ABS brakes: what they are, how they work and how to detect faults

BMW M3 ABS Brakes

El ABS braking system It is one of the greatest safety inventions in automotive history. In fact, together with the airbag and the seat belt, it is known as one of the items that have saved the most lives since its introduction in cars, but what are ABS brakes? How do they work? What are the faults of the ABS brakes? We are going to discover everything about this element that we will probably never realize its existence.

The acronym ABS responds to the name, in German, of Anti-lock braking system, although we commonly know it by the English Anti-Lock Brake System. In Spanish this is the anti-lock braking system and, although its appearance or its first patents date from the beginning of the last century, the reality is that its application to the car would not usually arrive until the second part of it. Today it is a mandatory system in many places, including the European Union, where it is mandatory for new cars marketed within it since July 1, 2004.

What is ABS?

What are ABS brakes

ABS is a system that simply prevents the brakes from locking the wheel. When we brake, pressure is exerted on the brakes that can exceed the tire's adherence limit and, therefore, we will block the wheel, losing braking power, lengthening it and losing ability to steer the car. ABS eliminates this man-machine interaction fault automatically.

ABS brake indicator on dashboard. ABS and ESP fault message
Related article:
Why does the ABS fail? ABS brake faults and their repair

Through different sensors that detect the angle of rotation of the wheels, the speed or the power of the braking, the system plays with the pressure of the braking circuit to dose the power we exert on the pedal and thus avoid blockage. In other words, by making small automatic corrections in brake pressure prevents the locking point of the wheels.

What factors intervene in braking with ABS?

As in everything, there are many factors that intervene when the ABS system works or not. One of them and perhaps the most important is the tire condition. If the tires have incorrect pressure to tires are worn or crystallized, its grip limit is reduced and, therefore, the anti-lock system works more than necessary and inefficiently. The condition of the brakes themselves is also a decisive factor, as is the condition of the pads or of the disks.

However, another of the most determining factors in its operation is the state of the road. The ABS system is not always effective, for example when the road is very slippery: snow, mud, ice, dirt. The anti-lock in these cases tends to go a little crazy because the wheel constantly locks up. Braking slows down, but the distance can be multiplied.

ABS brakes on wet roads can do wonders. The limit of adhesion is reduced and through continuous adjustment of the braking power the braking distance can be reduced. And what is more important, by not locking the wheels, we do not lose control of the car, so we can continue braking without so much fear that the car will whiplash or spin because we have locked the wheels. In curve this the crucial.

How do I know when it works?

Not all ABS systems work the same way, but they do have a common component. In any case, they have been refined to improve their performance and so that the driver barely notices their intervention. It is not advisable to try just to try for a simple reason, the ABS usually works in emergency braking and, therefore, the fact that this element is activated always carries a danger.

ABS brake system

The driver, when the ABS activates, will notice how the pedal starts to vibrate strongly at the same time it will lose sensitivity. Two things can happen to the ear, that a warning beep sounds, and that we hear a kind of saw sound (clack-clack-clack). On the dashboard, on the control panel, in some cars the warning light can come on, but it is not usual.

In any case, as it is usually something punctual, probably in the situation in which it is activated we will not have time to listen to brake sounds or witnesses. Sometimes cornering or braking on a bump can activate the system momentarily. no need to panic if we notice it, on the contrary, we have to let the electronics work.

Does my car have ABS?

A new car purchased in the European Union as of July 1, 2004 It has ABS anti-lock system. But sometimes we buy before that date or on the second-hand market. The ABS has been something relatively common before the aforementioned date, but not all manufacturers had the obligation to mount it. Sometimes having or not having ABS could be a matter of the version or finish chosen.

The brake pedal vibrates when the ABS works. Do not panic

To find out if my car has ABS, the simplest thing, if there is no anomaly, is to turn on the ignition and see how the associated warning light comes on usually for a few seconds. It is a kind of check to see if the system is active and working properly. If it doesn't turn on it may be because our car doesn't equip it. In any case, the most sensible thing is to go to a dealer/workshop of our brand to ask or look at the user manual.

Edo Competition Mercedes G63 AMG - brakes
Related article:
Car brakes, how do they work and what types are there?

What happens when it fails?

Each car or each manufacturer has a type of warning, in addition to the warning light, which warn of a malfunction of the element. For example, some cars place a text message with the bug.

What must be completely clear is that the fact of having an ABS malfunction does not mean that our car has run out of brakes. That is, we will circulate without the anti-lock but the brake system will continue to work correctly. In fact, we will not notice anything beyond a warning or a more than probable blockage in an emergency situation.

ABS brakes

In many cars, the brake distributor has been replaced by an electronic system that works together with the ABS. That is why in strong braking if the system fails we can block the rear wheels, especially in cars prepared to carry cargo such as pick-ups, vans or family.

On the other hand, ABS is the mother system of many other electronic systems, so a failure of this alters the operation of the ESP, the traction control and even the hill start assist system. Everything that ultimately controls the turning of the wheels.

It must be taken into account that not all the warning lights that may come on related to the brakes have to do with the anti-lock. In plain words, if what comes on is the brake fault light, the fault will be there, and not in the ABS. It is very recurrent that the warning light comes on low level in for brake fluid or worn pads and the user confuses it with ABS. Moreover, if the ABS fails in the warning light that lights up, the acronyms will appear.

Related article:
Change of brake pads

Test your brakes to see if ABS works, but safely and only once

What can go wrong with ABS brakes?

As we said before, the system is based on multiple sensors, and as you can already guess, they are the most likely to fail. Although an ABS fault is not very common, it can fail this sensor system and fail. On the other hand, and more complicated economically, it may be that the car's control unit is failing.

To find out with greater certainty, you have to connect the car to a diagnosis to determine the origin of the fault. Wiring can be yet another factor in a malfunction.

ABS brake system

To add to the list of possible brake faults, it may be a simple fuse that fails. Without going any further, in current vehicles most of the time the ABS disconnection can only be carried out by means of the fuse removal. But be careful, not only do you have to trust the witness, because the light bulb that illuminates the painting may be burned out. That is why it is worth checking if it works in the check that we carry out when giving the contact. Attention, because even though both systems coexist and work together, a failure of the ESP stability system will be noted on the dashboard with its own symbol.

What is not an ABS fault?

Earlier we mentioned that there was no need to confuse an ABS failure with a brake system failure. That is why we must trust the witnesses. If we do not do it, we must take into account this series of issues that do not mean a malfunction of it. For example, when we brake and notice that the pedal goes down the safest thing is that we have air in the circuit or the brake master cylinder is connected. It has nothing to do with anti-blocking and this does entail a more serious danger to our security.

On the other hand, the opposite may happen, that we step on the brake pedal, it is very hard and we have to apply a lot of pressure to stop it. In this case it is most likely that the brake servo is failing. To check it, it will suffice to press the brake repeatedly with the engine stopped until it becomes hard and, without letting go of it, start the engine. If the fault is not smoothed out it is almost clear. In turbo engines, the vacuum pump or the vacuum lines to the brake booster may fail.

brake lights don't come on
Related article:
Faulty brake lights: they do not come on, they stay on, the third light does not work

ABS brake system

It can also happen, and perhaps it can be confused with ABS, that the car brakes on one front wheel and another opposite rear. This is because many cars mount an X safety circuit to ensure minimal braking on both axles. Again, it has nothing to do with the ABS, and more with air in the circuit or a direct leak in one of them.

Additionally, if when braking more or less hard we notice that the car vibrates but does not make a strange noise or that we are not used to hearing, it will not have anything to do with the ABS either. And I notice in capital letters what “the car vibrates”. When the ABS acts it is the pedal that we notice vibrate. If not, surely we have the unbalanced wheels, warped discs or bearings in poor condition. If when braking the car tends to go to one side, it could be a bad tire pressure, the imbalance of braking due to worn brakes or a direction not aligned.

When to change brake discs
Related article:
When to change brake discs

Is it worth disconnecting the ABS?

No, absolutely not. It's more, few are the cars in which the ABS is deactivatable. We can disconnect the traction or stability systems, but the ABS is always there. It is such a highly developed system and one in which we drivers must trust so much that it's not worth doing without. Some ATVs with their mud, snow, or gravel modes may adjust their operation to allow lockup.

It is true that sometimes it is more of a nuisance than an advantage, but those situations are rare. On highly slippery surfaces it goes crazy trying to slow down the car and, in turn, it might be better to block the wheels so that the tire digs into the surface in search of greater grip. Many times is the ESP system the one that behaves more negatively on very slippery surfaces, making the anti-lock work constantly.

In any case, it is not recommended to disable it in these circumstances either. In the following video you can see how a car behaves without ABS on slippery terrain.: asymmetric braking. The slight difference in grip between the wheels on one side and the other causes the car to go out of its path if it does not have ABS (which ESP can also help).

Why is ABS not used in competition?

The ABS itself has been used even in high competition. We refer, for example, to formula 1. But as you know the regulations have prohibited, rather they prohibited many years ago, a good number of electronic systems such as traction control or active suspension. The ABS is another of those elements that are not available by regulation.

But one of the most powerful reasons why it is not used regularly in competition is because the rider loses sensitivity under heavy braking. Stop feeling when a wheel reaches its grip limit. In fact, as the races take place in safe environments, the drivers themselves can do the anti-lock functions manually with their foot, and that is why we can see large blocks in a rush of braking in high competition.

Images 2, 4 and 6 – Christine und Hagen Graf, William Clifford, David Howard

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      astrome said

    Man, it's not that hard to use either, right?! In fact, it takes advantage of what many people without abs do wrong: brake hard until the car stops, hehe.

      louis gaton said

    Yes, but it is also true that many people do not dare to brake unceremoniously, and also that others are scared by the vibrations of the pedal and loosen the brake (I have seen it done in some course).
    That's why I encourage everyone to try it out on their car, if they haven't already.

      walter said

    i have a problem with my brake it gets hard and the handbrake light comes on

      Louis Gaton said

    Walter, if the car continues to brake but you have to use a lot of force to make it stop, the fault is with the brake servo.
    To check this, stop the engine and step on the brake several times, you will notice that the travel is minimal and it becomes completely hard (if it is not already). Step on the brake once more and hold it down Start the engine, if the pedal does not "go down", it is an unequivocal sign that the servo brake is damaged.
    One way or another, you have to go to the workshop because the brake is essential for your safety.


      Eneroliza Vasquez said

    Good evening !!

    In my case it is that the ABS system turns on the constant light, I would like to know what is happening, today the vehicle is left, I turn off everything and discharge the battery.

    I would like to know if someone can tell me what is happening with my ABS brakes and why this light always comes on?

    Thank you so much…


      Louis Gaton said

    Eneroliza, I don't see a direct relationship between the ABS warning light coming on and then the battery being discharged; sometimes it can happen the other way around, that after we have run out of battery the ABS fails a couple of times at first, but not the other way around.

    If the yellow ABS warning light stays on while driving, it means that the ABS regulation system is out of order; that is, the brakes work like those of a car without said system. You have to keep this in mind until you repair it.
    Normally this failure is due to a problem with the electronic control unit or, more commonly, a failure to read a rotation sensor on the wheels.

    If the fault is not due to a worn battery... you will have to go to the workshop


      Gregory said


    They changed the ball joints of a 98 explorer and after this the ABS turned on and it always stays on, what should I do or who should I go to to turn it off?

      louis gaton said

    Gregorio, if the ABS warning light came on just when you changed the ball joints, it means that something was going to be touched; Either they left a sensor unplugged, or they cut a cable or something.

    Tell the workshop that did the repair

      Danyel said

    CONSULTATION: I have an Alfa 146 TD, the brake pedal was hard, the ABS or brake warning lights are not on. It has brake fluid, and shows no signs of damage at all. They can help me. From already thank you very much

      louis gaton said

    Danyel, what is happening to your car is possibly the brake servo; read the reply I gave to walter; it's the fourth comment, I think


      odalis said

    Hi, I have a question. I have a Grand Cherokee Laredo 4×2, year 98, and the dashboard light comes on (ABS) when we're driving, and I have questions because I'm afraid of running out of brakes. I appreciate anyone who can guide me.

      louis gaton said

    Odalis, this warning light (yellow, I suppose) indicates that the ABS has stopped working correctly. The brakes won't fail, but you won't have ABS assistance (ie you'll be able to lock the wheels under heavy braking)

      jose said

    hello, how about a cordial greeting to all, I have a pontiac grand prix mod car. 93 and the anti-locking light appears on the dashboard, I want your advice, it will be the abs booster or sensor, the symptoms are hard brake pedal and the light on the dashboard with the anti-locking message.
    Well, that's all my concern. I'll appreciate your comments.

      louis gaton said

    Jose, as you rightly say, it will almost certainly be the "booster" or brake servo, due to the hard pedal symptom. Take the test indicated above to confirm it.

      George said

    Hello: I have a 4 Citroen C2009 SX, when I wanted to use the brake of my car with ABS it didn't work and I brake like a common car. It did not turn on any warning light to indicate that it was not working, and I had an accident turning the car over. Can someone tell me if there is any similar history in these cars. Thanks.

      freddy said

    I have a grand caravan 98 3.3ol I ran out of brake check the brakes they are good I don't know what it will be they told me it is the brake pump since it goes to the bottom when I brake and the abs turns on I would like someone to help me with this

      louis gaton said

    Jorge, to my knowledge there is no news of general failures in the ABS of the citroën C4. Forgive me for suggesting it, but it may be that at the critical moment of the accident it seemed to you that the ABS was not working but that it was. The ABS diagnostic system is not prone to failure, if something had gone wrong the warning light would have come on. It is also possible that the hydraulic group broke down just at the moment of activating the ABS, but it would be very rare...

      louis gaton said

    Freddy, without knowing what brake inspection they did, it is difficult to diagnose anything, but if the pedal goes to the bottom when you step on it, it has to be:
    -Air in the circuit: bleed the air.
    -Liquid leaks: if the tank level drops, there is a leak.
    -Brake master cylinder failure: change the set of gaskets or the complete cylinder, if applicable.

      ramon said

    good night. I comment I have a great 96 limitet 4.0 cherokee the alarm didn't work and I took it off I've been walking with it for 4 days without problems, the central locking didn't work and I started to remove the fuse by rifle and everything was fine, but all 4 came on flashing and won't start. After an hour and a half I removed the positive from the battery and put it on and started my question, it is because there is a short current or alarm at the factory. Possible solution because these faults are a p…..just say a greeting from Tenerife

      louis gaton said

    Ramon, in this post we only talk about ABS, but good.
    Regarding what you say about the alarm, the strange thing is that it has restarted just by removing the positive. They usually have a relay that leaves the alarm activated and prevents starting even if the battery is disconnected.
    You only say that "the alarm does not work" so it is difficult to imagine what could be happening. A typical alarm failure is current shunts that can cause it to stay locked. It is also common for the switchboard to "go crazy" and not recognize the key. It is solved by reprogramming the key or if not the key-control unit set

      ruben said

    hello I have a winstar 98 the handbrake light is constantly on what signal is some sensor

      louis gaton said

    Ruben, the explanation of the handbrake light on will come in your manual. Possibly low brake fluid level.

      Carles said

    Hello, I have a question to see if you can help me. I have a SMART for four, and today when I started the car I saw the ABS light stay on and a triangle with an exclamation mark next to it that I think is the ESP. I'm guessing this means that those systems don't work and I'm driving without them, and I have several queries about it. By the way I passed the ITv last week without any problem.

    Do you think it's a serious problem?

    -How much could the repair cost me?

    -Is there any "trick" that I can try to try to solve it myself?

    Thank you very much for your attention, I would be very grateful if you would reply to my e-mail as well as in the forum, since I am very busy and it would be much more practical for me. Thank you.


      louis gaton said

    Carles, from here it is impossible to know if the fault is serious, since the fault is in any of the ABS/ESP components.

    That failure does not have to throw you back in the ITV at all, the only thing that your safety will be very affected since none of the driving aids will work when you need them.
    Take it to a workshop so they can diagnose it, it's still not much.

      louis gaton said

    All those who have their wheels stopped can be for several reasons:
    -Failure in the brake booster membrane, which pushes the brake master cylinder without pressing the pedal
    -Failure in the master cylinder, corroded by moisture or communicated in the joints
    -Failure in the cylinders of the wheel that remains braked. They get stiff from rust and don't return to their resting position well.
    -Air in the circuit, although it is less common for the wheels to brake


      Sara Martinez said

    Mr. Luis, good afternoon, I have a 98 windstar, because the ABs light comes on, check list and the handbrake has been constantly on. And when I move the steering wheel to park it, it makes a thud… what should I do? What should they check first urgently? It worries me, since I travel daily with my babies.

      DANIEL PAUL said

    I have an audi a3 year 1997, the abs light comes on day in and day out, and it comes on when I brake slowly and the pedal makes a noise as if it were sawing, when I turn off the car and accelerate a little, it goes off.
    the diagnosis with the machine says that it is the front, right sensor and it has been changed for a new one, and the diagnosis continues saying that it is the same sensor that is new.
    in the end they say that it is the abs control unit, I would like to know if the shots go that way since a new control unit is not cheap at all.
    what if I always have the abs activated even if the light is on, which with a little acceleration goes off, the system works well.
    What can you tell me about this?
    someone give me an option what to do.
    Thank you.

      louis gaton said

    Daniel Paul
    If it is not the sensor, it could be the toothed collar that sends the "pulses" to the sensor. If it isn't either, it could be the wiring and if not possibly the control unit. From here it is difficult to make a diagnosis, but if they have not already done so, have them check that before changing the control unit.

      louis gaton said

    Sara, without hearing that "pop" I can't know where it comes from, but from what you say the ABS failure could not be related to the steering noise. Have the steering clearances, joints, silentblocks and front axle dust covers checked.
    Putting the car in the machine will possibly tell you where the ABS fault is coming from.


      john sanchez said


      louis gaton said

    Does only the pedal vibrate or does the whole car vibrate? If it is a general trembling throughout the car, the problem you indicate is damaged brake discs, possibly due to overheating or having put them in water when they are very hot.

      ernesto said

    I changed the master cylinder of a 1993 explorer but; It seems that it affected the ABS system. As the system does not activate at low speed. Will it be necessary to purge the lines in a different way?

      louis gaton said

    In principle, changing the master cylinder does not have to affect the operation of the ABS at all unless, as you say, you have bled the circuit wrong. Try to purge it again to see


      beto said

    I have a 95 windstar truck, the calipers and front brake pads have been changed, but when it heats up, the passenger side front tire gets stuck, I already checked the hose that goes to the caliper and they are fine, the strange thing is that nothing else stays tied tire, I do not know if you could give me an opinion of what could be that is failing.

      louis gaton said

    Beto, what you say is typical of air in the brake circuit. Try to bleed the circuit well, you will have some bubble left. It is also possible that the brake caliper has deteriorated (rust or dirt), although it is most likely due to air.

      Humberto Meza said

    Hello, I hope you can help me, I have a Nissan pick up 98, the problem is the following, when I was on my way the battery light came on (indicates battery failure, or low battery?) and when I got to my destination I turned it off , and check lights and if they turn on, the alarm activates and deactivates well, the battery seems to be fine, I tried to start the truck and it sounded like it had no power, like when the battery is discharged and it did not turn on ... the truck will be discharged drums? will the march dare? startup? or what could it be, thanks! "I hope it's the battery" how can I check the problem? Thanks a lot!

      louis gaton said

    Humberto, the failure you indicate is typical of a battery failure, although it could also be the alternator, which has stopped charging (either the alternator itself or the belt failure).

      MARIA said

    I have a great caravan se 92 can someone tell me where the abs motor pump is located

      louis gaton said

    Maria, the pump and the entire ABS hydraulic block is an easily recognizable metal "box" in the engine compartment. Normally you will see that 2 hydraulic pipes arrive and another four leave it.

      alex prieto said

    Hello, I have a 2002 honda accord and it locks up I have to wait a while for it to unlock on the dashboard no light comes on

      louis gaton said

    ABS is a safety system that prevents the wheels from locking when braking hard or on slippery ground. If the light comes on, it is because the system is not working properly and is out of service.

      jose days days said


         Anonymous said

      This symptom is typical of brake circuits with some air. If after repeatedly pressing the brake, the pedal remains hard and much higher, it is very likely that you have to bleed it.

      shilling7777 said

    I have a Grand Cherokee 98 automatic 4×4 v6 4.0, a part of the front wheel abs brake broke I don't know what that part is called to buy it has a wheel with grooves or grooves (that one broke) an internal part where the crosshead goes the front 4 × 4, someone could help me

      leon12 said

    I have a 2009 toyota yaris and when I turn the key to ON the ABS brake light does not come on, what do I do?

         Anonymous said

      Well, it could be three things:
      – Your car does not have ABS (I do not know if you just bought it second hand or what)
      – The warning light on the dashboard has burned out.
      – The ABS module is completely out of order

      Anonymous said

    It is called that, ABS grooved ring. Any auto parts store should understand you.

      bombom399 said

    Hello, my name is Jose, I have a 1996 Nissan pick up truck, I changed the entire front braking system on the driver's side, the line was discharged from the brake fluid, when I bled the pedal it went up but after a few seconds I let it go, it goes away below, it already bleeds a new brake pump, bleeds the abs, and a balbula that has stuck to the differential, and finally the 4 wheels starting from behind the mad removal of the pump no longer air comes out, and the pedal after pumping it loose and it goes down again, please help me to solve this problem, I will appreciate it very much.

         Anonymous said

      Applying Maxer methodology to what you say, the first conclusion is that air enters the circuit through one of the elements that you have changed or touched. If you purge correctly and there is still air, it is because it enters from somewhere

      silvio_981 said

    Hello, I just saw this site and I love it. I have a 2001 Ford Focus… tonight when I put it in contact, it beeps 3 times and it turned on the ABS, it stays on 2-3 seconds later and turns off… what could it be? … I am looking forward to your response. thank you very much Silvio

         Anonymous said

      If it turns on for a few seconds and turns off, it's totally normal- Regards

      lucare57 said


         Anonymous said

      If you are in Spain, it is certain that any DOT4 liquid of any brand will do. If you are outside of Spain, possibly also but it is better to consult your car manual. The brand does not matter, the important thing is that it is a DOT compatible

      pstrauss said

    Hello, could you guide me? I have a RAM Pick Up truck, model 2007, and when I press the pedal
    the brake sounds an alarm on the dashboard, the same sound as when you don't have your seat belt on
    but it only sounds when you press the brake pedal, I already changed brake pads and it still sounds, what could it be?

         Anonymous said

      It's probably the low brake fluid level beeping. Check that point to see

      Ignasi Serra said

    Hello good Morning!! I have a golf r32 series 5 from 2007 and I have a problem with the emergency flashers, when I brake suddenly, they come on by themselves and after a few seconds, they just turn off again. I wanted to know if there is any way to deactivate this function, and if it can be done manually from the car's menu, or it has to be done with a machine with the diagnosis... Thank you for your time! All the best. Ignasi

         Anonymous said

      Ufff, no idea, ask to see in a VAG forum, surely more than one has the same "problem" as you, and that is that in sports driving that function is a nuisance. If not, you could always ask the dealer, although as it is a security function, they will probably refuse to deactivate it.

      deco-alvarez said

    I have a 2005 Cherokee Laredo and the symbol lights up! In a circle someone could tell me what you mean

         Anonymous said

      Look for it in your instruction manual, but it possibly indicates a defect in the brake system that can be: activated handbrake, low fluid level or worn pads.

      sussynum1 said

    Hello, I have a Pontiac Grand Am and a battery light came on on the dashboard while I was driving, but if it comes on, is it dangerous or can it be?

         Anonymous said

      is it a red light with a battery symbol? If it comes on from time to time and goes off, it is a symptom that something is wrong in the battery charging circuit: either the alternator belt, or the alternator brushes or some point in the wiring is defective. Generally it is not dangerous, but it is something that sooner or later you will have to repair

      brian lopez said

    I have this very important question I have a VW Passat VR6 94 I've been looking for days what is happening with the brakes and does it have something to do with the brake system or the abs relay I don't know but what happens to me is that when I'm going to brake It is very hard and does not brake very well, what could it be, if they are the relays, what are they? I'm going to keep an eye

      brian lopez said

    I finally found out the problem I had with my VW Passat VR6 that the brake was hard and it didn't brake well and I always had the ABS on, everything was a stupid fuse above where the relays go, so it didn't activate the brake system pump I hope this information works for you!

         Anonymous said

      Thank you for sharing your information with us. Cheers!

      azaelzoe96 said

    My 96 chevy shakes when I brake but I already changed the discs, what else could it be?

         luisgaton said

      They can be unbalanced wheels, worn wheel hub bearings or bad ball joints, among other things

         Abelardo said

      Why did the front brakes bind?

      freddy creek said

    Hello. I have a 1996 Mitsubishi MF which has a serious problem. The front wheel on the driver's side gets stuck as the brake is used to the point that it gets hot and gives no more, the momentary solution is to thumb the tube of that wheel every time it gets stuck and that's how the league comes out, from that way the wheel unlocks
    The corrective measures I have taken are the following in order of execution:
    – caliper kit changed
    – Due to suggestions, the ABS module was disconnected and it was put in the traditional way, that is, from the pump to the four wheels without passing the flow through the ABS module, in this way they brake the three wheels optimally and the front passenger side continues to lock.
    – the hose that transports the flow to the caliper was blown with compressed air
    – the caliper was changed
    – disk was rectified
    And the problem that you recommend me to do still follows and I greatly appreciate the help

      fjavier72 said

    Hello Good morning, I have a Honda accord 2003, when I turn on the warning light of a triangle with a "sign" stays on! » After 60 km, when the «TCS» warning light comes on in traffic, it stops accelerating, as if it stops sending acceleration and then the check engine light comes on and it stops accelerating, it blocks, to continue I have to pay for the car and start it up again, can you help me please?


         luisgaton said

      That fault probably has nothing to do with the ABS, the symptoms you describe is that the engine control unit goes into protection mode and limits performance. The reasons can be many, take it to be connected to the diagnostic machine.

      Juan said

    Hello, I would like to know how to fix the abs of a 1998 Pontiac trans sport, I had both bad tubes and I already changed them, I only have pressure in the front left tire and in the rear right, what can I do to bleed the abs?

         luisgaton said

      To bleed a car with an ABS system, the procedure is the same as with conventional brakes. At most, you'll have to do it twice in case there's any air left in the system. Do you know the method?

      esgf700914 said

    I have a Chevrolet silverado 1500 Pik up 2003 Cb. Ext. 4×4, began to make a submerged noise when pressing the brake more and more constantly, change all the brake pads and continue, I hit the brake hard and it gets hard sinking, it does not brake at all. Mechanic says that the ABS module was damaged, but the indicator on the dashboard has never turned on, what happens?

         luisgaton said

      Try to isolate the sound. For example, try removing the fuse from the ABS module. If the warning light comes on and the noise stops appearing, the fault is surely in one of the elements (solenoid valves or sensors).

      S_biscuit said


         luisgaton said

      It could be due to many things... what is evident is that the braking is unbalanced. I assume that the tires are in good condition and well inflated. In addition to that, check that the surface of the front discs is not oiled (a very typical fault during assembly) or that some front dust cover does not lose grease. If everything is correct, try to bleed the brakes well. If it continues to brake unbalanced, it is very possible that some element of the brake caliper is seized, due to poor assembly or defective elements. Let us know how it went...

      Vimax750 said

    hello I have a mustang gt 98 suddenly the brake pedal went to the bottom I release it and it brakes but if I leave it depressed it goes to the bottom, it does not leak liquid and the tank is full could someone help me, it has ABS brakes

         luisgaton said

      The main causes can be two: that you have air in the brake system or that the main brake cylinder (the brake master cylinder) is defective.

      GUILLERMO said

    hello, someone who can guide me, take my car is a vectra 2.8 v6 turbo 2006 to a tuning that became hell supposedly they washed injectors and the "master" injected the injector cleaner through the vacuum tube that goes to the booster there It was where everything got worse and I took it to another "trustworthy" mechanic and no matter how much he charged me, he could not leave it 100% the pedal is hard no matter how much I bleed and it softened, it returned to the same thing, the pedal lost that softness when braking and it spongy as they say not only that but now they even screwed up my transmission now he asks me to get a spare part for it and I'm desperate the car pulled perfect and now it's worse than ever what do you recommend thanks….

         luisgaton said

      If you have injected pressurized fluid through the vacuum tube of the brake booster, it is most likely that the internal membrane has ruptured. In the best of cases it will only have liquid and it will work poorly. In any case, you have to disassemble it to find out. Regarding the transmission, I do not see a direct relationship between one failure and another….

      JAPAPER said

    I have a problem with a 2011 ford ranger, every time I brake the abs system thunders, it seems that the pedal is going to break. is it normal for that to happen?

         luisgaton said

      Possibly you have a defective wheel spin sensor and every time you brake it detects as if the wheel had locked. With a diagnostic device they will tell you what is wrong

      elbium said

    Hi, I have a c4 1.6 and the brake pedal is hard. I start it up and it's still the same. Why is that?

         luisgaton said

      Possibly you have damaged the brake booster or one of the tubes that go from the brake booster to the engine intake loses vacuum. If it's the tubes, the breakdown will be cheap, if it's the brake booster it can be a good bill... you'll tell us!

      willmar said

    friends could you help me? I have an express van and the ABS and STIBILITRACK light came on at the same time, I sent it to be scanned and it said it was the rear abs sensor, I changed it and it's still the same, I bought a new one and it gives the same fault, it neutralizes me, ,,, thanks in advance for a possible solution

         luisgaton said

      If the scanner says that it is the rear sensor, you have already changed it and it is still the same, it seems logical that what is damaged is the wiring or the connections to that sensor.

      Israel said

    Hey, I changed the brake pads on my Ford Focus because it needed it and now that I put the new ones on it, it doesn't want to brake, why is this happening?

         luisgaton said

      It can be many things…the first thing the pads need a break-in, do 5-10 consecutive light stops. The second, that they are poorly placed, something has broken during assembly or oil has been spilled on them or on the disc. The third thing... that the pills are defective and crystallized, although that is rarer.

      gustavo said

    Hello, I have a winstar model 99 and I have a fault in the system that the front wheel on the left side brakes and the rear tire on the right side brakes and the other 2 do not brake anymore. Check and I have no fluid leaks in these wheels. This failure has happened to me, tell me how I fix it.

      louis gaton said

    That's because only one of the two circuits in "X" is working. Possibly there is air in the circuit or a fault in the master brake cylinder

      Ligia Romero said

    Hello!!! Yesterday I installed a GPS in my 2005 Neon synchronous. The car was in perfect condition. Today his temperature went up and it turned out that during the last fluid check they did not put the cap on the tank where the coolant goes. I also changed the battery. Checking the GPS operation, the car turned off correctly when sending the shutdown notification and the same thing happened when sending the ignition notification. It happens that after this a red circular signal lights up on the dashboard that is intermittent and it seems that my battery is discharged, a signal with the drawing of an engine also lights up. When installing the new battery the vehicle started fine and the notifications were turned off but on the way home the headlights and dashboard lighting dimmed. When I turned the key and took it out to turn off the engine, the car stayed on and I managed to turn it off by stepping on the accelerator a couple of times. The car no longer starts due to lack of battery charge. Could the GPS be causing these failures? I appreciate your help please!!! Thanks.

      alvaro said

    Hello, I have a peugeot 607 hdi year 2005, sometimes the abs/esp fault comes on and when I brake the pedal becomes hard and the brake lights take time to come on and other times they don't even come on, what could be a sensor? ??

         louis gaton said

      Alvaro, it could be two problems or just one. Is the hard pedal always there or only after the breakdown?
      As it is the simplest and cheapest, I am inclined to think that it may be the brake pedal switch, a very common failure in the PSA group. Replacing it is easy and cheap, about 30 euros a piece.
      If it were not this switch, the vacuum pump, its corresponding tubes, brake servo membrane, etc. would have to be checked. until you find the fault, but before doing all this it would be advisable to plug in the diagnostic machine in case it was a wheel sensor or similar.

      alvaro said

    Hello friend Luis Gaton, I think it could be what you have told me about the switch, could you please tell me where this switch is located on my 607? Because from what I have read it is easy to change and I would like to do it myself without going to any workshop.thanks

         louis gaton said

      I have never changed it to a 607, but in all the ones I have, it is very easy. It is located just above the brake pedal, on the bottom bracket, near the joint on which it rotates. You will easily see it since it has an electrical connection and a stem that touches directly on the brake pedal. Before buying the new one, check exactly what you need because sometimes there are several models for the same car. Do not press it by hand and install it without stepping on the brake pedal. They usually spin out. Some also have a small adjustment, you have to leave it in such a way that when you release the brake it is well pressed and does not depress until the pedal has sunk a few millimeters

      Daniel Sanchez. said

    Good morning I have a 07 jetta. I changed the master cylinder because the brake pedal went all the way down, the abs turned on and off and then it kept on on the dashboard, it turns off only sometimes but a hundred ke when it turns off now makes noise in the pedal does not happen frequently, but it is still on regularly and before changing the cylinder I serviced the front brakes and changed a suspension terminal. the abs system can be disconnected and the brakes work conventionally. All 4 are discs.

         louis gaton said

      If you disconnect the ABS, the brake distributor will not work correctly either and you run a high risk of blocking the rear wheels in medium-strong braking. It is reckless to do so.

      Ivan Gastelum said

    I have a standard 2009 lancer, I have the following problem, when I brake abruptly on wet surfaces or with sand or gravel, the pedal goes to the ground, making the classic ABS noise, the problem is that the pedal stays down and does not brake Again, on two occasions I have left the car stopped until it is checked and after 2 to 3 days the pedal and the brakes work correctly again, but this last time it happened and it no longer rises but it brakes by stepping on the bottom, the pedal goes up but the brake works when you push it all the way down and it makes a noise as if it had air when pressed, I have been told that it is the central module of the ABS, but it has happened to me before and it is solved only after a few days. I'm going to have the fluid changed and the brakes bled because the module is very expensive and I want to exhaust all the options before spending that money. Any suggestion.

      david colonel said

    I have a Nissan Versa American version car manufactured in Mexico for a week. A figure appeared on the dashboard or was activated that is very similar to the Coroba. I don't know what it is. Could you please help me?

      Darius said

    hello I have a 1990 ford ranger pickup and when I brake it makes a loud sound in the rear tires and it drags I already changed the auxiliary pumps and they are fine will I have this abs module pickup and if it has it where is it located in the engine??

      vale said

    but you do not explain what it means that the focus of the abs is on.

      Gustavo Arriagada said


      geovanny navarro said

    a question i have a problem with my corolla 2005 the abs system activates every so often what can i do

      Emilio Romero-Venezuela said

    Hello, I have a Jeep Cherroke KK truck, year 2011 4 × 2.. After replacing the front pads, after five days a fault appears, indicating the ABS light and the lightning symbol light… at the same time.. the truck increases and decreases the revolutions, constantly... They tell me that it is the ABS module... I want to know if the sensors do not also influence this type of fault, because the revolutions increase and decrease... they do not remain constant. .Could you tell me your recommendation... it was checked with a scanner, there they told me it was the ABS module... Agreeing for your attention...

      Eve said

    Cheers! I have a 2004 Montero and today the antilock light and the break light came on and it made an intermittent beep for a long time, then the brake was put on hard, I continued driving slowly. After a while the brake worked and the beeping stopped. What can be?

      jomaira said

    Good afternoon.

    I have a 2012 Toyota Prius C and 4 symbols were also activated, the ABS, the Brake, the circle with ! And when the tires slip. Before it sounded for a while, and they turned off but now they stay on and the beep. The brake is totally hard. He brakes very late and putting a lot of pressure on the brake. They scanned it and it came out that it is The Booster Relay, someone who knows more about the problem. Thank you