Basic operation of the Engine Control Unit (ECU)

This is how the engine ECU works

Most people have heard of the ECU of a car. That micro-computer that all modern motorized vehicles carry, which ensures that everything works correctly in any circumstance. Thanks to it, the motors are a much more efficient machine and adaptable to different circumstances, without the user having to worry about anything.

As in many elements of the car, the complexity of an ECU varies from model to model. While the simplest only controlled the amount of fuel injected into the combustion chambers, others are also responsible for the advance or delay in ignition, the moment of valve opening, controlling the revolutions of the compressor or turbo...

The ECU is the brain of the engine

The ECU is the brain of an engine

In order to control all these elements, the ECU must receive information of various parts of the engine and its accessories. For them are the air flow sensor, from the position of accelerator, that of the pressure of the turbo, the one of oil pressure and temperature, the crankshaft, etc. If any detect any rare value, the ECU is programmed to Act accordingly.

E.g., if the crankshaft sensor detects that the engine is turning below the minimum revolutions. I mean, it's going to sink. The ECU can give the command to inject a little more fuel to get you out of that situation and resist stalling. In these cases, it can also delay the ignition timing, postponing the spark from the plugs. This avoids the risk of being stung by Rods.

If the ECU receives any notice that Something important in the engine is not working right.will send a signal to scorecard to turn on the engine fault warning light. In this way, the user will know that he has a problem and will be able to act accordingly to prevent the fault from getting worse. In these cases, the ECU may also activate the failsafe mode to minimize component breakage. Something that is noticeable in a drastic drop in performance.

Reprogram or change the ECU

Reprogramming of a car ECU


Some units are characterized by be able to modify to adapt the behavior of the motor to the reforms that have been made. These can range from the replacement of the turbo for another with better capacities, to the change of the intercooler for another that dissipates heat better. They can also be simply reprogrammed so that they demand more to the components that the factory engine has.

However, the modification of the ECU It is a double-edged sword. If it is set wrong, the performance of the car may be worse, it may not work at all or even break down. So when you mess with the ECU, you have to be very sure of what you're doing. It is not an element in which the trial and error method is usually valid.

chip tuning

In some car conversions, reprogramming the ECU is not enough. That's why what they do is change it directly for another with the ability to order the engine what they want. This is called 'chipping' or chip tuning of the engine instead of reprogramming. Something that used to be done in all cars because their ECUs were not reprogrammable. Currently, almost all ECUs can be modified within limits.

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      eloy said

    Hello, I would like to know what is the generation or types of ECUs that are currently in what is management for the engine.

      byron said

    Could you inform me about the constitution and electronic operation of the control units of the car

      Jose Luis said

    Good evening, all the valuable information that you provide in the best way I would like to continue learning about ECUs since the internal information is very restricted. I would request technical information on the internal components as well as where to acquire them.

      asdfghjk2013ghgfd said

    Whoops seriously???? If I replace my turbo with another one, do I have to reprogram it??? or do you mean another turbo with another blowing pressure….
    But if I put a larger or different intercooler, you would say reprogramming….. I want to think that you have gotten involved with so much turbolag, right?

      Jesus said

    Where is the ecu for the steering system in my fiat stilo?