an opel astra z capriciously, especially with heat it doesn't start, then it goes well, they told me it could be the pump but I don't know if when the pump fails it can happen that sometimes starts z sometimes not. A couple of times I've been stopped at a traffic light and I had to wait... if you think it could be, tell me... I haven't changed the pump for now
Good. I have a 2002 Ford KA and the check engine light has come on. In the em house they have said that it is a notice for the revision, but since I have passed it in another non-Official site, well, it has to be reset... how can that be done?
Thank you
It could be the starter motor, the horn that with the weight of the keys damages the contacts, the horn refers to where you insert the keys to start the car, look at the fuel, air, oil and level filters. Do a check, the gas outlet sensor, the Flowmeter…. It is looking and discarding what is good. Luck. All the best
A yellow light appeared with a drawing of the engine. Its operation is normal. Could it be that the fuel has sediment?
I changed the sensors that go wrong and I scan it and they keep coming out bad, what could it be
It may be due to combustion due to carbon in the EGR valve, add a fuel additive such as "Metal Lube" diesel fuel treatment, it will clean it and you will notice a big difference in the engine, fill the fuel tank and add the additive, If it does not take effect, take it home, in any case the engine will appreciate the additive throughout the injection system, combustion valves, etc.
hello,, I have this problem of the little light, but the car does not seem to be working badly, the light has been on for about 5 days, in which the car has not presented me with faults,,,,,, it would mean what can be nonsense???
hello, good afternoon, I wanted to tell you that I have a vw polo sd diesel and that you should turn on a light that says check and the engine stops and a buzzer sounds and then it starts what could it be thanks
I washed the engine of a wagon and when I started the engine, the check engine lighted up on the dashboard, although I did not feel any fault, the vehicle is working perfectly.
I have a peugeot 206 model 2000 yen sometimes when I'm driving the check engine turns on and the car turns off but it turns on again without problems and after a while it happens again and on one occasion the car's revolutions went up and down what could be the fault and what should I do
I imagine that at this point it should be solved, but for those who have the same fault it will be useful, it could be the crankshaft position sensor or its wiring. Common fault in the 206.
hello I have a nissan terrano turbo diesel 2.5 a few days ago I had problems and I couldn't charge with diesel and once I charged full tank the next day I started to turn on the check engine light I prescribed it what happens k when in motion then k the rpm it reaches 850 it just turned on for help a great concern
The dashboard of the nissan terrano 2.5 turned off suddenly, what could be the problem? I hope you can help me, thanks
The loss of strength when facing the climbs and especially when cold, may be due to the diesel filter, which must be changed at certain km like other filters, or on the contrary it may be the bad combustion and carbon deposits of the EGR valve, in this case house, valve change
Hello, I have a Nissan Almera from 2005 and yesterday suddenly when I turned on the coxe, the light stays on because the engine failed, but the coxe goes well, it does not make any noise, nor does it have a hard time starting, what could it be?
My battery ran out... I made it run with a bridge to another vehicle... It worked for me... but then it went jerkily and dimmed the lights and even turned off the radio
my indicator light comes on
hello friends I want you to help me I have a mini mazda 2005 that I have a problem with that light that comes out on the dashboard and the mini goes off when it's on gas when I press the brake and on gasoline it works fine I already cleaned the injectors I changed the automatic gas (relay) change spark plug I took it to the gas and I still have the same problem I don't know if it's the engine or the gas system
Hello friends, I have a toyota raw4 ise bridge because the battery discharged and now the malfunction light came out and it does not work for more than 20???? It does not accelerate either I do not know what could have happened ???
Marcelo currently the same thing happened to me, did you have a solution that can help me, thanks.
hello. good day. I have u. honda fit 2013. a few weeks ago that famous check engine light appeared on me. but a few days before k appeared, the car lost power at certain rpm and immediately responded. The day the check engine light appeared, it lost power very considerably. now it won't let me accelerate well because it loses power and suddenly I get it again and that also makes me spend more gasoline. What can I do to correct the problem? the truth; I love this car because it is very good and I am worried that I might lose it. the manual says k is the exhaust system and a mechanic says k is the injector. What do you think it is and how do I correct it… please. save our lives… greetings and this page is excellent
My chevrolet lscetti loses power when I give it a couple of accelerations and then it never reaches 2500 revolutions, it keda cm dog and the engine light comes on. The machine tells me a fault in the fuel pressure sensor I'm already up to where pprk I don't know what to do with him, please help
hello I have a kia carnival from 2002 and the kia mesale does not start on the dashboard check but it does not start could you tell me what it could be I would appreciate it very much thank you
hello I have a fiad style jtd115 the engine failure light comes on and sekeda without force At 155 km you can sharpen me
HELLO I have a 1995 opel astra gl I come to a traffic light and the check engine light comes on and the engine stops and I start it and it doesn't start I leave it 30 m. After part I just can't find the corduroy please help me thanks.
My car told me about the gas cap to check it after two days the light came on I bought a new one but it still has the same warning and the light will go away over time someone who knows what to do
I have a suzuki maruti year 97 the lus check engine on the dashboard comes on not always, but when it comes on the engine loses power, it runs for a while and then the light goes off and then comes back on again, I spend much more gasoline and when I pass a climb it is very difficult to advance, what can I do? Thanks José Manuel
the engine light comes on in my Ford fusion 1.6 90 hp how can I turn it off
Hi Sergio, it happens to me too, how did you do it or what was it about?
Hello again, I'll tell you about performing a tuning, testing the map sensor with a voltage meter following instructions I found and it marks me within the ranges, that is, the sensor is good, thinking it could be bad. Thank you
Hello, good day, I have a 7-seater Nissan Terrano, I've had it since July and it's second-hand, it hasn't failed me at all and it runs a lot, I did the review two weeks ago, with its oil change and all its filters (diesel , oil, air, etc) ; Well, a week ago when I left work, the engine failure warning light came on, and before I got home it went away, because yesterday it came back on and now it won't come off! I've been reading all the comments and I don't know, because of the filters I don't think it is, come on, it's been two weeks new! So I have no idea anymore! Let's see if you can solve something for me. Thank you very much
Hi, I have a Fiat multipla jtd and it crashes and runs out of steam, but if I turn it off and start it up again, it works fine for a little while.
The machine says k is the oil pressure sensor.
It's true?
Thank you
Hello, it's been about 5 months since it has been turned on about 3-4 times, they have put it in the machine and in the machine it has not given them any exact fault, they tell me that it could be from the spark plugs or some coil but they did not tell me They assure it completely, they have removed the fault from me every time.
Regarding when it turns on, I can't find out at what exact moment or why it appears, the last one was when reversing,
Hello! I have a fiat uno sporting (44000Km) and the "engine control" fault went off after my battery shorted.
After changing the battery the fault persists visually.
Is it to worry? Who should I take it to? to the official agent or an electronics workshop so that they can scan it for me?
Thank you.
Hello Daniel, did you solve this? the same happens to me
Hello everyone, my question is I have a subaru impreza year 96 and the revolutions go up when I start it hot or cold, sometimes it starts well, and the dashboard does not mark check engine.
I have mitsubishi galant 2.0 136cv year 97 is the galant VI engine fault light comes on. ..changed ignition coils and high cable, coil connectors,,, spark plugs,,, it starts, it stays started, you accelerate until there is fine,,, you turn off and from the one that you start again the light comes out and as if they cut it off or the flow of fuel or current but accelerate or it does not turn off,,,that could be it stains me more than more than a hyppy's motorcycle
hello I have a kia carens Petrolera year 2009, the check light came on but it went off by itself, it indicated a fault in the turbo according to the error p0234 (TurboCharger – Overbosst condition), but now when I walk and pass the 2.500 revilutions I get a little jerk like the truck sucks a little, this only happens a few times….. where you can check if the turbo is working without problem, according to someone they tell me that it could be that some hose is clogged or with tartar
Hello, I have a Hummer H2, a tire had deflated and it was the valve that had broken down, they changed it, and the check engine light came on, notes about removing the tire to repair, does anyone know why this happens? ?
Hello, about 1 month ago that yellow light came on, the car loses power but it keeps going, it doesn't always turn on
What should I do I have an opel astra from the year 2000
Hello, I have an astra from the year 2000 and the same thing happens to me, the alarm comes out and the engine sounds strange and goes wrong, it works for a while, I stop it, I start it again and the alarm disappears and it goes very well, the computer diagnosis marks injection pump control unit and the cause is the pump solenoid, the bad thing is that it costs a lot
I have a 2002 Suzuki Wagon R with an automatic transmission. One day driving on a long highway, I see the Check Engine light come on (Horror, I said to myself: my ride was ruined). Following the manufacturer's recommendation, I immediately stop in a safe place, raise the hood and begin to check: I see, after looking carefully at the engine, that there is a small bottle of oil, which, due to its red color, I determine is hydraulic oil. I check and indeed it is a boat due to a loose connection. . I pressed it, started the engine and that's it: the Check Engine light went out. If I had not paid attention to the light and continued driving, the box would have lost all the hydraulic oil and the damage would have been fatal for my truck. And thank God I myself was able to detect and solve the fault. In conclusion: It is important to heed the warnings given by the car.
Good Morning,
I have had a Chevrolet Tacuma for 9 years and yesterday there was a noise as if some part of the engine was falling out, then the noise became very deep and sharp (the noise is as if the engine did not have an exhaust pipe but in the engine) at the same time that the engine trouble light came on and the car did not pull
I have taken it to the Workshop and they have to look at it, as it will take a couple of days, if anyone has any idea what it could be, suggestions are welcome
Thank you
I have a Kia Sedona 2002, 3.5., v 6 and the oil indicator light comes on and the levels are fine, could it be you?
it comes out to me because it is dirt in a valve already looked at by a mechanic, would they send me the tv with this fault? Can I remove or is there in any case a fuse that I can remove to pass the ITV??'. Thank you very much in advance
I have a Fiat Uno Novo, it has no power in third gear, and in second gear it barely drives on uphill streets…. The light shows me on the dashboard but specifically no one can tell me what it is. someone who knows please
Many the same with the fiat 2014: novo… .. Did you solve it?
hello I have a peugeot 206 and when it is cold and on hills it accelerates by itself and has no strength, on straights and downhills it goes well although it also accelerates they only know what it could be, of course it is consuming more gasoline
Hello. Greetings to all from Colombia. I am very disappointed, because I thought I had made a good car purchase. It is a Chinese JAC vans model 2012 B18 Cross, which in other countries like Chile is called the J6 Bcross, with a Mitsubishi 1.800 cc Doch 4G93d engine. The other day after buying it, it overheated, it turned out that the radiator was broken in its upper plastic tank, so they repaired it by placing an aluminum tank. The water in it was rotten. They placed the repaired radiator, but it did not work, the coolant began to come out of the lid upwards and the check engine light came on on the dashboard, while the engine lost stability, it vibrated too much, so I ran to turn it off and everyone looked at each other and they said "this truck has a damaged cylinder head." I had to take it by tow truck to the city where I live, have it repaired at the brand's dealer, but there after scanning it and doing some tests, even with a new radiator, the same thing happened with the coolant, it leaked out of the lid towards the air and the engine with vibrations.
As things are, you authorize disassembling the cylinder head and what a surprise, burnt and broken cylinder head gasket, "mild" recounting in cylinders, but apparently the pistons did not suffer. They took the stock to be measured and it had a planning deviation of 0,25 thousandths of a millimeter, so they proceeded to brush it to correct the defect. They also suggested only glazing the cylinders and not routing them since apparently they did not suffer, they left the same pistons and changed the rings, caps and other things considerably important to those who did the job.
They proceeded to assemble the engine, also changing timing belts, original brand spark plugs, engine, water pump, fluids including gearbox oil, engine, brake fluid, rudder hydraulics, etc. When starting the truck the engine was super unstable and kept showing the check engine indicator.
The martyrdom continued, my desperation and that of the chief mechanic who was servicing the vehicle
They saw that the scanner showed false explosions in the cylinders and other codes, rather like the car's computer gone crazy. Then they synchronized the engine sprockets, the camshaft sprockets, moving the teeth forward or backward, etc. The engine vibration decreased considerably and when the driving test was carried out the engine had no power at all, in first gear it hardly moved. but when accelerating it fully it doesn't sting, it doesn't advance with force, luckily we didn't go uphill, that is, don't go up steep streets because I wouldn't have made it. I noticed that the revolutions of the car were almost down to zero and it tried to turn off, although it did turn off about twice, but when it was stopped it held despite being little revved up, but it did show the engine oil warning light, when trying to turn off and titled and then disappeared. Checking the vehicle does not show colored smoke, no leaks, no decompression, according to the clock the compression exceeds 150 in each cylinder, good current, etc.
Finally I had to leave it again in the workshop, before the astonished gaze of everyone who worked there. If someone can recommend me something, thanks
I have an amarok and this orange check engine symbology lights up. Could someone tell me what the problem is.
Somebody help me!
I have a Ssangyong Actyon Sport 4wd Truck, the check fault comes on and stops accelerating when I stop accelerating it is erased and when I accelerate again the same thing happens again, I start from scratch and it's still the same, I go through a hole abruptly and it takes it away, after a while it comes back. Has anyone had the same thing happen to them?
hello I would like to know if someone could know why it appears on the 4wd dashboard is 1 hummer h2 2007 and I have 1 hummer h2 2003 on the dashboard it says transmission hot hopefully someone can help me thanks
In my 2005 VW polo, the engine failure warning light comes on. I went by car to an unofficial workshop, put the computer on (something came out – gas outlet problems), the mechanic cleaned all the circuits (butterfly,...), the light bulb went out, but after 3 km it came back on turn on. I went to the mechanic again, another clean, another 3 km, and turned on
I do not know what to do
an idea, thanks
I have a 2005 hyundai petrol car and the check engine light comes on, it was pouring oil through the turbo and through a pipe it was dripping oil, is this one of the reasons why that light comes on or could it be something else? ?? Can somebody help me
I have a hyundai elantra and I've been dealing with this problem of the fucking witness that can't be turned off for a long time, I just turn it off by taking it to the workshop. little light because they tell me that the fix costs but a penny and I'm not to spend such a cost that it is not known in the end if the problem will be solved. Anyway, I'm going, they put the computer on me and they take off the light. here in this forum and in all of them, nobody knows for sure where the problem is, we go crazy. and the mechanics and dealers are a pure mafia. I have already verified it and in this world everyone is going to cheat you and blatantly take money out of your pocket. and the dealers the first who are scammers to the fullest. Between the VAT and now that they charge you something that is contamination, which is the tow of cleaning, your labor goes to heaven. something that when they give you the bill YOUR HEART SHAKES
Buenas tardes. A 2012 gasoline KIA carens that I have at work is presenting a fault that causes black smoke and very high fuel consumption. Here in Cuba cars of this type are few and diagnosis and mechanics are difficult for this type of vehicle. They tell me that it is the oxygen sensor, but since there are no specialized workshops with resources, I had to look for it elsewhere. Can someone give me the characteristics or some code of these probes? But since I'm not sure it's that, if someone has experienced something similar and can give me some advice, I'd appreciate it.
in the case of an aveo family 1.5 that would be because I already adjusted the lid, in addition to that it does not start as if it loses pressure, your help please force
Hello. I have a Lancia Prisma IE Symbol 1600 cc gasoline. A red warning light has come on (top left on the panel) and a warning light with a drawing like a screwdriver with a drop on the tip. Like something for oil. The oil filter and the level is fine. When these warning lights start, they catch fire and the turometer oscillates between 500 and 1000 and makes a metallic noise apart from the alternator. After accelerating it for a few minutes, the turometer stays at 1000 where it should be idling, the warning lights are still on and the noise continues. The first few minutes the boy jerks and if I don't accelerate after starting the engine turns off. Could it be that it doesn't feed well with fuel?
Hello, I have a bird, the fault light came on, they scanned it and according to the camshaft sensor and the oxygen sensor, but it did not present any faults, after a week it no longer wants to start, sometimes it will be the one. Who has help...
Thank you very much for the info, I have a ford ka and the engine warning light came on. I noticed it one night after fueling up. Thanks to your report I went directly to the fuel cap, uncovered it and replaced it properly. The light disappeared. Thanks again for the information, it saved me a visit to the technical service.
Well friends, I have a Mitsubishi Pajero IO from the year 99 and the engine light appears when I drive and it starts to blink and it no longer accelerates and it starts to shake. I have to turn off the car and wait several minutes to turn it on, but when I turn it on again it shakes but the accelerator does not work the engine is on but the engine light keeps flashing and it is already very annoying sometimes it caused traffic congestion and many workshops and they do not give me a solution to my problem they only make me buy things and things but I continue with rl issue
Petrol pump…?
And if the same signal comes out in yellow what happens
Hi, I have an Opel Astara from 1995 and it's fine until it goes down the highway all of a sudden the dash light went limp and after a few more meters the car stopped, so I stayed for a while so I could tank it again, the car would be fine well, at the moment the witches get off and the light stops the car, what could be the matter
Hello Tarik. I have a 94 astra and it has given me this type of failure a lot... I'm already controlling it, 😉 from what you say, I would tell you what alternator or fuel pump but I don't have enough info... if the problem continues tell me. Mine has a little problem with the fuel pump and when it happens I just touch the wires on the pump a little and it starts straight away. It has to be a stupid contact. The fuel pump is lifting the right back seat. It is accessed from inside the car. Do the test the next time it happens to you, just touch the jj cables. Mine gives me a lot of silly little problems but for now it keeps pulling without a workshop. I don't take it because I think if I take it they won't find the problem. I prefer to get to know him. Like a girlfriend jj. 😉 Good luck. Ask me whenever you want.
Hello… My vehicle is a 98 Nissan sentra exsaloon. The check engine light comes on only when I open the ignition, but when I turn it on it goes off together with the battery light… I ask for your advice and recommendations, thanks
My problem is that I have a 4 rav2005, it had the light on, we changed the truck, it threw the crankshaft position sensor, which we changed for a new one, already put, we deleted the code and turned on the truck, which already opened to change the fault to perfect until I turn it off the truck and I turn it on again and it turns on the light again, the same code appearing and so on, I erase it, I turn it on, but after turning it off and on it turns on again, who can help me with this fault???.
Hello. I have a Mazda 6 Model 2006 and I left it parked over the weekend on a slope with a slight slope pointing upwards and on Monday I went to start it and the engine alarm came on. What could have happened? Did the oil or gasoline level change due to the inclination of the parking lot? Thanks.
Hello, I have a Chevrolet Sonic LTZ, the light came on, I took it to scan and it says that it was throwing a fuel error, I started charging Premium and after two days it came on again……… The strange thing is that the other one turned on the car and the light did not turn on, I had less than a fourth tank of fuel…….. after 3 hours I started the car again and the emission indicator light came back on….can someone tell me what is causing this failure…regards hernan
Hello look I have a problem with a suzuki celerio year 2011 that light that everyone comments on yesterday turned on me after I changed the spark plugs and air filter I made a trip of about 70 kilometers I was in a hurry to hit the problem and when I lowered the speed my engine went out and all the lights came out on the dashboard when you insert the key like when you start to turn on the ignition I've been the same for about 10 days the same thing happens and even yesterday I didn't want to leave but I waited a while and it started again but how that sucked and the tachometer went up and down they told me it could be a sensor. What answer is there for this?
Hi, the same thing happened to me. Said alarm appeared, I have a 2013 focus, luckily when I loaded gasoline they had left the lid poorly closed, it was just that.
Thanks for leaving this kind of info.
I have a tusson dicel 2008 happened to me 2 times it turns off and turns on chekin a minute later it turns on again without presenting any failure it does not lose power or anything and the next day the chekin turns off and time goes by that it does not turn on thanks for advising me that I should do
Well I'm worried my car is a 2015 toyota yaris. 1.3 mt. I got an engine failure warning on the dashboard after I backpedaled on a climb. The engine sounds different and vibrates out of the ordinary, it also lost strength.
good morning, my problem is that the brake lights do not come on, none of them, I have a fiat multipla from 2005, see if you can help me or give me an idea to solve it
Hi, I have a 2002 skoda fabia from the agency, I don't know why it keeps accelerating because of that low acceleration and the car's energy rises to the point that it turns off when I want to accelerate the blackout, it happens to me sometimes, it's not always, and also when I put the car in neutral, it happens to me turn it off I have to keep it at a certain speed or speed it up well I don't know it wasn't like that and then it started with that someone could help me thanks
Hello, I have a Hyundai Grandeur and when I drive about 300 km the yellow light comes on, but I have not noticed any fault, perhaps once it seems that it lost power when going up a long hill, if someone can tell me what it could be, I would appreciate it.
Hello, I have a voswagen transporter, that light has come on for a month and they tell me that they cannot do anything that it is a matter of the switchboard, I do not know what to do
I have a Citroen Xahara 2.0 90 hp HDI when I step on the brake abruptly or for a prolonged period of time the engine fault light comes on, after a while and several stops and restarts the fault disappears, the vehicle does not lose power or performance but I am intrigued of the origin of said failure, could you please guide me on this failure.
Good afternoon it started to turn on after the change of distribution per kilometer
Hello everyone, something happened to me this morning when I passed the first itv to my ford mondeo 2000 140cv year 2013 when they passed it through the rollers, they finish and tell me that everything is correct but I observe that in the instrument panel or speedometer I have three lights left on I ask the aforementioned ITV technician and he tells me not to worry that it usually happens to certain cars and that they turn off as soon as they leave, the pilots are ABS, SPS, and engine failure if it is true that I know ABS and SPS have not been turned off but engine failure could not tell me what could be the reason for it. Thank you all very much and I hope you can help me.
I have a Corsa m2008 but if I put reverse I go out and I put first it stops and the check engine light comes on
I take it out of contact, I try to turn it on again and it runs normally and at times it turns on for a few seconds and the light goes off. What could it be?
hello I have a b15 from 2002 automatic the shek light went off and it doesn't spark what can I do. the computer is fine but it does not give star
Hi, I have a fiat escudo. Lately, the stop light comes on when the temperature needle drops suddenly and immediately returns to its normal temperature, thanks
The engine failure light comes on when the tank is full and when it's over half it disappears, any ideas?
I was already bored with the damn sneak, until I changed the control of the turn signals and it didn't turn on anymore. The turn signal lever wasn't quite working as it would sometimes momentarily turn off the center panel, but the lights and turn signals worked fine.
Bored with the engine tell-tale, I went on the internet, bought a second-hand lever, put it in myself, and the problem was solved.
It was bullshit that cost me €15, but don't you see how crazy the fucking witness was.
hello, a query, my 2013 ecosport has a fault, it turns on a damaged engine, I took it to scan and they told me it was the throttle body, I bought a new one but the problem persists, the symptoms are, ONLY on hot days it shows me engine failure and it slows me down (IN WINTER THAT NEVER HAPPENED, I CLARIFY) I scanned it again and they didn't find anything out of the ordinary they cleaned all the landa probe contacts, electro contacts etc, SOMEBODY WOULD TELL ME WHAT IT COULD BE, THANK YOU, my mail is armando_merlos@hotmail.com
Hello, can you help me. I have an Audi a3 1.6. My check turned on a long time ago and I changed it. coil. spark plugs. ignition cable. lambda probe. I made the catalyst basiar and the light turns on the same. What can it be?
Hello, I have a chrysler neon from the year 2001 gasoline 2.0, the engine light has turned on and it has stopped on the highway. and it doesn't start, what could be the cause. Grace
Hello. I have a 2.2 Ssangyong actyon 2017 truck and I loaded it with 320 kilos more or less and the Check Engine light came on. It didn't decrease strength or special noises, nothing. I run the engine and all the warning lights go out, but when I put 1st. it lights up and stays that way. What can it be due to?
I notice knocking, both at idle, and when I exceed 50/60 km per hour. I also notice the smell of gasoline and loss of strength. My yellow engine light has come on, and the warning is for "exhaust system fault". What can be?
I have a.citroen c 4 1.6 hdi cool year 2010. The check engine warning light comes on. Faulty anti-pollution system. It does not jerk.
I have a 230 Mercedes Benz SLK1997, it missed a yellow light that looks like a rectangular tank with a lid on top and a liquid with waves inside, WHAT DOES IT MEAN???, I didn't see any explanation of what it is? Does anyone know what it is???
I have a 230 Mercedes Benz SLK1997, it missed a yellow light that looks like a rectangular tank with a lid on top and a liquid with waves inside, WHAT DOES IT MEAN???, I didn't see any explanation of what it is? Does anyone know what it is?????
I am really satisfied with everything you have exposed about failures, it is very helpful.