Class action lawsuit in Spain over PureTech engine failures

  • Lawyers are preparing a class action lawsuit over problems detected in PureTech engines in Spain.
  • Serious faults are detected in the timing belt that can cause costly breakdowns.
  • Those affected are seeking legal solutions and financial compensation from the manufacturer.
  • The case could set an important precedent for consumer protection in the automotive sector.

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The Problems with PureTech engines are generating a Wave of indignation among Spanish drivers, And the lawsuits against the manufacturer continue to grow. This scenario is awakening a growing legal interest, as many believe that the faults detected in these engines go beyond a small number of problems and point to a widespread defect affecting thousands of vehicles in the country.

This legal conflict arises mainly from a Specific fault in the timing belt of PureTech engines, an essential component of the mechanical system. When this belt presents problems, it can lead to catastrophic failures which involve extremely expensive repairs. According to the testimonies collected, the bills can amount to several thousand euros, an expense that no user wants to face, especially if these breakdowns occur in relatively new vehicles.

The outcry of those affected against PureTech engines in Spain

Peugeot 108 2020 - PSA Group

The discontent among the owners of these engines continues to grow, as many claim that the manufacturer has not assumed its responsibility. Instead of offering satisfactory solutions, they have chosen to limit themselves to one-off repairs or even deny any direct relationship between the faults and a possible manufacturing defect. This has set off alarm bells among consumer associations in Spain, which have demanded a more forceful response from the manufacturer.

In this context, Some lawyers and organizations are joining together to promote a class action lawsuit that will bring together those affected. This legal action could force Stellantis to financially compensate owners who have suffered damages and offer a definitive solution to the mechanical problems of the PureTech engines. As some legal experts point out, this lawsuit would not only benefit those currently affected, but would also serve to prevent future drivers from facing the same difficulties.

What exactly is wrong with PureTech engines?

The component under scrutiny is the wet timing belt, a critical element that synchronizes the internal workings of the engine. In several models equipped with this technology, wear has been detected premature of the belt, which, when broken, releases residues that can clog the engine's oil circuit. This obstruction can cause serious damage, including engine failure in the most extreme cases.

In addition, Many users have also reported abnormal noises and instability in engine performance. While these signs are clear indicators that something is not working properly, some owners say they have taken their vehicles to the service center before the breakdown occurred, only to receive ambiguous answers or temporary solutions that did not solve the underlying problem.

A step towards justice: the class action lawsuit

The last Citroën C1. Goodbye Mon Ami

The focus of those affected is now on join together to initiate a class action lawsuit in Spain, following the example of similar cases in other European countries. For example, countries such as France and Belgium have already seen legal moves putting pressure on manufacturers. According to early reports, this initiative is expected to be led by a combination of individual owners and consumer organisations, with the help of law firms specialising in consumer rights.

The main objective of this action is ensure that the manufacturer assumes the costs of repairs and provides financial compensation to those affected. The aim is also to force a massive recall of vehicles equipped with these engines to solve the problem at its root and prevent it from affecting more drivers.

An important precedent for the sector

Stellantis logo white

If successful, this class action could set a very significant precedent in Spain and the rest of Europe. Not only would this result in compensation for those affected, but it would also send a message to car manufacturers: consumers demand reliable products, and will not accept being ignored in cases of obvious manufacturing defects.

The ball is now in the manufacturer's court, which will have to decide whether to seek an amicable resolution to the dispute or face a lengthy legal process. Meanwhile, those affected continue to gather strength, convinced that this fight will not only benefit PureTech users, but will also strengthen the position of consumers throughout the automotive sector.

The resolution of this dispute will mark a before and after, not just for PureTech engine owners in Spain, but for any consumer who has felt that the automotive sector is not fulfilling its responsibilities. We will have to keep a close eye on how this all ends…

Source - PureTech Legal

Images | Stellantis

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