How to remove resin from the car: tricks, tips and what not to do

How to remove resin from car body and glass

The resin stains They are some of the most difficult to remove from the bodywork of a car. car. Especially if a long time has passed since they fell on the paint. If this is your case, the following methods to eliminate them will be very helpful. Apply them in order so as not to work more than necessary. With the first few steps you may be able to remove them.

Resin stains are very common when the car is parked under trees. Nevertheless, not to be confused with molasses. This is a substance similar to resin because it is just as sticky, but it is produced by some aphids. Being able to dissolve more easily, it is much easier to remove with water. Hence the importance of following the steps that we indicate below one by one.

Parking under a tree can stain your car with resin. This is how it cleans.

pressurized hot water

Not all car washes have Hot water, but for the case at hand it is highly recommended. A quick Google search or a couple of calls will be enough to locate it. When using this type of pressure cleaning, a very helpful tip for removing resin (and any other tough stains) is spend only one euro on soaping and wait to take the next one. In this way, you will ensure that the water and soap have enough time to take effect.

You always have to rinse before it dries, so 2 or 3 minutes will suffice. When you apply the hot water, do it diagonally, not perpendicular to the sheet metal. This will make it easier for the drops of resin to detach from the bodywork. The more flush you direct the stream the better. This step should suffice for fresh resin or molasses.

Clean resin or molasses from your car

How is resin different from molasses?

Although both normally fall from trees when they are sick, their origin and composition are very different.

  • La resin is segregated by plant, generally to defend against a fungus or other type of disease. The most common is that it falls from coniferous trees.
  • La molasses is segregated by insects aphid type when feeding on the plant. Containing sugars, it is easier to dissolve with water, making it easier to remove. It is usual in other types of trees like linden.

Specific products

If with the first method you have not managed to remove the stains, you will have discarded molasses. You can try to remove the resin with a brand product. any of the kind of San Marino o Petronas could work, although they are not very effective, especially with resins that have been attached to the bodywork for a long time. Follow the instructions of each manufacturer to the letter.

There are specific products to clean the resin of a car

clay bar

We leave this method for the third position because, although very effective, requires a lot of work to run well. The clay bar is a stick of putty which is usually blue, green or white and you can buy it here. Its composition allows get between the glued stain and the paint with some ease, so it is very useful for removing resin. It can be obtained for little money, but if the resin is spread all over your car you will need several packages. The instructions for using it will come in the package, but you must take into account the following steps to apply:

  • If you haven't done it while with the first step, wash the car with pressurized water to remove particles that can scratch your car.
  • Re-spray the surface with water and soap to lubricate it.
  • Gradually rub the clay bar to remove the resin.
  • When the putty surface is very dirty, knead it to introduce that dirt inside.

Remove resin from crystals

Of course, to remove the resin from the windows of your car, everything that we have recommended is valid. However, with crystals it is not necessary to go with so many considerations, as it is not as easy to scratch as paint. Apply water, soap, products with bioalcohol and use carefully a blade for cleaning ceramic hobs. With all this it is very difficult for any drop of resin to resist.

Cleaning resin from car windows

oil or diesel

We indicate oil or diesel last because these types of liquids can be harmful to some materials in your car. In the case of oil must not touch the plastic parts or rubber of your bodywork, something that can be complicated depending on the design of your car.

Diesel is also not highly recommended because can be corrosive to your car paint. Before using these methods we recommend that, if you have not been able to remove the resin with the previous steps, you take the car to a professional wash service. This measure is not cheap, but it will save you the typical troubles that oil or diesel usually give.

If your car has stubborn stains of other types, we recommend the article How to clean car windows: mosquitoes, bird droppings, dust... Many of the tips mentioned in it are also valid for the bodywork.

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      B. Luis said

    Thank you,
    I consider it very clarifying and illustrative of the procedures and [good/bad] consequences of certain products.
    I do not know the effect until it is verified, but it is a good indication.
    Thanks again