Several types of antifreeze depending on whether they are organic or inorganic, according to your color and according to your concentration. To which must be added the different antifreeze G12, G12+, G12+, G13 and the old G11. We tell you all about them and if they can be mixed or not.
Types of antifreeze: organic and inorganic
The first typology of antifreeze is according to its composition. Their functions are the same, but they are very different liquids both for their components and for their properties. capabilities:
- Organic Antifreeze: Also called Organic Accident Technology (OAT). It has more durability, it can have a lower freezing point in the more concentrated versions (50%), it has better protection of some modern vehicle materials and the most ecological.
- inorganic antifreeze: also called Inorganic Accident Technology (IAT). It lasts less, its more concentrated versions do not reach a freezing point as low as the organic one, its anticorrosive is more typical of old vehicles and the least ecological
- hybrid antifreeze: or Hybrid Organic Accident Technology (HOAT). They have properties of durability, protection and resistance to freezing similar to organic ones. They are used in some European and American engines.
Mix organic and inorganic antifreeze?
No you must mix an organic antifreeze with an inorganic or a hybrid. The base of most organic and inorganic antifreezes is the same, ethylene glycol, but their anticorrosive components are incompatible. They can even react with each other nullifying their properties and causing problems in the refrigeration system.
This is because they are designed to protect different materials from galvanic corrosion. If there are different metals touching each other within the same conductive liquid, the exchange of electrons will create an oxidation that deteriorates them. It's not an absolute rule, but organic antifreezes protect metals used in modern engines and inorganics protect those in older engines.
Antifreeze yellow, blue, green, pink...
with the colors, there is no consensus between brands. Some use them to differentiate the level of concentration, others if they are organic or inorganic and others for the type of vehicle.
For example, the Organic Motul Pink and Organic Motul Yellow they have the same concentration of 50% and resistance to identical temperatures: from -35º to 145º. However, the first is indicated for cars and transport vehicles, while the second is also valid for motorcycles.
In the case of Repsol antifreeze, colors are used differently:
- Organic: the Repsol of 30% Yellow and the Repsol of 50% Pink
- Inorganic: Repsol Green and Repsol BLUE
Mix antifreeze from different brands?
If you've already put a brand of antifreeze in it, you're better off sticking with the same brand. It is not recommended to mix different brands if it is not very clear if they have exactly the same components. What won't give you a problem is using different concentrations of the same antifreeze. Mixing a 30% with a 50% in equal parts will result in a 40%, but being from the same manufacturer and type will not cause problems.
Exception: If the antifreeze is a G11, G12, G13, you can mix different brands without problems. Just make sure they are the same: G12 with G12, G13 with G13, etc. You can only mix different types as explained below.
Mix antifreeze of different colors?
Different color antifreeze can be mixed as long as they are the same type. That is, if the color only indicates the concentration of antifreeze there will be no problem. If the color of the brand you have in mind indicates that it is inorganic, while you need organic, you should not mix them. It is also not advisable to mix antifreeze of different colors that indicate that they are for different vehicles.
Antifreeze G12, G12+, G12++, G13 and the old G11
These antifreeze they are organic and are used by some brands. These are liquids with specific material protection properties. Therefore, if your car indicates that it has to carry this type of liquid, it is better that you do not use another. If that's your case, you'll have no trouble knowing because the manufacturers worry about putting it in the expansion vessel. A visible place whenever the level is to be checked or change antifreeze.
It is about some antifreezes that have been evolving over the years. G11 was an antifreeze that began to be used in 1994, G12 and G12+ in 1996, G12++ in 2005 and G13 in 2008. Although they are the same organic type, it is better not to mix them together, if you do not know what they are. compatible. In the next section we talk about it.
Can G11, G12, G12+, G12++ and G13 be mixed?
G11, G12, G12+, G12++ and G13 antifreezes can be mixed some yes and some no. Although they are evolutions of each other, they do not have the same components, so they can deteriorate when mixed or, at least, lose anticorrosive properties. In the following table you can see which ones can be mixed:
G11 | G12 | G12 + | G12 ++ | G13 | |
G11 | G12 | G12 + | G12 ++ | G13 | |
G11 | Yes | No | * | * | * |
G12 | No | Yes | * | * | * |
G12 + | * | * | Yes | * | * |
G12 ++ | * | * | * | Yes | Yes |
G13 | * | * | * | Yes | Yes |
*: Loses anti-corrosion properties
Types of antifreeze according to concentration
The more concentration has the antifreeze, the lower the temperatures it withstands without freezing. However, what not everyone realizes is that a higher concentration also allows you to withstand higher temperatures without boiling. The most frequent concentrations are:
- 10%: withstands temperatures down to -4ºC
- 20%: withstands temperatures down to -9ºC
- 30%: withstands temperatures between -16ºC and 18ºC
- 50%: withstands temperatures between -35ºC and -37ºC
- Pure: It is designed to be mixed with water at a concentration of 50% or less, depending on the needs.
The maximum temperatures that they support without boiling also depend on other additives, so they vary a lot between brands. For example, him 50% organic motul withstands up to 145ºC according to the manufacturer, however the Tamar withstands up to 132ºC with the same concentration.
Mix antifreeze of different concentrations?
can be done without problem. You just have to keep in mind that the result will be an antifreeze with intermediate properties depending on how you mix them. For example: mixing equal parts of a 10% antifreeze with a 50% antifreeze will give a 30% antifreeze.
Mix water and antifreeze?
Antifreeze is a product that many times it is sold in concentrate so that it is the customer who mixes it with water in the concentration you need. However, this operation must be done with distilled water or , to avoid sediments remaining in the cooling system circuits. Taking this into account, you can use this type of water to refill until it is at the appropriate level for your car.
That said, keep in mind that further diluting your antifreeze will not only reduce its ability to endure the cold and heatBut you will be losing anti-corrosion properties. Something not highly recommended for your car. Do it only in an emergency and as soon as you can change all the liquid for a new one with the appropriate concentration. When you do, don't forget purge the system.
Images 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 – Mike Mozart, Anthony Easton, ms.akr, zhouxuan12345678, Júlia Moésia
hello how are you, even an old car you can put the antifreeze g13, greetings.
Hi, my name is Victorio and I'm from Argentina. I have a Honda Civic that has type 2 coolant. Here it's not very easy to get type 2, if you can get type A. Well, I wanted to know what the differences are between type A and type 2 and if type A would be good for my car. Thank you.