Consult traffic fines: by license plate, with Key and more

Check traffic fines

Although there are several pages that offer the service of look for traffic tickets, you can do it yourself in a simple way, without having to give data to third parties.

There are three methods: with the registration of your car, with the Cl @ ve or the Digital Certificate. The first one does not require any telematic identification system, but it has its limitations, and the other two allow you to know your fines and much more. That is why we recommend that you get one of these systems if you do not already have it. Even so, let's start with the first, because it can get you out of trouble if you are in the right circumstance.

How to know if you have been fined with your registration

How to check if you have traffic tickets for registration

The DGT publishes the fines that have been issued by any of the organizations with the capacity to issue them. It does so through the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions, in which the fines that could not be delivered will appear the offender at his home. That is, the address registered in their databases or in a Road Electronic Address that you have validated.

Therefore, In this board you will not be able to consult a fine that has been delivered to you By other means. To access the board you can follow the instructions below:

Enter the electronic headquarters of the DGT

These procedures cannot be done on the DGT website (, they must be done at Electronic Office of the General Directorate of Traffic. Once inside, you must put the mouse over the section Fines of the main blue bar. A menu will be displayed with all the actions that can be done in relation to traffic fines. Click on Consultation of the Edictal Board of Sanctions.

Consult fines on the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions from the Electronic Headquarters of the DGT

Check traffic penalties on the board

On the next page it will give you several options to choose from. Us we are going to focus on the one that does not require a certificate because you don't need to sign up for anything beforehand.

Being an operation that you can carry out without electronic identification, you can see all the fines issued that could not be delivered to the offenders. For this reason not only can you find yours but anyone's to which they have not been able to deliver it. Within the access options it gives you, click on Without Certificate.

Consult fines on the board without a certificate

There is a way to prevent anyone from seeing your traffic tickets. You have to register in the Excluded List. We also leave it marked with an arrow in the image. Once you do, only you will be able to see your fines and you will only be able to do so by means of an electronic certificate. For this reason, in order to do so, they will require you to have your Digital Certificate in order beforehand.

when you click on Without Certificate, it will take you to a screen where you can search for penalties. In the Search field you can enter your registration, you ID o tu Name and surname, and if there is any fine that could not be delivered to you, it will appear on the board. Remember that on the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions, only those fines that have not reached you at the address they have in their databases will appear. Those that are registered as received by the offender will not appear in this list.

Search for fines on the Edictal board

If you see that there is indeed a fine on the board, you can pay comfortably online. The DGT has made this process much easier:

Pay traffic fine online
Related article:
How to pay a traffic ticket online step by step

Or if you don't agree and you are still on time, you can also try to appeal the fine:

Appeal a traffic ticket
Related article:
How to appeal a fine: write a letter of allegations

You consult fines but you can't find it: refine the search

You can also click on the link Advanced search, where you can narrow the search with the parameters Province or Autonomous Community where it was issued, Issuer of the fine, type of communication (Notifications of complaint, Resolutions of sanctions, Resolutions of appeals and Correction of errors), Secure Verification Code or CSV and publication date.

Advanced search on the board

Consult fines with Password or Digital Certificate

For this, the trick is to start the procedure to pay fines offered by the DGT, without completing it if you don't want to. There you can see the fines you have pending. That is, you must put the mouse over the section Fines of the main blue bar. A menu will be displayed with all the actions that can be done. Click on Payment of Fines.

Use the beginning of the Payment of Fines procedure to check if you have fines

If you don't have Cl@ve, go to How to register in the Clave system of the DGT, to know what you have to do to get it.

Then click on the option Cl @ ve, which is the one that takes you to different identification systems on the internet.

Consultation of fines with the key system

Once you enter through the Cl@ve system, the steps to follow are very simple, because in the lower part there is a section of Penalties to pay. Besides that there is a section for HSE Consultations where you can search for fines by date and state.

Notably those that are in process will not come out registration in the DGT databases. So, if you think that you have recently received the ticket, it is better to look at it again later in case it is too soon.

In the process of payment of fines there is a section of Penalties to pay

If you already have the Cl@ve system, it is also useful to download the application of the DGT. In it you can consult the fines you have and other procedures with the General Directorate of Traffic in a much more comfortable and simple way.

Consult traffic fines in person

In this case, most of the explanations are unnecessary except that you must make an appointment in advance to be able to go. Moreover, if you click on Digital games, within the section of Consultation of the Edictal Board of Sanctions, takes you directly to make an appointment. Which you can do online or by calling the 060 number.

Consult fines in person

How to receive traffic tickets in your email and your mobile

If you are looking for how to search for tickets online, it may be because you have problems receiving them. There is the aforementioned DGT application (My DGT). That link we give you takes you directly to it. Be careful because there are others that have a similar name but are not.

There is also a system called Electronic Road Address 0 DEV. To register in it you must register in the system with a Digital Certificate or through the Cl @ ve system.

When you do, they will ask for your email and your mobile and then you will be asked to accept the terms of use. When you do, you will be asked what kind of notifications you want to receive. We recommend that you leave all of them selected. As soon as you register with the DEV, you will receive an email and an SMS whenever you are going to receive a notification (including fines).

DEV so that the fines reach your mobile

If at any time you want unsubscribe from the Road Electronic Address, you can do it easily with the same methods: Digital Certificate or Cl@ve system.

If you want to know more about the procedures you can do online, we recommend that you take a look at the article How to pay internet traffic fees. In it we explain the different ways that exist to carry out this management without leaving home.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
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      Daniel Gonzalez Lopez said

    I have a traffic ticket in which it is not my vehicle, I try to make a discharge fold and I do not find the solution, nor is it my vehicle and I have valid insurance, I would like you to contact me to solve this mistake

      nelson said

    This page is very bad-nothing can be found about whether there are fines or not-or they change it or eliminate it, otherwise make it more accessible in an understandable way.