The DGT classifies cars based on pollution with colored labels

DGT ECO label

Environmental labels are a reality. These colored stickers, promoted by the General Directorate of Traffic with the National Air Quality Plan 2013-2016, allow cars to be easily identified based on their polluting emissions. So that? Mainly to favor municipal policies in large metropolises such as Barcelona or Madrid.

This classification system for vehicles by means of colored labels will allow, among other things, to control access to the center of large cities such as the previous ones. Thanks to these badges, it can be effective to restrict the traffic of certain vehicles due to episodes of high pollution, parking in residential or central areas, access to the city center...

To this day, there are still drivers who are unaware of all the information behind these colored stickers: Are they mandatory? Which one corresponds to my vehicle? How do I get it? They are for free? Before answering these questions, let's analyze the elements of the environmental labels of the DGT.

Anatomy of DGT labels

The five elements are common to all labels; Depending on the label, the information in each section varies.

  1. EURO emissions level or category identifier. In the case of Zero Emissions labels, only the number 0 appears.
  2. QR Code. It shows us the fundamental information of our vehicle: year of registration, make and model, fuel, category and electric autonomy, level of euro emissions and fiscal power.
  3. Label number and barcode
  4. Vehicle registration number and fuel (varies depending on the sticker):
  • In the Zero Emissions and ECO the license plate and the energy source used by the vehicle appear (BEV, REEV, PHEV, FCEV or HICEV in the case of Zero Emissions and PHEV, HEV, LPG, CNG or LNG, in the case of ECO)
  • In the C and B, collect license plate and type of fuel (diesel or gasoline)

5. DGT and FNMT logo

Which car does each badge correspond to?

DGT emission labels

Zero emissions label

This badge is what identifies less polluting vehicles. The so-called ZERO label, or blue, corresponds to the "greenest" vehicles, or what is the same, the least polluting. We can find it in mopeds, tricycles, quadricycles and motorcycles with electric batteries; passenger cars; light vans, vehicles with more than 8 seats and goods transport vehicles classified in the DGT Vehicle Registry as battery electric vehicles (BEV), extended range electric vehicle (REEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) with a minimum autonomy of 40 kilometers or fuel cell vehicles.

According to the association ANFAC, the registrations of electric and hybrid vehicles in the first ten months of 2018, recorded a total of 73.752 units, which is an increase of 41% compared to the same months of 2017. Madrid leads the ranking of registrations, followed by Barcelona, Andalusia and the Valencian Community.

Drivers of this type of vehicle enjoy complete freedom of movement in cities, without access restrictions in pollution episodes and they can park in the center for free [in some cases].

ECO label

The vehicles with the ECO designation due to the DGT stickers [half green, half blue] are passenger cars, light vans, vehicles with more than 8 seats and goods transport vehicles classified in the Vehicle Registry as plug-in hybrids with less autonomy in electric mode at 40 km, to non-plug-in hybrids (HEV), to cars powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) already liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

Despite its classification as one of the cleanest vehicles, ECOs may be affected by access and parking restrictions in cities in episodes of high pollution depending on the scenario in which it is. However, as a general rule, the drivers of these vehicles will not have traffic problems or restrictions, since these episodes occur infrequently and in exceptional cases.

DGT Eco Label ECO - Zero

Label C

The green label with the letter C covers gasoline cars and light vans registered as of January 2006 and diesel as of 2014, vehicles with more than 8 seats and goods transport, both gasoline and diesel, registered as of 2014. This distinctive affects the Euro 4, 5 and 6 regulations in gasoline and Euro 6 diesel.

As for the access reductions, parking or restrictions, will depend on the scenario in which it is found, being less permissive than the two previous categories. Given the alert scenario, motor vehicles, including mopeds, will be prohibited from circulating throughout the municipality, nor will they be able to park, in addition to free taxis.

Label B

The yellow label B corresponds to the most polluting cars that fall within this cataloging of the DGT. It will be carried by gasoline cars and light vans registered as of January 2000 and diesel as of January 2006, as well as vehicles with more than 8 seats and goods transport vehicles, both gasoline and diesel, registered as of 2005. They must comply with Euro 3 regulations and diesels with Euro 4 and 5.

Cars with label B -yellow in color- are the most inconvenient will be found in terms of reductions in traffic and parking when activating the protocol in front of a episode of contamination, always depending on the level.

DGT Eco Label B - C

Is it mandatory to wear the label?

To date, the placement of the environmental label at the national level it is voluntary. However, it is still highly recommended, since if we do not, we could be losing advantages in terms of circulation or parking of our vehicle. The DGT itself indicates that «the placement of the badge is voluntary. However, since it makes it easier to quickly identify less polluting vehicles, we recommend that you affix it to the lower right corner of the front windshield.”

Where to put the sticker?

The DGT does not require that the sticker be placed in a specific place, but they do recommend putting it on the lower right corner of front windshield, if available, or failing that, anywhere visible in the vehicle.

Will they fine us if we don't take it?

Yes, in some cases. In Madrid, Since October 8, 2018, the new anti-pollution protocol has come into force, which means that not having this badge can lead to fines.

With respect to BarcelonaWhat has been established is that in the low-emissions zone included within the ring roads of Barcelona, ​​and which includes the capital, almost all the neighborhoods of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Sant Adrià de Besòs, and the neighborhoods de Cornellà and Esplugues de Llobregat, which are inside the perimeter of the ring roads, when the Generalitat declares a pollution episode, unlisted vehicles with the different distinctions for its high contamination, they will not be able to circulate at the times indicated.

In conclusion, they will not be fined to vehicles that do not have the badge affixed, if not, that, will be denounced to those vehicles that due to its age and its emissions, they are not entitled to one of the approved badges, when they circulate with the contamination protocol activated.

EPA pollution

How do I know the sticker that corresponds to me?

In general, we will know according to the year of enrollment of our vehicle. However, it is normal that we do not know exactly what this year is and, therefore, in which category it would be located. To make it easier for drivers to know which environmental label corresponds to them, the DGT have enabled in your web page A search engine of ECO stickers, so it will suffice to enter our license plate to obtain an answer.

How do I request my badge?

When these labels were put into circulation, the DGT mailed them to the homes of the drivers based on the characteristics of their vehicles. While new cars are given the environmental distinction directly at the time of purchase.

Due to the large number of requests for these environmental stickers, an alternative system was launched to obtain them. They can currently be purchased at post offices presenting the vehicle's circulation permit and the payment of a fee. In addition, the Spanish Confederation of Workshops (CETRAA) and administrative managers are other options.

We can also get through the internet from the page of the General Directorate of Traffic.

How much do they cost?

We will be able to buy the badge online and face-to-face.

If we purchase the DGT emissions sticker for our car or motorcycle in Post Offices, the rate price will be 5 euros VAT included.

If we do it through the internet, specifically through the DGT website, the price will be 6,20 euros VAT and shipping included and we will receive it by mail in less than 10 days.

What if my vehicle is not in any category?

This fleet is the one to be seen most affected due to traffic restrictions in periods of high pollution. Those affected will be the owners of gasoline vehicles registered before 2000, diesel vehicles prior to 2006, vans prior to 1997 and motorcycles and mopeds prior to 2003 that do not have an environmental sticker as they are considered not to meet the requirements to be classified as "vehicles clean”.

A very premature regulation

In short, now that we know what they are and how we get the DGT environmental labels, we must take into account the advantages and disadvantages of wearing them or not wearing them attached to our vehicle. As we have seen, depending on the category to which our vehicle belongs, we will have more or less restrictions regarding the circulation or parking of our car in cities.

However, this regulation is very premature and is susceptible to modifications, so always be aware of limitations that are established in each scenario or restriction protocol. yesIf the restriction affects all vehicles, with the exception of those with zero emissions (last scenario of those established in the protocol in Madrid and Barcelona), it would mean that the rest of the vehicles, even those with another type of cataloging (ECO , C or B), could be reported in case of breaching the restriction.

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      Miguel Niz Sarmiento said

    Will it be in the papers? Will it be an ITV type sticker? curiosity can.

      Backgammon said

    Once the vehicles have been classified by their level of polluting emissions... prepared for new taxes in 3,2,1... I can think of many things with which to collect taxes and "bleed ourselves" a little more... regional taxes based on pollution, more expensive car parks depending on the label, traffic restrictions...

    Worst of all, is that all these years, they have been encouraging us to buy diesel cars, with less taxes on fuel, with a registration tax that clearly favored them. And now, that we all have diesel, because the political class has favored it, they are going to crush us in taxes... and there is going to be no one responsible for this scam?

      jose luis basin white said

    I continue with my jewels on wheels… when they stop burning mountains and desertifying the Amazon and stop fumigating us with chemtrails… then I will give courage to these silly elite….

      Emiliano said

    Very nice, they let us buy a car that complies with the traffic and pollution regulations of the moment and then when they feel like it and to force us to buy new cars they come to us with these. That they plant trees that little by little and without effort will fill the park with electric cars and most of the others will disappear.

      Christian Lazarus said

    You are going to buy a new car… I know about gasoline vehicles from 98 that emit less than one from 2006, so gentlemen, stop using stickers for years and look at the ITV, that's what they are for and we pay for them

      Bravo said

    Shame on you scammer rabble!!
    How long will the electric last? without contaminating your batteries?

      Carlos said

    This country is lost...
    It's embarrassing... I still need to learn English and go fuck myself, without looking back.
    Only thieves… someone will be benefiting from all this…

    The Americans pollute…but nothing happens….their sky is not ours….they live on another planet…jjjjj

    Plastic bags from supermarkets pollute...but if you pay for them, they pollute less...jjjjj

    The cardboard and glass that is collected in the cities….is a benefit for whom???….for the politician on duty….I do not see that one day they will say….this year we do not charge for garbage….for the benefit that has the town hall.

    Anyway…..I'm not going to fix anything….but I can't stop giving my opinion

    As Carlos Herrera says….in this country there are more fools than little bottles.

    All the best

      Felix Matias Rodriguez said

    Hello good mornig for everyone:

    The biggest deception came from wanting to save the planet by saying that electric cars do not pollute and that they have zero emissions.

    My question is:

    Let us suppose a diesel thermal plant that is capable of supplying 100 electric cars with the same power performance as 100 Diesel cars. Who pollutes more by doing the same routes the 100 electric cars or the 100 diesel cars?


    Although in reality we could make exceptions for a user who recharges his electric vehicle with solar panels with which he produces electricity, that in real life is a rarity in that case if they would be ZERO EMISSIONS, Find me a single citizen who they know who does that... .

    In real life, neither the first nor the last example, when a recharge is made, electricity is consumed from the electrical network and that energy ends up in the batteries of the electric vehicle.

    How much will it pollute for that recharge?

    Well, it depends on the energy MIX of the moment, but there is always a component of thermal power plants with emissions, nuclear power plants would be excluded there, the electric companies know it, and then I really miss this fraudulent legislation, that when an electric vehicle recharges, it is not they take your data, registration, etc. and that the emissions corresponding to that recharge that is ecological has nothing at all.

    And in this way control this type of polluting vehicles that consume oil from a distance, and since that energy is transported through the electrical network only along the way, 40% of the energy that supplied the recharging of the ready was lost, which is believed not to be contaminates.

    And as for a minister, the first undocumented person who passes through the street is worth it, that someone calculate exactly and based on what I say who produces more emissions, if an electric car or another similar diesel of those that they say are so bad, .

    And finally, have a good day and don't be fooled that nothing is what it seems. (the tale of the Three Wise Men for children)

    Greetings and thank you very much for understanding me.

      Anna Rovira Garcia said

    good morning, I already had the environmental adhesive stuck to the shock absorber of the motorcycle and it has come off, with the consequent loss. Do I have to buy another one at the Post Office taking the documentation of the motorcycle or only request it because they already know that I bought it?

    Where should I put this sticker on the bike? those of the ITV do not take off...

    Thank you,

      Rida said

    Hello ,,
    I am from Barcelona, ​​I have a car registered in 2013 with a sticker (B), in the vanguard of this week it says that in 2022 they will also invite all cars registered between 2006 and 2013, you can only drive with a sticker (C). I wonder if anyone has more information. Thanks

      eric pujol said

    incredible, fascinating shocking, amazing loyal noble precious moving, extraordinary, simply a work of art

      eric pujol said

    incredible, fascinating shocking, amazing loyal noble precious moving, extraordinary, simply a work of art

      Mario Choez-Briones said

    If my car is gas and gasoline?

      Jose said

    I have already bought it, in a few months they will be mandatory in many cities:

    in 2 days I had it at my house ready to stick it on the car