Check the oil level

Check engine oil

Lubrication is very important operation of our engine. That is why it is convenient to check the oil level with some frequency, to verify that it has the adequate amount. If not, the consequences for our car can be dire.

Although checking the oil level it's a simple process, has many more kinks than you might think at first. What to do if the car does not have an oil dipstick? What happens if it is above the maximum? What are the consequences of having it below? Why does the level go up by itself? And even if it is at the right level, when should it be changed? These are some of the questions that we are going to answer so that you are an expert in the matter.

How to check the oil level in my car

  1. First of all, to measure the oil level, the car must be in horizontal position and the engine completely cold, for example in a garage. If we measure it with the oil a little warm, part of it will be distributed throughout the engine and will not give us an adequate measurement. So it is convenient to wait for everything to drain until the crankcase.

Check oil level with dipstick

  1. The next thing we have to do is remove the oil dipstick and clean it completely with a piece of paper or cloth. We can see that the rod has two marks, one of them indicates the minimum and the other the maximum.
  2. Posteriorly the we will introduce it again to the bottom and we will remove it again. Since we have cleaned it, only the trace of oil that was sitting in the crankcase will remain. So We will observe at what real height the oil is.
    • if it is below the minimum we will fill it a little (always of the same type).
    • if it is above the maximum, a part would have to be removed. There are people who leave close to the maximum, in case you consume a little. This ensures that it is never below the minimum.

In vehicles with a dry sump, the process is different. As a general rule, we must make the measurement with the engine running and at working temperature. Then we will proceed to measure the level as described above.

Check the oil level in a dry sump engine

My car doesn't have a dipstick, how do I check the oil level?

There are models, especially brands premiumThey don't have an oil dipstick to check the level. Instead of this have a function in the on-board computer in which it tells you if it is missing and, if it is the case, how much is missing.

Each brand has its system for access the menus that allow you to check the oil level automatically. Therefore, the best thing to do is to consult the instructions of the model in question, to know how to do it. For example, in BMWs without a dipstick, you have to enter the menu for Information (i), then in the menu Service and then in the engine oil level. The system will begin to check the level and shortly after it will give us the result.

Related article:
Everything you need to know about motor oil

What happens if the oil level is above the maximum?

Every make, model and type of motor it has its peculiarities, so it is not possible to state categorically how excess oil affects all cars. What is clear is that if the manufacturer has stipulated a maximum oil level for an engine, it is a good idea to respect it. We give you a few solutions if you have this problem:

Take it to the workshop

If you don't want to get your hands dirty and/or don't have the necessary tools, you can take it to a workshop. Of course, as long as you can drive the car safely. Normally they charge you very little money for such a simple operation, which is nothing more than sucking in the oil.

INCLUDED there are workshops where they will do it for you for free, if the mechanic is generous. It's about two minutes. In any case, if they want to charge you more than 10 or 20 euros, it would be an abusive price.

Take the car to the workshop to have the excess oil removed.

Extract it through the crankcase

For those familiar with the process of oil change, the solution is simple: just let a little oil come out of the sump plug. The only difference in this case is that so that it does not come out so quickly, it is better not to remove the engine oil cap. In addition, you can also choose not to preheat the engine, so that it has a little more viscosity.

If you are going to use this method, do it with the same safety measures as with an oil change. That is, it raises the car safely (not a simple jack). If you don't have access to a lift, you can use sawhorses, like the ones in Silverline y AmazonBasics, or portable ramps, like the ones in Cartrend or those of Carpoint. Don't forget to take the excess oil to a Clean point.

Aspirate it with a pump or syringe

If you do not have these elements and it is not worth buying them, because you are not going to use them in other car operations, you can also use an oil suction pump. those of the brands Mannesmann o GHB they are fine. Another cheaper option is an extraction syringe like the one in Silverline. The oil is extracted through the hole in the rod and it is easy and safe. It is also easier to calculate the oil that is extracted with a measuring glass. Just let whatever oil is left in the tube run back into the engine.

Does the car get rid of the leftover oil by itself?

As we have told you before, each make and model is different. Hence we do not recommend that you have this possibility, unless you know for a fact that your model is not going to be damaged and it will get rid of the problem on its own. It is better that you lean towards any of the previous options. If you still choose this option, at least do it only if you exceed the maximum by very little (1 or 2 mm on the rod). Better not to do it if the level is too high.

car smoke burning oil

My oil level is low, is there a problem?

In this case the problem is clear. Driving with the oil level low is a situation that must be remedied as soon as possible. If the engine is not well lubricated, its parts will wear out much sooner from excessive friction.

On this fluid depends the correct grease of the Camshafts, crankshaft, Rods and an endless list of components. In addition, it also contributes to do not overheat some pieces like pistons, because of friction.

If this is your case, we recommend that you do not start the car until you have filled them with enough oil to be within the limits marked by the dipstick.

Why does the oil level drop?

oil burning

Cars usually use oil to a greater or lesser extent, simply with normal operation. In new models that consumption is very low or almost negligible, but over time it is usual that they end up spending more.

Oil burning in the combustion chambers

The reason is that pistons need lubrication to go up and down on the cylinders. That is why the walls of the combustion chamber they have some oil that will burn in the process. The longer an engine is, the more clearance there is. and more oil is burned in each explosion. That is why there are engines that expel white or gray smoke but with a bluish touch. Because they are burning more oil than normal.

Related article:
The smoke from our car

This can also occur even if there is not too much clearance in the cylinders. If a more fluid oil is added than indicated to the engine, more oil than necessary will leak between the piston and the cylinder.

oil leak

Logically, the oil level can also drop due to the simple loss through a leak. In these cases, the underside of the car and the ground below it must be thoroughly checked when we have left it stopped for a while. The most common losses are by the casing and its screw.

If you have to refill very frequently, take the car to the workshop. The placement of a new crankcase or its gaskets requires a certain precision in order not to cause more leaks in the process. For example, the screws that attach it to the engine block They have to go tightened with the torque set by the manufacturer. If it is greater, the crankcase can be deformed in that part, causing oil leaks.

too much engine oil

Why does the oil level rise?

There are several reasons why the oil level rises on its own and they can be a symptom of a fault. What you have to be clear about is, if the correct amount of oil has been put in the car, it will not magically increase. The most frequent reasons are:

FAP regeneration very frequent

the cars they have Particulate Filter (FAP) have self-healing systems that cause the oil level to rise. Without going into the details of its operation, this increase is due to the fact that too much fuel getting into the engine oil. Under normal conditions, very little arrives, but if these regenerations are very frequent and inefficient, the increase will be considerable.

antifreeze leaks

The engine has two very important fluid circuits: the oil circuit and the coolant circuit. antifreeze (refrigerant). If at any point there is a leak, and start to mingle, neither of them will be able to fulfill their function adequately. The most common symptom is that the oil rises and its color is that of a brown paste. Take a look at the following article to learn more about this fault:

Mixture of oil and antifreeze in the expansion tank of the car
Related article:
Oil and antifreeze mixture

How do you know if your car oil is okay?

The clearest indicator of the condition of the oil is its color. To check properly, you should look at a thin layer of oil, not hold it up to the light in a container. The more it has been used the darker it will be. Using the dipstick is a good way to check. If when removing it the oil is so black that it does not let you see the dipstick itself, it is a good time to change it.

Images 4, 5 and 6 – Antoine de Cardaillac, Timitrius, Robert Couse-Baker

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      victor martinez said

    Good afternoon, my car turned on the oil bulb, there was a problem, the oil was mixed with antifreeze, they changed the oil pump and the ambuegesa is a 2002 jetta, says my mechanic that the oil strainer is constantly checked???? I hope you can guide me THANK YOU