Changing the cabin filter: all about the pollen filter

Everything you need to know about the pollen filter of the air conditioning of the passenger compartment of a car

Spring loaded with pollen has arrived... and with it begins the torture of allergy sufferers. Fortunately, today traveling by car is much more comfortable (and safer) for allergy sufferers thanks to the cabin filter, also known as pollen filter o air conditioning filter. This filter has a limited life and when it becomes saturated we must change it. The most appropriate time to do it is spring and the approximate duration is one year, although it varies depending on the environment that we frequent.

El cabin filter It is responsible for guaranteeing a minimum of quality in the air inside the car. To do this, it must retain dust and pollen particles that can enter through the car's ventilation system. It also filters the gases that may be in the air coming from the exhaust pipe of other cars: soot and other poorly burned hydrocarbons, ozone, etc.

Symptoms of a dirty pollen filter

  • El fan of air in the cabin seems to have lost a lot of power
  • Appear strong odors inside the car, especially as soon as the air conditioning is turned on
  • the windows are fogged up often or more difficult to defog
  • The air conditioning seems to cool less usual

car air conditioner pollen filter

Some people say that with a little washing and blowing the cabin filter is good as new and can be used again. I am in favor of changing it, because it does not cost much and the biggest hassle is usually labor.

Remember changing the pollen filter can be both a hygiene and a safety issue. The cabin filter accumulates moisture and can breed various molds, bacteria and various microorganisms harmful to health. In addition, a filter in poor condition will cause frequent distractions to the driver in the form of sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, etc.

Types of pollen filters and prices

The cabin filter of a car is actually a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) type filter. Which does not mean that they are all the same. When choosing your cabin filter you should know that there are usually two types:

  • simple filter: normally made of paper or similar, it protects from dust and most of the pollen
  • Activated carbon filter (or active carbon): in addition to protecting against dust and pollen, it also filters the exhaust gases of other cars more effectively and reduces the appearance of odors in the passenger compartment

Anti-pollen filter for the passenger compartment of a car (active carbon and paper)

Normally, both can be placed in the car interchangeably since their dimensions are compatible. The simple filter will suffice as long as we do not frequent the city, while the active carbon filter is more recommended if we regularly move around large cities.

At an auto parts store, the normal filter It costs approximately between 10 and 30 euros depending on the model.. The active carbon pollen filter used to cost about three times as much, although its price has come down a lot over time. Here are some examples from Amazon, where you can filter by car model:

This Mercedes pollen filter is in the engine compartment of the car, at the base of the windshield

When to change the air conditioning filter

Follow the maintenance book of the car is a good idea. It will indicate every 15.000 km, 30.000 or similar figures. However, as we have told you, it is not the same to always circulate in the city than in places with the cleanest air. That's why if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, it will be good moment to change it.

Still, we We recommend you not to wait for it to be noticed with any of those symptoms. Both your lungs and the air conditioning in your car will thank you. Only you have to take a look at the filter of your car and you will see if it is time to change it or not. In the following image you can see the difference between an old one and a new one. Of course, you should never reach the extreme shown here.

Comparison between a dirty and a clean cabin pollen filter

Changing the cabin filter is usually easy

Each car has a pollen filter in one place: some are accessed from the passenger compartment (usually the glove box or below it) and others from the engine compartment, usually at the base of the windscreen. In any case, The hardest part is usually locating it., but once located it is a matter of a little skill and patience.

If there is no information in the manual of the car, one of the best ways to know how to change it is to contact directly to the part manufacturer. Many times with the filter comes a small booklet with four basic instructions and photos, enough to get the job done. For example (and on top of that I advertise for free), on the Mann website you can find these brochures.

Any questions? Come on, don't be shy and jump in, it's not complicated. Ah!, another thing: if in your case there were odors in the car, before mounting the new filter you can apply a disinfectant spray inside the cabin and put the air conditioning at maximum power in recirculation to thoroughly clean the entire car.

Change cabin filter

What happens if the cabin filter is dirty

As we have indicated in the symptoms section, the air conditioning loses blowing and cooling capacity, in addition to the appearance of odors and dirt in the environment. However, things do not stop there. If we never change it the air conditioner can end up suffering damage or at least a premature wear of some piece. The same thing happens to a vacuum cleaner whose HEPA filter is never changed.

In addition to this, the accumulation of dirt and moisture can also lead to health problems of car occupants. If yours is really dirty, one solution is an air conditioning ozone treatment, a dehumidifier y these interior cleaning tricks.

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      ramon ramon said

    where is the pollen filter in the opel corsa diesel 1300 of the year 2010. if it has it

      Lucas said

    come on…..