Spain buys MG from SAIC Motor for 1 euro…

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The automotive sector in Europe and around the world is evolving by leaps and bounds. We are seeing manufacturers of the stature of Nissan y Honda are struggling to stay afloat because of Chinese firms and their expansionist plans. This new, and future, alliance will sideline Renault And this inevitably pushes it into the fold of Geely, since it will not be able to go very far on its own, no matter how well its electric models end up selling.

But the news that has left us all stunned is this one. Spain buys MG to SAIC Motor to boost its already battered automotive sector due to electrification. Yes, you read our battered sector right, because Europe is imposing a series of measures on brands that are diverting investments that could come here and brands are taking them to countries with cheaper labor. That, not to mention everything that comes from China.

Indeed, Spain buys MG from SAIC Motor…

MG Cyberster GTS Coupe

As you well know, Spain has had countless legendary brands to its name. Seat It is the most representative one, as it was the one that went the furthest before it ended up in the hands of the Volkswagen Group. One of those that disappeared years ago was Authi, and now it could return to the scene with new electric models. As we have said, the Spanish government has announced that it has bought the Chinese company SAIC Motor, the MG company, which will once again be called Authi in our country…

But before I tell you how MG and Authi could cooperate again We are going to tell you the reasons behind Pedro Sánchez's executive to buy Morris Garage. As we have already said, the electrification of the sector is at a critical point because "battery-powered" vehicles are not selling at the same rate as investments have to continue. The entire industry is in turmoil and since in Spain we do not have solid brands that are betting on it, the government will do so.

MG Windsor

So the government, seeing that no brand or group is betting on electromobility in Spain, has decided that they will do it themselves. For this mission they have acquired MG because it is one of the most developed Chinese firms in this area and, in addition, it has very well executed production processes. However, once the purchase is signed, they will do what they have to do: They will bring all production from China to be assembled in its New factory in Spain.

And beware, the news does not end here. MG will stay, all to herself, the plant that Nissan had in the Zona Franca (Barcelona – Spain). Therefore, the Chery boys (Omoda and JAECOO) will have to abandon the factory and look for a new place to assemble their cars because, as they are not pure electric, they will not have any incentives. But the most interesting thing of all is that Spain has only had to pay SAIC Motor 1 euro to acquire the brand…

And what does Authi have to do with all this?

Authi logo

You didn't know but Spanish-English Passenger Cars (Authi) It was a Spanish manufacturer that was active between 1963 and 1975 and was dedicated to the licensed production of models from the British brands Austin and Morris. Therefore, the direct connection between MG and Austin and Morris is unavoidable and since Authi was successful (or relatively successful) in our country, it is normal that the government wants to rescue it to sell the models of its brand.

All in all, 2025 will be a key year for MG and the Spanish government must implement the plans for its factory to get going. Very soon we will be able to test the new Spanish models with Spanish technology and one hundred percent electric. It will be the The boost our automotive sector needs to make electrification massive and accessible for all consumers.

And now, if you have believed this science fiction story, we must Congratulations on the day of the Holy Innocents. As you may have read This story is not real and it serves to make us laugh on this joyous day. Of course, the automobile sector is so dynamic that who knows, maybe one day we will see something similar… In the meantime, enjoy this day and all the jokes you can make and that they give you. A hug from Actualidad Motor… 

Source – All Holy Innocents

Images | MG – Seat

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