Know the date of manufacture of a car: the crystals reveal it


As we have already commented on occasions in ActualidadMotor, the date of manufacture of a car and the registration fee can vary quite a bit. Normally, between the date of construction of the car and the first registration, at least one month passes, but there are cars in which this figure can be much higher.

The date of manufacture of a car is very easy to guess when it arrives at the dealership. The delivery note itself contains the date on which that vehicle left the assembly plant. Once the car is ready to be delivered to the final customer is when the problem comes, since it can only be guessed checking the date of manufacture of some elements like crystals or seatbelts.


In new cars, most of the time we will be interested in knowing the manufacturing date out of mere curiosity, but in the case of second-hand vehicles, knowing the manufacturing date can be useful for detect possible accidents who had the car.

Checking the belts date We will see if they have been replaced. If they are different, it may mean that the car has had a major accident and they have been replaced after the impact. The crystals will also indicate the date of manufacture (of the crystal itself).

Know the date of manufacture of a moon

Most moons have manufacturing dates engraved, indicating the month and year. The year is indicated by a single number, from 0 to 9, while the month is indicated by a certain number of dots on each side of the number. There is no way to differentiate the decades, if the glass is from the 80s or the 90s, it is quickly deduced by seeing what car it is. Let's look at an example with a moon from the year 2005.

Date of manufacture of a car and the moons

Contrast data

It is important when buying a used car contrast the dates of the moons. Putting the particular case of an acquaintance, if we look at the rear left quarter glass and the tailgate of his Renault Scenic, we will see that they are from different dates than the rest of the car. In this case it is because a truck hit the car, and it had to be repaired, going through the bench. In the case of my car, the front window has a different date since it had to be changed after breaking due to a chipping. The moons can give us the sneak, so that we are attentive because something has happened there.

INCLUDED being a new car it is worth checking the date, because a glass may have broken in transport or at the dealership. The date can also help us to see if they have sold us a stock car and they have not told us or if it really is a vehicle brought from the factory on purpose. Of course, we must bear in mind that the crystals are manufactured somewhat before the car and that the car takes time to reach our hands.

More information - How to know the date of manufacture of a car?

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