UK could impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles…

BYD Seal U price

La UK's departure from the European Union has caused many problems for the Anglo-Saxon country. Today they are in a crisis from which it seems difficult to emerge unscathed and which COVID-19 helped a lot. If we focus on the automotive sector We have seen how many brands have diverted investments in favor of a series of "less conflictive" countries. And now the tariffs on electrical products made in China.

as you well know Chinese-made electric vehicles are causing a stirAsian manufacturers know that their vehicles are more attractive than European ones, not only because of their technology or design. Their prices are breaking all possible commercial logic. This puts European and American brands at a disadvantage. So, to stop them, a tariff policy has been imposed that could be extended to the United Kingdom. Do you know why?

After leaving the European Union, the United Kingdom is free to pursue its trade policy with third countries…

MG ZS Hybrid+

Today, the importance of the automotive sector in the United Kingdom is almost anecdotal.. It has gone from being a global power to almost ceasing to have its own brands. Jaguar y Land Rover They are Indians, MG It's China and the ashes of Rover are already history. If it weren't for the Japanese Nissan, Honda y Toyota They would have no future even there BMW with Mini and others also do their part by continuing to trust this country to manufacture some of their models…

Whatever it is today "Perfidious Albion" is freer than ever to organize its commercial policy both internally and with third countries. This was one of the demands of their politicians for leaving the EU, since they said that they could not manage themselves as they wished. The problem is that now that they are going it alone and no one tells them what to do, they have found themselves immersed in a trade war because of the Chinese electric companies.

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In case you don't know The US has imposed a 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehiclesCanada has followed suit because its car industry depends almost exclusively on the US. In Europe, the EU has not thought about it and has sanctioned the brands of this country with tariffs of up to 40 percent. MG (which belongs to SAIC) is the one that has fared the worst because its models will be the most taxed. And in view of the situation, the United Kingdom has to act.

But without tariffs, it could end up flooded with Chinese electrics and, in addition, open the door to the European Union…

Nissan Leaf 2022

The reason for "moving" is none other than avoid being overwhelmed by Chinese electric modelsIt is true that the United Kingdom is not one of the world's largest markets on a global level, but it is one of them in Europe. Today, the Anglo-Saxon country has no trade barriers with the European Union and is therefore a "sweet treat" for the Chinese. Brands are using this country as a springboard to "sneak" their electric cars in, since once there they send them to the EU...

Chinese electric cars, EU tariffs
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But not only that, many of them stay in the country with the damage they could do to other firms that do manufacture and work locally. Therefore, the Minister of Commerce, Jonathan Reynolds, has to decide whether or not to impose his own tariffs on Chinese models. At the moment it does not seem like a decision that will be taken in the short term but There are already those who ask for it to protect themselves. In fact, at a G7 meeting he said that…

«I don't rule anything out, but if you have a highly export-oriented industry, the decision you make [has to be] the right one for that sector»

We will have to see what happens with the United Kingdom, although it is only a matter of time before the facts become reality. Especially because of the compromised situation as a priority trading partner of both the EU and the US And we all know that loyalties in politics are expensive… Patience then…

Source - Auto Express

Images | MG – Nissan – BYD

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