What is the flywheel used for?

The flywheel of a car

El flywheel, Also called flywheel, is a piece that is located at the end of the crankshaft. It has several tasks, the first is that its rotational speed changes are progressive. Otherwise, the engine could be damaged by the suddenness with which it would change revolutions per minute (rpm).

In addition to fulfilling this function, the flywheel is the part of the engine that transfer the turn to transmission car. The clutch engages and disengages it, to start off and to allow smooth transitions in the gearbox. Therefore, when replacing the clutch of our car, it is very important to also check the condition of the flywheel and replace it if necessary.

La third function of the engine flywheel also has to do with the speed of rotation of the crankshaft. Due to the operation of the motor, there is moments in which one applies push to speed it upWhile in others it tends to stop. With the help of the flywheel, crankshaft rotation becomes more constant in each revolution, since the energy it receives in each moment of acceleration is returned in the periods of deceleration by inertia.

How is the flywheel

Dual mass flywheel of a car engine

The flywheel it's a metal disk in whose contour is located a corona dental. This crown is used to start the engine thanks to the starter. It also works for control the rotational revolutions engine rpm, via sensor correspondent. On the outside of the flywheel we can also find useful information about the marks of the TDC (top dead center) and the ignition advance.

Nowadays, it is easier to find ourselves with flyers dual mass. These flyers are made up of two plates and, in the midst of them, stand coil springs and a ball bearing. In addition, with this type of flywheel we achieve a more progressive disengagement, as well as a reduction in noise and vibrations.

Faulty flywheel symptoms

The simple or monomass flywheels are not usually damaged. They are such simple monolithic pieces that it is not easy for them to stop working properly. At most, they will have to be corrected. An operation that we describe below. However, these flywheels are no longer manufactured, because they have given way to widespread use of the dual-mass flywheel. Elements with which much more refinement of the ride is achieved, but which they are much more delicate.

The engines of the Hyundai i20 2018

The main symptoms that a dual-mass flywheel has failed are:

  • When we have the car idling, the vibrations will be more noticeable than normal and they will decrease in intensity when we accelerate the motor.
  • When the engine stops, the sound “clac-clac-clac” is heard., which reveals that the steering wheels move relative to each other without proper damping of the springs between them. It is better to try to hear it from outside, approaching the nose.
  • When you step on the clutch with the car on a metal ratchet noise will sound. It is also better to try to detect it from the outside.

If you want to learn more about the subject visit the article Fault in the dual-mass flywheel, what are the symptoms? In it we deal with the subject in more depth so that you can diagnose it yourself.

Is it necessary to change the flywheel together with the clutch?

Flywheel kit plus clutch

Changing these two components at the same time It is a very common practice. The justification that is usually given in the workshop is that it is cheaper to do both things at the same time for the manpower required. To change a clutch, several parts of the car have to be disassembled, which adds to the bill the number of hours of work by a professional. If you have to repeat the operation in two moments different, one for the clutch and one for the flywheel, the price will be much higher.

Also, the useful life of a dual-mass flywheel is not very different from that of the clutch itself. Characteristic that reinforces the decision to change both components at the same time. The only situation in which it might be advisable to change one of the parts on its own is that there has been some special problem that has left one of them intact. For example, a defective part or a burned clutch that has not damaged the flywheel.

How much does a flywheel cost?

The price of a flywheel depends a lot on the model for which it is designed. By itself it can cost between 150 and 400 euros. A figure that doubles if you buy a clutch kit plus flywheel. Mounting this item on the engine requires deep knowledge of mechanics: there are many parts to disassemble, knowing the correct tightening torque for the flywheel bolts, etc. So it is better that you take the car to a workshop to have it placed. the price of the labor It is what can increase the bill the most, since it requires many hours of work. A normal figure for this operation is between the 600 and the 900 euros depending on the brand.

flywheel price

Rectify engine flywheel

This operation is the one that is carried out when the engine flywheel of a car is able to continue working, but the friction surface with the clutch is damaged. It is a normal process in single-mass flywheels and somewhat rarer in dual-mass flywheels. Since, at this point where the surface has been deformed, it is not so easy for the rest of the dual-mass flywheel to remain in good condition.

The price of this operation is usually between 40 and 80 euros. Although it is only recommended if you are sure that the steering wheel is still in good condition except for the irregularities of its surface.

Lighten engine flywheel

The material with which it is usually made is foundry. The flywheel is mounted on the crankshaft in only one possible position. With this, what we get is perfectly balance the movement of the motor. The more cylinders the car engine has, the more regular its rotation will be, so the necessary mass of the flywheel will be less.

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Engine types

But that is not all since, depending on the characteristics of the engine, it will be necessary to mount one type of flywheel or another. You have to take into account the engine start, slow motion or accelerations, Inter alia.

If we want to get a easier engine starting or do we want maintain proper idle, the flywheel must have a greater mass, through which we manage to accumulate a large amount of energy in the first phase, which will be returned in the successive phases. If the engine is designed to have rapid acceleration, the engine flywheel that equips the vehicle must have a lower mass, since it facilitates acceleration.

Hence there are engine modifications in which the flywheel is lightened to improve performance. An operation that should not be done recklessly, since it can affect its idling and its vibrations with the consequent possible problems with the flywheel if it is dual-mass. A conversion of this type is usually accompanied by a higher idle to compensate for the instability of the rpm and a dual-mass flywheel capable of withstanding the higher vibrations.

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      diego cardenas said

    I have a fvz dump truck that came with a fuller box and I put the clutch flywheel of a chevrolet fvr on it, this affects the vehicle because it has no power, my dump truck must have something to do with the clutch flywheel

      Eduardo said

    When testing a competition engine on a test bench, is it necessary to remove the flywheel? Thank you very much