Suspension Noises: Easy To Fix, Hard To Diagnose

suspension springs

Over the years, the kilometers and the type of use we give our car, begin to appear mechanical noises coming from the suspension that we cannot identify. To make matters worse, it can also happen that, depending on the day, the noise wants to appear or not, "hiding" on many occasions when we are going to take it to the mechanic. Let's review the typical noises coming from the suspension system to try to identify them on many occasions without having to visit the mechanic.

In any case, we must remember the importance of suspension in our vehicle. It is the set of components that prevent the wheel from losing contact with the asphalt, so if we notice strange behavior or noise in the suspension, we should not let it go lightly. A defect or fault in the suspension leads to less comfort and, more importantly, to a less adherence of the car on the ground, and can end in a serious accident. Therefore, pay attention.

The number of reasons why a suspension system begins to lose efficiency and make noise is high, and depends a lot on the type of use that is given to the vehicle. In expressways the asphalt is usually in good condition and the suspension works smoothly, this type of circumstance being the least damaging. On the contrary, roads dirt or poorly asphalted and the urban roads they produce premature aging due to the dry hits that the wheels receive and is transmitted to the suspension by irregularities, stones, bumps and speed bumps, cobbled surfaces or wheel hits against the curb, among others.

suspension elements

car suspension

The three most important suspension components They are the springs (springs, torsion bars or leaf springs), the shock absorbers and the stabilizer bars. Nevertheless, many other parts go into the work of the suspension that are not always taken into account as: suspension bushes, ball joints o suspension straps. These last pieces are responsible for joining the chassis and the main elements of the suspension allowing the movement of the bodywork, as well as eliminate vibration and noise. Therefore, if they are in poor condition, the strange noises in the suspension that we appreciate when passing a pothole can come from these “secondary” elements.

Explaining to someone what a noise is like and for them to know how to identify it directly from what we tell them is not at all easy. A noise can come from the suspension, but also from a silentblock of the broken exhaust pipe or for some totally worn brake pads that make the metallic material rub against the brake disc. Therefore, it is essential to collect as much information as possible. Does it only happen in speed bumps? Does it sound when the floor is in good condition and we accelerate? Does it appear when we find a pothole in a curve? All information will be welcome.

See if the noise appears only under certain circumstances, such as going over a speed bump

In this article we collect the possible Noises that are related to the suspension system, but we must take into account that noises may appear when the suspension works and that are not directly related to it. Others will also appear that may seem to have absolutely nothing to do with these parts and actually do affect some element of the suspension.

The most typical noises in the suspension

In general, for the suspension we can find several types of noise, but we have focused on the three most common types of noise, the same type of noise being able to come from different places. One is the “old bed” noise; another is a very brief metallic noise and in the third it seems that a shaft is close to breaking.

Where does that old bed noise come from in the suspension?

Silent block

This particular noise, which is commonly known as “old bed noise” because it is reminiscent of the sound of an old bed when sitting or moving, is usually due to a wear on the silentblocks of the stabilizer bars. Our cars have stabilizer bars both at the front and at the rear, so if we listen carefully, we will be able to detect if the origin is from the tires at the front or at the rear.

For more information, we must comment that this noise, which by the way is somewhat unpleasant because it seems that our car is going to be disassembled, is easy to hear and detect. going over a bump at low speed although, in the most extreme cases, we will be able to hear it slightly even when getting into the car or when "bumping" while stationary by pushing it down from one of the wings.

Price of silent blocks: Between 15 and 20 euros the couple.

If a metallic noise appears in the suspension

Very different from the “old bed noise” it is a short sound that also appears when we go over a bump. It is something similar to a dry hit but not too powerful, something like a “click”. can usually be heard in both compression and expansion of the suspension so, when passing through a "lying guard" we can even hear it four times, twice at the beginning of the speed bump and another two when we leave it.

suspension ball joint

What items to check? This noise is very typical of anchors with a certain looseness, that is, of the connection points between several elements. They can come from ball joints of suspension, of the suspension rods or even of the anchors of the stabilizer bar. Also, and even if it appears when going over a pothole or bump, it can come from the steering knuckle.

Related article:
Steering System Diagnosis

In this sense, it is very difficult to know from what exact point that noise comes when we pass through an irregularity; but seeing the car below in an elevator and making a few movements in the various elements, it is easy notice the slack and check which element of the suspension is damaged and which we must replace.

  • Price suspension ball joints: Between 15 and 20 euros each, plus doing the parallel.
  • The price suspension straps: Between 15 and 25 euros each.
  • Price steering knuckle: Between 15 and 30 euros for each side, plus the parallel.

How is the noise of the shock absorber cups?

The cup joins the upper part of the shock absorber to the body. When it cracks it starts to make noises and creak

The cup joins the upper part of the shock absorber to the body. When it cracks it starts to make noises and creak

We always intuit that a noise that appears when we go through an irregularity means a fault in the suspension; and the same thing happens to us in reverse, if a noise appears when the body does not oscillate, we totally discard the suspension. Just as a metallic noise when we go over a bump can be due to the steering ball joint, another noise can also appear when the body does not move vertically that can be related to the suspension.

The main example is the case of shock absorber cups and bearings from inside. The noise emitted by this part located at the top of the shock absorber is often mistaken for a problem with the CV joint (which usually appears with a problem in the drive shaft bellows), the bearings or the bushings of the transmission. Especially since it is a sound that usually appears as we turn at low and medium speed (just like those other breakdowns). It is usually quite scary, since the sound is louder and it gives the feeling that if we continue using the car something is going to break. Also, it tends to be repetitive (like a clonek-clonk-clonk-clonk).

Price of the shock absorber cup: approximately 40 euros for both.

These are the three most common types of noise that may appear in our car, and they are due to a failure or wear in any of the different elements that make up the entire suspension system. However, not all failures or wear in this important system of our vehicle can be identified with the ear, since not all possible defects “warn” us acoustically, but we will be able to realize it with the sensations that our car transmits to us. In this sense we want to refer to the two best-known elements of the suspension, springs and shock absorbers.

What is the spring for and how do you know if it is worn?

suspension spring

Today's vehicles typically use one of three types of spring: coil springs, torsion bars and leaf springs. Helical springs are found practically on the front axle of all current cars and in many of them also on the rear axle; while torsion bars have been widely used on the rear axle, although little by little they are disappearing, and leaf springs are currently practically only used on pick-up type vehicles.

Although we have these three types, the features are the same: allow vertical movements of the wheel in relation to the body and also maintain proper ride height with respect to the ground once any irregularity has been absorbed. Thanks to the spring, when going over a pothole or bump, the body does not receive a sudden blow and neither wheel loses contact with the ground.

Related article:
McPherson strut

If a spring, whether it be a spring, torsion bar or leaf spring, lose their properties you probably won't be able to return to the body ground clearance it should, so the steering and suspension geometries will be affected. This means that the behavior of the car will be different and that the tires will wear unevenly. Therefore, one way to detect their wear is by checking the height of the bodywork, which is also a possible cause when we find irregular wear on the tires.

Price springs: Around 100 euros per axis

What is a shock absorber for and what faults does it have?

The function of this element of the suspension is reduce body oscillations that allows the spring to pass through an irregularity. If we only had the spring, when going over a bump or any other irregularity, the body would sink (compression) and bounce up quite strongly (expansion), repeating this movement several times and taking several seconds to fully stabilize.

The car shock absorbers stop that first force of compression and the following oscillations stopping the vertical movements in less time, which Significantly improves comfort and stability by eliminating the inertia of the body in a few moments.

Worn shock absorbers

Shock absorbers tend to lose effectiveness over time, their ability to “brake” vertical movements being less. What do we notice when a shock absorber loses effectiveness?

The truth is that the shock absorbers, unless the seals burst and we see an oil leak, they will only notify us by the behavior of the vehicle. We will notice greater inertia in the body during braking and acceleration, and when cornering.

Related article:
Faults and maintenance in the shock absorbers

fixing damper

broken shock absorber

This can happen in the event of an accident or having gone through an extreme pothole. Otherwise the wear will be progressive. The problem is that, if we are not usually very attentive to the behavior of the car, it is likely that we will realize when they are completely worn out (which is almost the same as broken).

A shock absorber is not a part that can be seen with the naked eye and his fainting is progressive, therefore, by not suddenly losing efficacy from one moment to the next, nor from one day to the next, we got used to that malfunction until his behavior is so bad that we notice strong bounces when passing by prone guards or unpleasant body tilts when cornering or changing speeds.

  • Price front shock absorbers: Between 200 and 350 euros.
  • Price rear shock absorbers: Between 80 and 200 euros.

What to do if I notice a fault in the suspension?

We already know that suspension is a vital element for our car and for our safety. In case you notice strange behavior in any element of this system, especially if it is sudden, the best thing you can do is stop the vehicle as soon as possible in a safe area and call assistance. We assure you that it is not worth risking an accident. That our car returns in a tow truck is not funny to anyone, but even less so that it does so in a tow truck and in an accident.

If you detect a problem in the suspension, stop and call the crane

If you are almost due pass the ITVjust go to the review. Should be something dangerous (ball joints, bearings, steering joints, bushings, etc.) should detect it and clearly indicate which is the worn component that you need to change.

If there is a lot left for the review, you can go to the workshop to have it looked at, if you do not have the knowledge or means to review the ball joints yourself.

In short, we must pay the attention they deserve to all suspension elements. Apart from improving comfort, they significantly improve our security; and it is that according to some studies, a system of Poor suspension can increase braking distance by up to 35%, while it is 15% easier to hydroplan; not to mention the lower agility when describing and linking curves.

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      Inigo Ochoa Gomez said

    Precisely this Friday I am going to check the front upper suspension arm... Sometimes it sounds like it sounds (I think that's it, before it sounded on the left, it was changed and solved) and it looks like a mattress... From Logroño to Vitoria with a ñiki Almost constant ñiki, luckily with the radio and the noise of the wind was muffled hahaha, but once in the city it started to sound and it did nothing but turn heads...

    By the way, another piece of advice, from time to time bend down to see the underside of the car, because once I bent down and the stabilizer was loose on one side... So I noticed it very very strange...

         anthony ruiz gabaldon said

      hello iñigo ochoa, in my case a c4 picasso bought in 2010 the noise to the mattress makes it in the front right part when I go slowly and on uneven ground, what could it be? Thank you

           Jorge Mendez said

        Fight what was the problem?

         Esteban said

      Today I realized, and after searching with many mechanics, that the noise under the vehicle (type clanc clanc), was simply a stone very well located between two rear support bars. Very cheap, just a tip to the mechanic and that's it. But that gave scares and stomach pains, by the way, quite a few. It's a 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe.

         Hernan Duhalde Prieto said

      hello, well, I have a 99 chevrolet luv and it has a noise on the left side like an annoying bed cot, the noise sounds tired and when I turn it sounds so good

         parakeet said

      The famous ñikiñiki similar to the noise of an old coclhón was the silentblocks of the front trapezoids. It is the usual cause of that old bed noise, it is the rubbers of the silent blocks that dry and squeak

      Yeli-Capricorn said

    Thank you for your help, very valuable, because in these times there is no honesty at work and for doing these routine repairs, mechanics charge a fortune. believe me my brother and I fixed the train ahead. and it was rewarding. Let's get used to buying tools and the work will be easier.

         Cecilio Oscar Duarte Gamboa said

      From time to time it makes a noise through the suspension and leaves a while and comes back it is a jeep wrangler 4th year 2000

      Jm148003 said


         luisgaton said

      Possibly a rubber block of the silentblocks or the bushings has burst. In the worst case, the lower triangle of the suspension will have been deformed. You should check it because it can be very dangerous, if any element comes off. Cheers

           charly the sleepwalker charly said

        hello, I have a fiat duna diesel 1.7 mod 97 and although it has been several years, the veicular verification included this year, I see that the front end of the lower part is open and I don't like it at all, what could it be? Thanks a lot

           toni said

        hello, good afternoon.. the other day, going backwards from the parking lot of my house, my front end squeaked scandalously, it had never happened to me before and now it makes noise when I turn and when I go straight, not always intermittently it is not constant but the noise I don't know it goes .. I have a rang rover sport 2005 thanks, what can it be?

           Cesar Rodriguez said

        almost certainly one of the blades has a broken silentblock or has been bent, it is a simple repair and there are tutorials on you tube that can help you, if you go to your mechanic I don't think it will take you long.

      Carlos said

    Hi, I'm from Mexico with an Astra 1.8, I have a problem that they haven't been able to hit, every time I go on a bumpy street I hear a very annoying noise that seems to come from behind the steering wheel, I already disassembled it until I removed all the trunk of it and nothing, when turning it stopped it does not think it was the direction, only in movement, it is very strange, what could it be in your opinion?, greetings.

         luisgaton said

      If it comes from behind the steering wheel and a mechanical examination has not revealed any part with looseness or broken, possibly that noise it makes is some trim of the bodywork, that is, some element that is poorly fixed behind the dashboard and vibrates.
      Another thing…removing the steering wheel just like that is not a good idea. The screws of the column and others have a very delicate tightening torque that should be respected. This is not an operation to be done lightly...


           Jose Santos said

        webos luisgaton better go wash your buttocks. Mexicans do what we want and it works out for every mother!!! If you want, lend me your old lady and you'll see how I fuck her and hang some children on her, hehe. bye bitch!

             JOSE ANTONIO said


               Luis Lopez said

            Other people's embarrassment, the worst, to lack sex that's why he lives in his bubble of mediocrity, not all Mexicans are like him some if we had a little education., Looking for answers among other things the pounding of my vehicle seems like a damaged shock absorber but on the bumpers they cushion well, what could it be? Thank you very much in advance I will be on the lookout

               Carlos said

            in all societies there are stupid people like these jose, don't make bad blood, unfortunately he put his country of origin

      luis alberto said

    Hello, I am from Argentina, Tucuman. I have a vw 1500 model 86 and when I walk it seems that it navigates in irregular places, when you grab a ground it is as if the car moves to one side, which could be THANK YOU

         luisgaton said

      I don't understand exactly what you're saying, but from what I understand and the age of the vehicle in question, it seems to me that you will have one or more shock absorbers practically inoperative.


         Rafa said

      Hello, I have a for focus sedan with 4 years and I have taken it to the workshop because when it was made for after it sounds other others, I changed the wheels, the sinemblok, the arms, the shock absorbers and the noise is still the same, someone could tell me what is wrong thanks

           rafa said

        Hello, I have an automatic Kuga 4×4, which also makes me cry like a spring that comes loose when I turn it back and when I turn it forward again and they don't give me a solution in the workshop, if someone can help us help, thanks

      Mariana Garrido said

    hello I have a rather peculiar problem, I have a toyota vitz year 2001 and when it starts it sounds like some pipes like water passing, it is a strange and annoying sound and it started about a week ago or so, and when I turn the steering wheel both directions sounds like a very slight grinding noise but a noise like when someone scratches a blackboard (it could be said like that) and a couple of days ago it was very difficult to turn to be able to park in a place, like the steering wheel stiffens,
    What could it be?

         luisgaton said

      Possibly you have a small leak in the hydraulic steering assistance, which would explain that sound when starting (leak as soon as it starts to gain pressure) and the sound when turning. When running out of liquid, the assistance does not work. Check the level of the steering fluid and if it is low or not there, fill it up and look for the leak... that is, if the pump has not been damaged by running without fluid. Cheers!

      adelino blackberry said

    greetings friend! I have a 2006 parati, for 3 days an ugly noise began to sound in the right front wheel, every time it passes through an area of ​​uneven floor or when I turn the steering wheel sideways, I took it to check and they told me that supposedly it was dry and needed washing and greasing, I took it and they greased it and nothing took away the noise, the greasing man picked it up and we turned the steering wheel and he realized that the noise comes from the tires, which is like in the upper part of the shock absorber, as glued to the bodywork, my question is if there is a rubber internally between the bodywork and the shock absorber or is it just this rubber stopper that you are selling here, or what other rubbers could be the one that is sounding? What do you recommend me! Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience, I ask for your recommendation since you may have heard of a case similar to mine. Thank you!

         luisgaton said

      We don't sell anything, but I guess from what you say you have a cracked shock absorber cup, or in the worst case, damaged bearings. Without seeing or hearing it, it is difficult for me to guide you well… Regards

           saint said

        The same thing happens to me when I turn to the right only the left wheel as a rubber noise or when I brake suddenly it also makes a rubber noise as it is dry and does not slip as it costs it

      Kenya 76 said

    Greetings to all? I have a kia sportage I have a problem with the direction it makes noise when I turn to the left it makes a noise like an airplane and it also makes a clone clone when it puts sartos under the feet. thanks to all

         luisgaton said

      I assume you mean that it makes noise when the car is in motion and you turn to the left. If so, you may have a bad right side bearing (or bearings). It does not necessarily have to be the origin of the second symptom you speak of. Cheers!

           Kenya 76 said

        Thanks a lot . I want to ask you one thing a long time ago the 4 × 4 of my kia sportage was stolen, the sound of the left wheel could come out when I turn. Thank you .

             luisgaton said

          Ugh… with so little data I don't know if I can guide you much. The 4×4 could have broken in many different parts…If the noise it made when turning was like a “clonck-clonck” and it happened when accelerating or releasing the accelerator at low speed, it could be a CV…you have to give me more information .

           Keisha Market said

        Hello, I would like to know when I am driving and I go up to 6 miles onwards, the guide or the guide speaks to me, as they say, could you help me, my email is What you are going to answer me, you can send it to my electronic mail, thanks

      Jm148003 said

    Hello, my problem is that the engine vibrates when it is in neutral when I accelerate, it goes from '.10, I tell myself that it could be the foot of the engine

         autoparticulars said

      Hello! The same thing happened to me and it was the clutch that rubbed against the jagged teeth, take it quickly because it affected the clutch itself

           jose said

        Hello, I would like to know why when a boy is driving, it makes noise and vibrates as if it were a crooked axle. Thanks for your help. I'm Pepe.

      Andrew Ramz said

    Hello, I have an Altima 97, when I turn either to the left or right, I hear a dry knock (only once) as if something were accommodated, I already changed the fork bushings, bar bushings, bar screw, CV .. but still listening... which may be?

         luisgaton said

      If it is heard only once, more often in reverse than forward and especially after being parked, it is possible that it is the shock absorber cups or axial bearings (I assume that car has a McPherson scheme in the front, right?)

           Eli said

        Hello, I'm Eli. I sent my truck to repair the shock absorbers. They told me that they also had to change some rubber bars and it turned out that I had a noise behind it, sorry, the shock absorber was bad, then on the other side, sorry, it was also bad. later forward a rattle, I don't know what to think???????

      salbertx said

    Hello, how are you? I have a golf a3 model 93, look, I started by changing the brakes since they sounded, but I corrected the discs and bought the brakes and put them on and a noise began to sound, but like a blow on descents, this only happens when I press the I brake and it feels on the mat like a blow from the right side, for the same reason, I checked and changed the shock absorber support and the bushings that were to cry, I took it to my mechanic and then I changed the pin and it still has the problem that it could be , I remember that it only sounds when I press the brake and it is louder on descents and when I go fast and brake suddenly

         luisgaton said

      If it started to rattle as a result of the repair, it may be something that was touched during the job. I would check the tightness of all the caliper bolts, discs, ball joints, etc. and everything that could have moved during the repair.

         Miguel said

      Hello, I have a Toyota Yaris, my query is the following: every time I go through a shock or bull's back in the lower part towards the rear axle, it sounds like a clok sound, they told me that it could be a bearing or a hub, really it is that you could not guide me in that ok thank you. I am Chilean.

      Sergio said

    I have a mazda nmo model 2003, it happens that when I place a bump or a rough surface the car is very stiff in front, it does not cushion well, to verify this; park the car and try to go up and down manually to see if the shock absorbers go up and down but they don't the car is stiff.

         PONCHO said

      Good afternoon, dear users.

      loud mazda 3

      Let me tell you that I have a Mazda 3 2008 2.0 and since they have given it the nickname rattle 3, because of the serious and annoying noises, I tell you that today I am more comfortable with how the car is running and I hope everything I did helps you

      1. The main noise is stabilizer screws, mainly and commonly the rear left one, seeing the improvements, change all four, the rear ones in an L-shape in the middle of the bar, and the front ones I think are attached to the shock absorber IF my ignorance does not tell me wins =), I sent the front ones to be changed and the rear ones can be done with some basic tools (the rear pair cost approx $720, the front ones $680.00 the grob brand pair.
      2. Hydraulic jack loose in the trunk, I also looked for a way to hold it so that it doesn't move and once I was inside I just opened it more and the problem was fixed.
      3. The stop lights and intermittent lights come loose and are dancing, also well placed, it calms a lot of noise
      4. Trunk incredibly loose on the hinges and made metal noises when passing cobblestones, tighten everything and that's it, one less noise
      5. Inside the doors at the bottom there are some tabs that I don't know their name, they are white and usually have square plastics, I imagine it is to remove door noises, when I bought the used car it didn't have almost any in the four doors, remove one and take it as a reference to make my own tires with bicycle rims,
      6. Now with all this that sounded tedious and that it took me more than 6 months to do it, due to lack of time, now those who have an M3 with these problems will be able to solve it in almost a week,
      7. It is my first Mazda car but I think it will help many of these

      The only thing left to see is an issue that I will have to ask for help , in the part of the front shock absorber when I go over a somewhat fast bump or a not so serious pothole , a dry hit is heard , while with cobblestones or irregularities in the road and my car listen too decently... they tell me it's the shock absorbers, giving me one more peek I see marks as if the stabilizer screw or/and the shock absorber hit, not the hopper I think it's called but in that corner if they lift it you see that they hit and I don't know If it can cause the noise or my shock absorber is damaged, someone help?

      felixhs said

    Hello, how are you, I have a Grand Cherokee 4 × 2 year 2007, which has 160 thousand kms. The point is that for a few days when I hit a bump or I'm on uneven ground it makes a sound in the back like a drum (dry) as if something was loose and it runs once and that's it. During normal asphalt driving there is no problem. Could you guide me a bit? Thank you

      chechu said


      chechu said


    Very good, I comment on the problem I have in a Ford Kuga 136cv 4wd, I have been going for a while when I go backwards from the garage it makes a very strong clack and when I go forward it does the same thing to me, it does it cold and hot if I only go forward it never does it but as soon as I maneuver back clack I have a video on you tube ,,,,, noise ford kuga,,,,, you can hear luxury there please,,, help thanks ,,,,

         luisgaton said

      I guess your video is the one where they leave the phone on the ground under the car, although it can only be heard when moving it forward. I've heard it and I'm not sure where it could come from. It looks like something that is loose and moves and settles when you move it. It could be anything from a suspension spring out of its socket in the housing to some stabilizer support, going through transmission problems. Without hearing it live it's hard to tell. What part does it come from? Try to raise and lower the car with the jack while stationary to see if it reproduces, to try to isolate the noise. And if not... take it directly to the workshop so it won't affect your safety. Greetings.

      Cesar said

    Thank you very much, this information that you share helps us, because the noises I have until the balls and with this guide I can go checking parts. I have changed stabilizer bolts, steering rods with terminals, but some stabilizer bar rubbers are missing, and the shock absorber bases, etc.

    Greetings and hopefully your experience continues to help people. Voucher

      erick said

    Hello, I hope you can help me. I have a problem, but it's big for me. I have a 2011 tiida. Two months ago I began to hear a noise in the right front tire, as if it hit something, a knocking, rather, I already took it to the mechanic and changed it. connecting rods and terminals but the same noise that could be I await your response thanks and thanks for the advice

         vercaus said

      Erik the same thing happens to me with my tiida 2011 I took it to service and they changed the right front suspension member and it reduced the noise but a day later the noise started when I turned the steering wheel or reversed it thunders like a spring if it were tightened tomorrow I'll take it from nuvo I hope it stays how is yours?

      angel said

    hello, my problem is the following: when going backwards and turning the direction, it is heard and makes a blowout and forwards too, but they made a slight train from the inside and changed the legs of the engine and box, after that everything started now, I also changed the cups or capelestas of the right shock absorbers It was bad, but the noise continues to grip it, it's like a friction of something and then it stops doing it, it only happens when I stop and I go backwards and forwards slightly, always turning the direction, what could it be, it's an ab9 goal, 1996 model

         EDY said


      john pigeon said

    With a Fiat Doblo 1,3 D multijet, the following happens to me: without hearing any loose or broken noise, the car is unstable on the highway, it easily goes to the left or to the right, depending on the wind. even at low speed, when I accelerate, it goes to the right and when I slow down (take my foot off the gas a little) it goes to the left. I always have to compensate by moving the steering wheel in the opposite direction. There are no strange noises, but it seems that the suspension or the chassis is broken. The most curious thing is that the mechanic finds no gaps and passes the ITV perfectly. The car is only 5 years old and has 60.000km, but almost all of it has been driven through the countryside and dirt roads (it has the highest and most reinforced suspension mounted from the factory). Could it be the suspension columns, the shock absorbers?

         luisgaton said

      Well… sounds like some suspension arm or the anchoring of said arm that is very deformed, in such a way that when the suspension moves, the geometry changes so much that the van moves sideways. But of course, if the mechanic doesn't find anything...

      john pigeon said

    It seems as if part of the chassis is loose or some of the suspension is loose, but in this case these large uncontrolled movements should be accompanied by noises, but there is no noise.

         luisgaton said

      You don't necessarily have to make noises. If it is bent (not loose), moving it could affect the trajectory without the need for any noise. It's an assumption...

           Luis said

        my problem is that i have a 2009 aveo and it has a like in the lever when it changes second and it makes a noise like a vibration apart my suspension has noise when it goes over a bump they told me it was the box support and that i also had to change shock absorbers ball joints and bushings do you think that if I know what they are telling me I hope you can help me

             LUIS said


      saint said

    hello I have a peugeot 505 quite careful and I found a noise in the left wheel when turning to the right and when braking suddenly worse not metal noise or click but like dry rubber scraped with metal thank you very much I hope for an answer they seem to know a lot and It helps me not to be fooled by the mechanics

      oscar valera said

    hello good I have a golf gti v from 2008 with 70.000 km and I just bought it second-hand from a dealer with 1 year warranty, and when I turn the steering wheel it doesn't matter which side it turns, because the right side as I turn goes creaking as if there was something dry, what could it be? could it be covered by the guarantee since it was only a week ago that I acquired it and I already did it the first day but I thought it was my thing, thanks, my opinion sounds like it comes from the upper part of the suspension, bearings or dry cup?

      Peter Martin said

    hi how are things? I have a "Chrysler Sebring cabrio 2008" it has a noise in the front that is felt when the car has been driving for a long time (20 min or more). In the workshop they have not told me exactly what it is. I changed the pencils and the rubbers of the stabilizer bar but the noise continues. Please, if you have any comments about it, it will be very helpful.

         luisgaton said

      If it only starts to sound when it's been driving for a while, the noise is probably coming from something susceptible to change with wheel bearings or gearbox. What kind of noise does it make?

           Peter Martin said

        First of all, Thanks. The gearbox is automatic.

        The noise at first is as if something was loose or loose "tu cu tu cu tu cu" and it is felt when the car is going at low speed, then a noise begins to be felt when you pass by lying policemen or potholes (the car goes up and down car). I appreciate the help.

             luisgaton said

          The recording is not very good quality, but that sounds like a fairly common noise from springs. If in the workshop they have not found any slack of any kind, I almost dare to say that you should not worry much about the noise... unless it is getting bigger. But of course, that noise should also sound when the car is cold. Move it energetically when it is standing, leaning on the ceiling and tell us if it sounds or not.

      patty said

    hello, my car sounds like a rattle when walking, or like something metallic dragging, what can it be? is it dangerous to drive like this? thanks

      John J said

    hello, I have a ka and it makes a noise like an old bed when I put the fifth and when on uneven ground, but only in the fifth

      annuar said

    good evening I have a seat ibiza when I go over 100 my steering wheel starts to vibrate I already aligned and balanced it and it doesn't stay apart it pulls me too far to the right an answer would be very useful for the reason that I feel insecure when driving a lot Thank you

         luisgaton said

      Think back and think if you've hit a big bump recently... you may have a bent suspension arm or the chassis anchors themselves. Have they checked well that there is no loose joint?

      camilla said

    Look at my car at a speed of 50 miles I started to dance the steering wheel. Much. .Also when I turn on the heater. It gets a smell like likido kemado. K acxficia. what could it be

      Edgar said

    Good morning, I'm from Mexico, my problem is with a VW Bora 2009 Triptronic. It's been about a month since it started to make a noise in the front part, it sounds like a bearing, but the strange thing is that it sounds more like on the road, when it goes above 60 km, or in the city on a steep slope , even weirder because if it is sounding, I release the throttle and it stops sounding. They have already looked for him and have not found what it could be. They changed bearings, checked the tripoid, changed motor support and nothing. At this moment he is at the agency, he has been there for more than a week and they have not been able to find the noise. Do you have any idea what it could be? Thank you very much, greetings!

         CESAR PRIETO said

      Friend, have your gearbox checked, the synchronizer may be bad and it vibrates. Also the steering rods may already be worn some and that's why it sounds, the braking discs must be well polished. hope these help you

      gtroconis said

    Hello, I have a Mazada 3 2009, it has a noise in the rear as if it comes from the trunk but I already made sure that everything was well fixed and the noise persists, I don't know if it could be the shock absorbers but I don't think so, I identify that sounds when you go on a street that has irregularity even if they are small potholes is like a clap, clap, clap. Can someone guide me what it could be, thanks

      FACIAL said

    hello, good morning, I'm from Mexico, my Rav 4 2006 (86 thousand km) has been making a noise for 2 months when I start the engine, the noise is metallic and lasts only a few seconds, when it lasts longer than being off, the sound is louder ….I would like you to guide me, thanks.

      Jordanian said

    Hello, I have a great 2005 Cherokee, I built it about a month ago and about a week later it weighed on me like a sharp blow in the front part only when I back up and turn the steering wheel! Could you help me, thanks!»

      ramirolopez said

    I have a problem with my car that when I hit a pothole it seemed to be patrolled, I don't know if it's the arm

      chuchoandueza said

    Good morning, I have a peugeot 207 year 2009, I am from Mexico, it happens that when I start the engine cold, it starts to make noises and vibrations from the front suspension part, so it works for a while (10 minutes) when the engine warms up it stops to vibrate and only makes a crackling noise when going through uneven streets

         Juan griego said

      I have a 2007 Toyota Corolla and the same thing happens to me, were you able to solve it?

      koke said

    Hello, good, I have a 2004 seat leon, a few days ago when I turned a corner to the right I hit a pothole with the right wheel and it sounded like a clokclok and since then when I go about 80 or 90 km/h I move the steering wheel a little to the right it makes a noise like a vibration, the noise is not very strong but I am not calm anymore, if someone can help me I would appreciate it, greetings

         Juan griego said

      I have a 2007 Toyota Corolla and the same thing happened to me a week ago, were you able to solve it?

      pepper said

    hi, i'm pepe, i have a 2007 seat ibiza and it makes some noises at the front when taking the vadenes, very unpleasant when lifting and lowering as if two rubber bands were screeching when they rose

      manny said

    I have a subaru legacy 98 but when accelerating it sounds as if two pieces of metal were colliding and it does so when he makes the first change he started doing it after changing the shock absorbers and I can't find it

      Sergio Martinez said

    hello good evening, I have a 2005 twingo 2 months ago a very annoying noise appears to me, like in the right.axle when I turn the direction to the right and start to roll or when the car is going uphill it sounds the same way I would like to know if it has knowledge of this annoying noise does not let me sleep, the mechanic could not detect what it was, it is like a prrprrpprpprpaprr thank you very much for the help

         Andrew said

      Good friend… exactly the same thing happens to me… could you solve it?

      Enrique said

    Hello, how are you, I have a Renault Clio 2 and the connecting rods are already broken... my question is, is it dangerous to drive with those broken parts? Anyway, I'll change them in a week.
    thank you very much!

         luisgaton said's not very dangerous, but move it as little as possible. Think that the car goes without a stabilizer bar, apart from the fact that if they come off or move they can get into the wheel, in the steering... who knows.

      IRVING IOSHUA said


         luisgaton said

      Although it has nothing to do with what we are talking about here, I will tell you that it seems unlikely to me. Without seeing what that vibration is like, it is difficult to diagnose, but it is most likely that there is something else "touched" in the engine or that it is not correctly tuned, that is why it vibrates especially when idling when cold. Cheers

      oscar de vallenar said

    Hello, I would like to know how to fix the suspension of the Great Wall truck, Socool model, year 2010, since I find it very hard.

      Abigail said

    hello, good morning, my car recently made a sound as if it bumped into a piece of paper in the movement of the tire, but my car is new, I have had it for 2 months, so the sound seems strange to me, could you help me, I have half the mileage for the first review of the 5 km and if I am concerned since I am new to this please if you could help me in giving me your advice it is a 2013 aveo thank you I leave you my email

      anyy said

    hello I have a mazda demio, everything was fine while we were driving when suddenly one morning when I took it out of the parking lot it started to sound strange like when there is a lot of friction between two things and it only sounded when it was turned either left or right and until now it continues to make noise When giving it an address, I would like to know what it could be before taking it to the mechanic since I am new to cars and I don't want them to diagnose something in my car that it is not, just to get money and continue with the problem, thanksssss

      liizzie said

    Hello good afternoon my problem is the following I have a nissan.pathfinder.92 and when I was driving something strong as if a stone was thrown at me and when I looked down it came out like a wink and the truck was tilted, I mean the compact on the right side. it rubs against the.tire they told me something about»

      Manuel Roberto Zurita said

    hello, how am i, roberto, i have a renault 18, i need help, the front wheel on the left side lay down and the steering pulls me to the right, what can i do, thanks

      arturo said

    friend the car when I go to grab a lap there is a sound like a chilendrin by the front wheels of the car

      Daniel said

    Hello, how are you? I have a 2009 trendline goal and I recently changed the tires for rim 17 ones. they wear so they don't move, well I started by changing the linings with their disc rectification, and then the front bearings that are not cheap at all, also the motor mounts and nothing. I would like to know if you have any idea of ​​what it could be because I already took it to review and nobody finds it. Thanks i wait answer.

         Israel said

      Good evening, I have the same noise in the tires of my car. It's a 2006 Clio with 17" wheels and 205/40 tires. These compact cars aren't designed to have such big wheels, but they look great. What I'm going to do is that the noise we have It is due to the tires and rims. The truth is that you don't have to worry, you just have to get used to the noise or return to the original size of your tires and the noise is over. Thanks to the low profile wheels and tires the suspension suffers much more.
      Source: Own experience I have always repaired my cars in my uncle's workshop Good luck with your car

           Daniel Rmz said

        If it's just the wheels I'll have to get used to it but it really is annoying. I leave work at around 1:00 am and there is no more traffic, that is when it is loudest. but we like to modify cars and make them look cool! Thanks a lot! If I realize something later, I'll let you know.

         luisgaton said

      If you have changed everything you say and it doesn't change anything at seems clear that it can only be the tires, that they are bad, that they are bad, or that they rub somewhere.

         N. said

      It is the bearing due to the weight of the ring, which is larger. It usually happens that it is more easily damaged.

      Ernest Sanchez said

    hello i have gmc 2005 mesta making a noise it feels like it was the steering wheel or the rudder i'm not sure. ksea

      ibiza 2008 said

    Hello, I have an Ibiza from 2008, it has very few kilometers since I only take it to go to work. In recent weeks, every time I get in the car, the suspension makes noise as if it were an old bed. I have not gone through any strong potholes. And on the highway and in the city I don't have any problems, only when I brake that the suspensions sound again. the brakes are surely not because I have checked them and they are very good. thanks in advance

         luisgaton said

      That "old bed" noise could be some rust on the springs... but also a ball joint that has deteriorated the dust cover and has lost the grease. Without seeing and hearing it... I can only guide you a little.

      Robin said

    Hello, I have a 2007 Chevrolet Corsa, after driving for a while, when I park or stop at a traffic light the steering wheel starts to vibrate, it doesn't when I accelerate it and the tires are in very good condition.

         luisgaton said

      Does it only do it when stopping? That is, with the engine running but the car stopped? Then it is most likely that some engine or gearbox mount is loose or damaged.

      alfredo said

    hello I have a 2004 nissan queso that every time I go to start the march I hear a noise in the front like a blow

      Live said

    Hello look, I left my mazda 6 sedan year 2007 at home today and when it arrived at night I made it run and it had a strange noise like valves that can serve normal because of the cold it is doing, thanks

      Mauro Toledo said

    Hello good day I have a jetta mod. 2001 had strange noises for which I put new front shock absorbers. But now there is an unpleasant noise in the front tire on the left side. As if it sounded like a rattle. Help please, thank you, have a great day.

      lol said

    I have a grand am mod 99, the problem is that when going at a speed between 80 and 100 km and braking, a knock is heard, like a cloc-cloc.
    that sound is not always heard, it depends a lot on the road to hear it

      malachiaz said

    very good it helped me to get out of certain doubts good friend good contribution

      LoryNel said

    Buenas tardes; I have a Ford Fusion and it is making a noise from the left side when crossing; which may be? Could you guide me please?, Thank you very much in advance!

      LoryNel said

    Buenas tardes; I have a Ford Fusion and it is making a noise from the left side when crossing; which may be? Could you guide me please?, Thank you very much in advance!

      juan pablo said

    Hello, I would really appreciate it if you could help me since I am flat with a noise that I have in my car. It is a Suzuki Ignis from 2006. It has 130000 k/l. it sounds like when tires rub together, and when braking it sounds like chichichicchi, I have changed mass bearing, brake disc, terminal tray wheel side wheel side, brake pads for the original ones that came out a fortune, CV all this on both sides but even so it continues to sound, it has me flat and it burdens me with the cars that sound and the sound is really annoying when one brakes when walking it does not sound at all, no problem is when braking and the first exit of the car the first movement what sounds please help

      KMILO ROA said



         Josue said

      Hello, good, I have a Santa Fe, the rear part sounds like a blow, as if something was loose, by the way, I already changed the shock absorbers and I have taken it to the mechanic and they cannot find the noise that it will be

      John Henry said

    Good night friends my problem is the following I have a renault logan and a can makes a noise when taking a pothole, the sound is also evident when reversing it sounds as if 2 cans collided, also suppose that I stay on the rise of a bridge and the car vibrates only when I stay on the climb, I hope your collaboration thanks.

      Lost said

    Hello, I have a BMW 330xd, when I go a whole lot to park, and I walk behind, it makes a dry noise below and in front of the car, and I don't know what that is, please if you give me an idea. Thank you

      ruben said

    I have a 2005 mondeo and it makes a noise when bumping the rear I have put the two new rear shock absorbers, what can it be?

      pato said

    hello everyone I have a 2002 renoult escenic and changed the gearbox and now the steering wheel vibrates a lot when it is in neutral and when it goes over 120 please if someone can give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it

         Jorge Armando Sanchez Chamber said

      Hello, greetings, check the damper pulley, the central rubber may be bad. Cheers

      j said

    hello my opel astra of 250,000 kmts when I turn either stopped or running it makes me a noise like a gloook several times repeated please if someone knows something give me an answer (thank you very much)

      Aldo said

    Hello, how are you……my problem is the following, I have a 2001 jetta and when I brake or accelerate very hard….it thunders and when I turn I can hear something rubbing (like metal with metal)…I already changed the support of the box and it slowed down a bit but you can still hear it or when I hit a pothole…what could it be…thank you for your attention

      damian said

    Hello, how are you? I'll tell you, I have a 2011 Chevrolet Classic model with 11 km "new" and yesterday the vehicle felt a tac-tac as if there was a large stone in the tread of the tire. I checked wheel by wheel and nothing, no stone neither nails nor any object, I turned each wheel looking for something that would mark the failure and nothing, I lowered the car and when driving between 30 and 50 km h again that tac tac tac tac as if there was a deformed tire or something like that but everything is there Well, do you have any idea what it could be? Thank you very much in advance and greetings from Argentina

         louis gaton said

      If you don't have anything stuck in the tread, make sure it's not on the side, maybe on the inside.
      If not, it's probably the bearing. Raise the car with the jack and turn the wheels one by one by hand to see if they sound

      jona said

    I have a citroen c4 and he gave me a klack when I went to the marxa and I turned to the left, how strange is it, how can it be koto in the ferexa?

      Irvin said

    Hi, I have a 2005 scion tc, when I'm on the road the car goes sideways when passing a small bump and hits hard! The steering wheel is "Pando" a bit to the side, thanks

      Alfred said

    Hello, I have a cerato forte 1, 6... 4 days ago I went through a hole with the left front tire and as a result of that I heard a slight noise coming from the left front tire... what could it be? Thanks a hug!

      Gustavo Jung said


      Erick said

    Good afternoon, I have a Golf A4, my problem is that when I'm driving and I press the brake a little, the car moves sideways. What do you think could be the fault?

      maxi said

    grac madness…it makes a noise to me with the car regulating on streets with stones, also my pedals and steering wheel vibrates…I have a 2007 corsa…what could it be????
    It drives me crazy and I changed the stabilizer bar bushings (the four) and still… and that I have been regulating it in second gear… atte maxi… and thank you very much…

      Fernando Espinoza placeholder image said


      rodrigo satos said

    Hi, friend. With so many questions answered and good knowledge you can already write a book! I have a 2002 Pontiac Sunfire and the front right shock absorber has already been replaced. Everything looks good but by my choice the shock absorber was changed since they did not detect the noise and it was not removed. It is a dry "tac" when it is parked and it does so when turning backwards or forwards logically by turning the left direction. or right or also when passing a bump, braking or passing a bump. Surely you will give me a more accurate indication…..since 3 mechanics have reviewed it and nothing! Cheers!

      Javier said

    my car started from one day to the next to speed up and slow down, which could be, from what I've heard, it's nothing serious... I'd appreciate it if you could guide me...

      jesus said

    Hello, friend, good morning. I am writing to you from the port of Veracruz, Mexico. I have a comment for you. I have a great Voyager 98 with a 3.8 engine. My truck vibrates the front part when it arrives between 60k and 80 kilometers. Could you give me some information, I would really appreciate it.

      fran said

    I have a golf 6 and when I'm driving it makes a noise as if it were the friction of the brake pads but when I take the gear off and drive in neutral it doesn't. What can be?

      waldo merino stream said

    Hello I have a toyota corolla xli year 2004, I changed the two trays because they had cut bushings, it was spectacular but when I go slowly when braking a creak like an old cot, they have told me that it is the shock absorbers that when they are fine now the trays creak, it is not pickup sound, others tell me that since they had to remove two support bolts to have space and remove the tray on the driver's side they were not well tightened until they told me that a good simunized would remove the creak, what do you think

      Marvin Navarro said

    thanks for your contribution… it specifically helped me to solve the noise generated by the exhaust pipe and the bodywork

      Fernando kills said

    Hello, how are you? I'm from Mexico City, my car is a 2008 Honda Civic, four doors. The problem is a noise on the right side of the front part. It's a very strong dry hit when I go through potholes or bumps or, for example, when I go through the joints of the inner river circuit. The consulate has already changed the shock absorbers, the shock absorber bases, they have already checked the bushings and supposedly everything is fine and that noise is present, I am already desperate because it does not remain, besides the fact that I already spent a fortune, I tell you the car does not vibrate at idle, this is because a mechanic told me that it could be a motor support which I don't think if someone can help me I will be infinitely grateful

         louis gaton said

      From so far away it is difficult to diagnose, and even less without hearing the noise. My first piece of advice is to change mechanics…

      howard fields said

    Hello Goodnight ; I have a fiat palio 2008 we have already changed the bushings of the plateau on 2 occasions and once again I have to change it in less than 5 months it would be 3 was what would be the reason.

    For the friend from Mexico I think he should check the bushings of the steering box since my car had that blow and that was it since it sounded even when I crossed

      Fernando kills said

    Thanks for the tips, I'll keep trying.

      omi godinez said

    hello I have a vw gol 2009 hb I already changed the 3 brackets but you still hear a clacc (noise) when I brake the steering wheel no longer vibrates but you still hear this noise that could be an apology?????

      Alexite said

    Hello: I have a 2010 golHB and about 2 months ago a hub was worn, the right one but we changed the 2, in less than a month they were already broken and I changed them again and after 15 days the left one had already broken and the mechanic He said he would check the shock absorbers and it turned out at least the one he showed me was worn, he changed both, and the left bushing that was broken, a week goes by and I noticed that the bushing that "was fine" is already broken, and the car screeches when it stops or when walking in pairs…. What can be? I already changed shock absorbers….I guess that no longer causes the bushing to wear out…they waste money as well as those broken bushings.. 🙁

      Isauro Javier Carrillo Hernandez said

    hello! It's been 2 times that I put bearings on the tires at the back of my 2002 focus and after a week it squeaks again and more when I put people on the back, could someone tell me what you can do or why is it that the bearing does not last more than a week???????

         eduardo valdes said

      Isauro buys the bearings at the agency, asks for the originals since normally the ones they sell are made in China

      eduardo valdes said

    I have a 2006 FORD ESCAPE and it made a strange noise when I released the pedal at 130km/h and I spilled some oil through a seal, it has been done several times but it only leaks oil when it vibrates, what could it be?

      George said

    Hello, how are you, I have a little problem and I really need to fix it. I have a 3 A1997 jetta. The wheel on the driver's side when I run and spend 20 miles, it starts to sound as if they were hitting the brake pads with the disk and as if every time the wheel turns wheel gives a little knock only when I go from 20 nicks or change to second and third and it's a bit unpleasant I hope you can help me I would really appreciate it xfavor thanks

         louis gaton said

      If it is a noise that occurs at the rhythm of the rotation of the wheel, it is possibly a bearing

      gamaliel said


      Liviu said

    Hello, I have an Opel Omega B 2,5 DTI from 2003 and lately in all the potholes, whether small or large, it sounds like knocks more in front than in the back, what can it be to change it?

         coky said

      are your tray bushings or your shock absorbers friend yes or yes

      coky said

    Hi, I'm from Bolivia. I have a Toyota Corolla and I just changed the front coils...the only problem is that when going through a small bump, it sounds ugly on the part of the coils. be, could it be that I made him suspend a lot? because the original spirals that it had were 2 turns, the one I put on it is 3 turns and the front part was lifted for my good…..but that noise bothers me, what can it be or what do you advise me, please, thank you, regards, your page is great

      Daniel Hernandez said

    Hi, I have a 2004 Dodge Durango 4×2 with 80 km. My problem is that when I'm driving almost at 000 km/hr on some street that is a bit irregular, the suspension sounds a bit like a small creak and I feel it on the steering wheel, a sound that is not heard when I go a little harder, I already looked underneath and I don't see anything loose or broken, but when I touch the steering below where the steering rods come out I feel that when turning a The steering wheel sounds a little but it is minimal, it sounds a little more when moving, which could be. Greetings.

      luigi roses said

    Hello, I have a civic coupe 2012 30 thousand km after a day of heavy rain, in which I passed through several flooded avenues at least 15 cm. the left rear tire began to sound, it is as if something scraped a very light sound. with increasing speed I think it decreases and when braking it increases. try to brake hard at about 40 km. and the sound stopped for a few minutes. do you have any idea? Greetings.

         louis gaton said

      Luigi, I suppose that your problem is that a foreign body has penetrated between the brake disc protector and the disc itself, possibly a stone when passing through the flooded area. It shouldn't be too much of a problem to remove it, sometimes just with a blast of compressed air

      Francisco said

    When I just back up out of the parking lot I hear thunder in the back; then you don't hear it again, until the next day or sometimes until the third or fourth day.

         louis gaton said

      Possibly it is the parking brake pads or drums that are stuck. Try parking without the parking brake (leaving a gear engaged, of course) and see if it continues to do so

      coco said

    HELLO I have a 2010 capita in Mexico recently I drove it on dirt very fast and from then on it makes a very strange noise... if I'm accelerating everything well suddenly when I take off the accelerator without stepping on the brake it starts to sound something like rubbing I feel it in the tire or somewhere but I even thought it was the box, my mechanic thought it was the bearing and changed it but nothing, it's a strange noise sometimes I even feel that the car jerks a little, I would like to know what recommend to try it... it is worth mentioning that if I accelerate again the noise goes away. Thank you.

      coco said

    I meant captiva sorry

      vale said

    Hello, I have a focus2009 that sounds from the back of the car. I have taken it with me. Several mechanics that only mr have spent and to finish I have more than 1 year and nobody has been able to remove the noise. It extresses me.!!!

      Adriana Sanchez said

    Hello good day, I have a peugeot 2006 cc and for days I noticed that when I start the engine sounds very ugly, but if I wait and warm it up it doesn't sound... what could it be? Thank you

      Ivan said

    Hi good morning. I hope you can help me. I have a MEGAN GTsport 2010. The car has a noise in the suspension that only appears in the first minutes of driving. This is a noise that occurs at the stops is like a sliding sound of a poorly greased tube (if my description helps). This sound only occurs for a while and after about 10 to 15 minutes of travel it disappears and even if the worst bump or bump passes, it is no longer heard. The problem is that when I take it to the mechanic the car hides the sound and cannot diagnose it. I already took it to wash and grease and there is still the annoying sound

      joge said

    good friend I have a problem with my car. I'm rolling suddenly the direction suffers a strong vibration that sounds as if it had passed through a pile of stones and sometimes the vehicle turns off. sounds very ugly. even the speed lever vibrates a lot. We already changed the bushings, what can it be, thanks

      alexander bernal said

    good day….I have a volvo xc90, when I go forward and accelerate a bit and turn the steering wheel a lot to the right or left, I begin to hear a slow thud, if I turn in one lap they can be easily heard as 6 or XNUMX slow thuds , I changed the arrows on both sides and the exact same noise follows. Thank you.

         louis gaton said

      Alejandro, I don't know what you call the arrows, but the noise you describe clearly responds to a worn CV or transmission crosshead.

      Paco said

    Hello, I have a 3 Mazda2014 that I bought 6 months ago and it has started making a strange noise. When passing a bump you can hear a squeak in the front part of the driver's side, I would say where the tire is.
    It started making this noise now in the rainy season and it's not constant, any idea what it could be?
    Greetings all.

         luisgaton said

      Paco, if it's the 2014 model and you bought it six months ago, take it home because it's under warranty and have it checked out.

           Francisco said

        If you have noticed that the noise occurs when you remove your foot from the brake, the pads may be sticking due to moisture or you need a brake adjustment.

      Javier said

    Hello, I'm Javier and for months I have had a very annoying clok in my 3 2006 audi a2.0 140 tdi 2cv on the front right side, it only does it in potholes and at low speed, my mechanic is desperate, I have already changed the shock absorber linkages and cups and the bearings of the cups and the 6 sinombloks of the trapeze and nothing, everything remains exactly the same, the mechanic says that the next thing is the damping, but I don't know if it will be throwing money away again, now I have some bilstein b40 with XNUMX km, I don't know what to do… help please!! Thanks in advance!

         luisgaton said

      Javier, we would have to listen to the noise in question to try to diagnose it, but if it only happens in large movements at low speed, I'll go first for some support or silentblock (such as those of the stabilizer) or for something to move and touch another part before thinking that it is the shock absorber.

      Carlos will see said

    Hello, I'm Carlos, I have a 2002 Golf IV, overnight I felt a noise, something like OCD, sometimes strong and sometimes not so much, sometimes bending the direction and others in a straight line, no matter what it is in areas with a lot of potholes or just uneven terrain, I took it to the mechanic, I changed the CVs on the wheel side because they were worn, but the noise continues, a couple of months before I changed the grill bushings, the precaps and the noise continues that it could be

    thanks and regards

      balú medina said

    wow I have followed all the queries and it is incredible that you are still supporting all of us who require support, thanks in advance, there are few people like this. And my situation is as follows, I have a 2006 kia spectra, automatic, with 49000 miles, when I turn sharply to the left, for example, make the three movements to make a U-turn, a screech is heard in the left front tire, which can be? Thanks.

      balú medina said

    hello…I hope you can answer quickly…well, the same car, kia spectra 2006, automatic, 49,000 miles, has a noise in the rear right (passenger's side), it sounds as if something is loose when I go over potholes or unevenness, which Curious about this is that this noise disappears when I put weight on the car, for example, to bring heavy things in the trunk, where would the problem be? Thank you..!

      eloy said

    Hello, I have a Fiat Grande Punto from 2009 and it makes noise when I turn the steering in any direction, it is not a loud noise and it is similar to the one made by the metal when twisting, it also makes it when going through potholes. I think it could be from the cup, what do you think? Thank you

      Armando said

    Hello good day, a few days ago I started to hear a noise in my left front tire (the driver's), I thought it was a tangled wire and I went to have the tire removed but we didn't find anything, with the tire removed I put the car only with handbrake and when turning the rim the noise sounds like pellets that came from a part that joins the rim to the center of the car, I suppose it is the steering bar, it could be repaired or the part has to be changed. Yaris 2012

         louis gaton said

      Armando, I suppose when you say "spin the tire" you mean to make it roll. If so, check that a stone or something has not remained between the brake disc and a fixed part. If not, try removing the brake caliper to make sure it's not the pads, and if not, it's possibly the wheel bearing.

      Adrian said

    Good afternoon, I have a Chevrolet Aveo, yesterday I fell into Mr. Hollow... With the front left rubber... since then, every time there is an upward slope in the asphalt, a TRACK noise sounds... Dry as if something hit the bodywork in the front train (in the same part where the car suffered the blow) does anyone know more or less what it could be? Thank you

         louis gaton said

      Hi Adrian, the easiest is a visual review

      cleber said

    I went to the workshop to change the pads and rectify the discs, and they put oversized pads on it, now I have a problem when braking I have a sound like they hit a door that could be I would appreciate your help

      cleber said

    I forgot my car is a chevitaxio

      BETIANA said


      Adrian said

    Hi, I have an Aveo with 10000km, the other day I fell into a hole and I went to the car service because it was my turn and they told me that I had a deviated shock absorber, now I asked if it was good just to change it and they told me that because of the mileage it was not necessary change the 2 front shock absorbers (the service was at the agency where I bought it) I ask this because both the pads and discs and rubbers are changed in pairs, does this apply to the shock absorbers as well?
    Thank you

         louis gaton said

      Adrian, normally when a shock absorber needs to be changed, it is always done in pairs on the same axle or even the complete set of 4 if the mileage is high. In your case, with 10.000 km, it is close to the limit to change it or not, you will see depending on the type of roads you go on or if you always carry it very loaded.

      Rodrigo said

    Hello, how are you, I have a Clio 2 Diesel 1.9, and it makes a noise when accelerating and braking, when a donkey's back passed. Yesterday I casually went to the mechanic and very sure he told me, it's the ball joints. I changed the pair, and it continues to make the same annoying noise. The noise gives the impression of being something that slips away. When I turn the ball, almost reaching the end, it makes a kind of knock. Honestly, I'm pretty worried. The answer is appreciated. Greetings.

      Salvador Glaz. said


      Rossy said

    Hi, I'm from Guadalajara; I have a 2005 stratus and a few days ago I heard a noise as if it were grinding on the right front tire, sometimes it sounds and sometimes it doesn't, it is heard more frequently when I go through potholes, they have told me that it could be the shock absorbers, can you help me?

      Ramb Oibarra Yara Mx said

    Q q such an apology….I have a 95 honda civic…it sounds like something dry downstairs when accelerating and when it comes to a place almost to stop the car…and the front right side rim heats up…what could it be.,.. a downpour made little chairs and I reached the rims

      damabi80 said

    I have a renault logan and it makes a slightly annoying noise when I turn the steering to the right side and start the car gently, it gives it a vibration, the shock absorbers and right axial were changed, the shock absorber support was also changed, it turns out that the axle comes under pressure and I think it makes noise with the box, who can help me since the mechanic has not found the damage

      Luigi said

    Hello, I would like you to help me with a couple of things. First, my car is a 2003 Ibiza and when I turn it on, it makes a 2-second screeching noise, but it only does so when it is hard. I turn it on cold and take it to be checked and they told me it was the carbon holder that was already worn out and something like that stuck to the gear and they changed it and it was fixed and the car started very smoothly just by turning the key but after a month the noise returned, but it is only heard when I turn it on cold What could it be? and the other doubt is that when I get into the car, something thunders, what could it be?

      Arthur James said

    hello how are you I have a civic 96 when turning left a series of cracks are heard from the front right side of the car but only at that moment only when I have to turn left I thought it could be a motor mount or a ball joint what do you say

      williams said

    hello I have a corsa and in the front left wheel I have a tic tic tic as if something were pink but I have already had it checked by several mechanics and they cannot find the fault the sound is lost the faster I go the slowness is there and only sounds when it has traction on the ground ball joints change suspension rollers brake pads all components are good
    it only happens when it rains it can't be

      joel martinez pineapple said

    Hello, good morning, I have a 2011 sport goal. The problem I have is that when I move or turn the steering wheel, I hear a slight knock. I already changed the base. I hope you can help me tell me the fault without further ado. For the moment, I'm up to you, thanks salu2.

      Guadalupe Leon said

    good afternoon, two weeks ago my 4 colorado 4×2011 truck started making a noise like a rattling or drumbeat on the right side of the engine, where the passenger puts his feet, the noise is heard mainly when braking and I have noticed that it is more when I turn on the air conditioning. I already checked brake pads, shock absorbers and the engine but nothing. I would be very grateful if you could guide me on what the noise could be.

      Roberto said

    hello, I have a renault kangoo and it sounds like a plane when you go from 80 and when you turn left it doesn't sound; I have tried to turn it off while it is running and it still sounds the same. I have also changed the bearing of the right front wheel and I would appreciate nothing if they could solve my doubt where that noise comes from.

         louis gaton said

      Roberto, what you say fits a lot with a wheel bearing. If you've changed one and it's not…it could be another, but that's easy to diagnose in the shop by jacking up the car and spinning the wheels. If when turning it off in gear, both in neutral with and without depressing the clutch it makes the same noise, then it is almost certainly the wheel bearings or the transmission shaft.

      Luis Peraza said

    Hi, I have a 2003 Ford Fiesta. Sometimes you hear a squeak on the tire or on the rim on the front left side, but then it goes away, what could it be? I hope they solve my doubt. I'm from Mexico.

      David Estrada said

    good day I have a 2004 twingo I changed all the suspension components but it still makes a noise when I go through a pothole or an uncovered that can be

         yo said

      In my case it was the stabilizer bars, did you change that too?

      jose said

    Hello, I have a 3 a2007 and for a few days when turning left on the right side you hear a klac klac, the curious thing is that it only happens to me accelerating with the clutch tight and strong rotation and it does not happen, check the rubber of the bellows and it does not lose grease …What can be? Greetings, thanks

      jorfet said

    Hello, I have a KIA sedona for a few weeks now that makes a splash on the left tire only when I go at high speed that could be the valero or the arrow

      jose said

    Sorry more than a klac.klac is a loud rumble and often it could be the insulator on the right side? It only passes on this side and when turning. Greetings

      Cesar Ocampo said


      Tony said

    Hello fellow.

    About a fortnight ago I was driving normally and I heard something like under the gear lever or on the passenger side, the sound was like stones hitting something metal, at that moment I got scared and slowed down and it didn't sound again, I thought it was something from the road.

    Yesterday I was going up in one part and was going 90 cm when I heard the same thing, I slowed down scared and slowed down and I didn't hear it again.

    What could be mate?

    It should be noted that a role of the tire began to sound and I almost changed it, will that be it?


      BRYAN said

    Hello, I have a 2010 honda civic, when it goes about 10km, the right rear tire buzzes, I already changed the nozzle but the buzzing continues, what can I do?

      Joan said

    Hi, I'm from Spain and I want to buy a second-hand vehicle, specifically a Renault Twingo from 1994 and it needs repair of the support of a front shock absorber, otherwise it doesn't pass the MOT, I would like to know if the part and labor can be very expensive. Thanks in advance.

         louis gaton said

      Joan, you would have to know exactly the extent of the damage. As a guide, if it is just the cup without further ado, the piece costs about 20 euros. If you have to change the entire support, put about 40 euros more. Add to this the workforce that will be about 2 hours of workshop (120 euros) and the alignment (another 60 euros approx, although it is not 100% essential). This is pretty much if there are no complications and assuming it's just as I understand it, the upper shock mount. Ask in your workshop to see...


         me said

      Hello, I suggest you buy it already repaired, because they say one thing and it turns out that it has more and you will end up spending more money, buy it when it passes the verification, if the seller has a good deal, that's how it should be done.

      Augustine Chavez said

    Hi Luis, you know I have a little problem in my 2011 Traverse when moving forward or in reverse at low speed I hear an intermittent knocking coming from the area of ​​the right tire. As you go further in high speed it disappears. This noise is going straight ahead and turning the tire. this noise just came out and it is very annoying and it worries me a lot. I hope you can help me because at the agency they told me that I had to change shock absorbers, bases of the same, direction viletas well half a car and that is not the root cause.

      Mark Gonzalez said

    Hello good afternoon. i have a problem on a 1995 jetta gls. the crankshaft pulley vibrates a lot but when i accelerate it stops vibrating. what do I need to repair?

      axel said

    My vehicle starts to vibrate the steering wheel when I reach 90km/h, what could it be?


    Hello, good afternoon, I have a problem with a 2005 corolla. I completely changed the front DRIVETRAIN, even the new toyota shock absorbers, and the unbearable noise continues when I roll over uneven terrain, they checked the rear shock absorbers and they say they are fine, The technician tells me that it is the bushings of the rear plateaus that cause the noise, that it seems that the car is falling apart, I NEED AN URGENT OPINION ON THE CASE, THANKS

      SEBA A3 2.0 FSI said

    Hello, I have an Audi A3 Sportback, and on the road it has only happened to me, that when traveling calmly in 6th gear at 120 km/h after traveling several kilometers, a noise begins at the sound of RPM, a noise that is louder if I accelerate , and when I step on the clutch it stops, I put the gear back, 5th or 6th and the noise is there, I stop at the edge and start walking again and the noise disappears for several more kilometers... what could it be? It drives me crazy and it worries me a lot, some talk about the bimass but in the city the car runs perfect, without noise or anything strange, and in perfect idle...hopefully you can help me.
    Greetings from Chile

      Maria said

    Hello, I have a 2008 goal, I ate a step and hit it hard below, it makes a noise like a motorcycle, metallic, when I accelerate (sometimes) and when I leave it in neutral as well... What could it be?

      George said

    Hello, I have a Peugeot 206, 3 weeks ago they changed the clutch and it was perfect, but now when I hit a pothole it seems as if it was hit with a sledgehammer from the floor in the glove box, the whole dashboard vibrates strongly (as if it had no shock absorber). On a good road you don't feel it, neither when braking, starting or turning, only with bumps at medium or high speed. Also, I notice that the stability in curves has deteriorated, although I don't demand it much because I walk with my little daughter almost all the time. The shock absorbers have been checked and are fine. The front train is adjusted. Do you have any idea what it could be? Is this dangerous? Thank you in advance for your excellent and necessary page and for your response. All the best.

      Fran said

    Hello Luis, I wanted to tell you about my problem that I have in my ford focus II, from the year 2006, and it is that it makes a noise, in my opinion it comes from the right front axle, metallic noise type "cloc, cloc" only when starting the march for a few minutes, whether I take a bump, a curve, a small bump…. It only does it in winter when it's cold, it has been all summer without ringing and when the temperatures drop it rings again. For it to ring again, the car has to be stopped from one day to the next. In the workshops (Norauto, Aurgi, etc) they tell me to change the suspension and cups, but in another workshop (Hiper Road) they have checked my suspension in a machine and they tell me that they are fine, it is not necessary to change, I comment on the noise and They also tell me that it is not cupellas, because they always ring, whether it is cold or hot... I don't know what it could be anymore, let's see if someone can help me or Luis if you know what it could be or what do you think about the symptoms What do I have? Greetings and thank you.

      ruben said

    good I have a peugout 207 sedan and a few weeks ago my right front wheel started to sound when I reverse the noise is as if it collided with something... they told me it's the brakes but I checked it and they are fine... I realized that when the car goes backwards, whether the engine is on or off, turning the steering wheel to the right, it screeches…. as if rose something .. what could it be

      claudio said

    Hello, I have read the forum carefully, I will tell you that I also suffer from clanc clanc metallic noises when going through potholes in Puerto Montt Chile, I have changed parts of my opel astra 95 with few results; in fact the noise has passed from the left side. to the right and the old pieces have come out good. (the noise is perceived when pushing the car hard down simulating a pothole) right at the ball joint. What I wonder is if the cause is not in the steering system in some component that connects with the front end?

      Yerson said

    Hello.. I have read this article but none of them is my case, I have a 2006 Chevrolet aveo, when one drives by turning the steering wheel a little to the left it makes a noise as if the exhaust pipe were broken, the sound increases to greater speed and when the steering wheel is turned to the left (only for this side there is sound) I hope you can help me... THANK YOU...

      Rossy said

    My question is related to an audi a3 1.8 T that for a few days began to hear a noise when I turn, and also a noise is heard when I am at a traffic light and then I press the accelerator and it thunders, but it is only at low speed in highway no noise is heard.

      Daniel said

    hello my question is the following I have a vw golf 2003 A4 I changed the 4 shock absorbers, the rubbers and the support but the rear suspension makes a lot of noise when I pass a pothole you hear a strong blow please help me

         Jose Santos said

      I could give you the best explanation but I don't feel like it better I'll send you to hell and fuck your mother!!! fucking fucking ass licks.

      HUMBERTO said


         Jose Santos said

      webos fucking better throw your shit in the trash.

      Ferdinand Aguilera said


      israeli said

    Friend I have several doubts my car is a 2005 equinox when I'm driving on a slightly uneven ground something sounds in my suspension on the right side, a couple of months I aligned it and they told me that the suspension was fine ok the second question after aligning it to the car was tied to the right tire I changed the caliper and then a cylinder of the caliper was stuck and now suddenly it sticks and detaches when I accelerated and another sorry for the questions when I'm going 40 miles per hour it vibrates but as I told you I took it to align and balance, I hope you can help me

      jesmora said

    Hello, I have a 2003 chevy venture that brings a noise as if it were the engine mounts or the shock absorbers, but it's nothing like that, the mechanic already checked all that and he can't find anything, but the noise follows some idea, it's frustrating wanting to know what it is in case it is something dangerous or not … thanks in advance

      Javier said

    Hello I have a 96 Honda Civic, I changed the brake pads and rectified the discs, and when I brake, a clan clan is clearly felt on the left wheel. The car brakes impeccably and the rear brakes have been adjusted, but the noise is annoying and you can feel the knocking on the brake pedal. What can be?

    Thank you!! very good page

      Mike Mendez said

    Hello, a few days ago I fell into a hole, from then on the driver's side tire makes a buzzing or rubbing sound when turning to the right, what could it be? The car is a 2004 Astra.

      alan said

    Good evening... I have a bora 09 2.5 my problem is the following... In the morning when I take the car in a cold state at the moment of turning in a u-turn it sounds like a rattle, they already changed the dust covers but the problem continues , already when the car is in a hot state the rattle is less noticeable

      piter said

    Hello, I have a 2003 Honda LX and the stabilizer bar fell out of its place, can I repair it?

         louis gaton said

      Of course, it is nothing more than replacing the broken ball joint or the studs that hold it to the chassis, depending on what has been broken.

      Luis Guridi said

    Hi Luis
    I have read almost all the questions and I have to congratulate you for the enormous patience you show. Thank you for helping.
    I have read everything and I have not found the problem with my car and I would like you to help me.
    I have a Subaru Forrester with constant 4 wheel drive. When cold, just started and with a few km traveled, it doesn't make any noise, but at the end of a long journey (trips of 300 to 600 km), when you go slowly and maneuver by turning the steering wheel, it makes huge "Klonk klonk, sequential klonk, at At the same time that in the car they feel as if they were small bumps, or something was not completely round and moved in sections (or bumps). I think it does more on the right side.
    The car, apart from 300.000 km, has a lot of scrape from walking on stones.
    Thank you very much for your help namesake.

         louis gaton said

      Luis, I understand that it does it with the car in motion or only when it is stopped? If it is moving, the symptom is quite consistent with a transmission. If it is more stationary, possibly some trapeze silentblock or shock absorber cup. If it is the silentblock, they should easily see it in the workshop or on the ITV.

           Luis Guridi said

        Only on the move and only when maneuvering slowly after a long ride.

           Alejandro said

        Hello. Your comments are fantastic Luis. Let's see if you have any guide for me. I have a 2009 EOS and there is a noise in the back that makes the whole car vibrate like an airplane. It changes with speed and depending on how you turn on the road to one side or the other, so I changed the wheels that were bad but it got worse. Could it be the issue of those bars that you mention or something more complicated? I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but the wheels were much more worn in the central part than the outer part. Thank you very much!!

      jesus said

    good evening I have a 2008 chrysler sebring, and the problem is that when I brake a little hard I feel that something in the car goes forward and makes a dry noise and sometimes the box also feels that it moves and makes the first and second changes a a little strong... I sent him to change the bases about 1 month ago, and the shock absorbers about 2 weeks ago... and also when I'm rolling every time I pass a pothole or a drop in the street it makes a noise and I really don't understand why??

      relief said

    Good afternoon, I just changed the shock absorbers of a toyota corolla. Is it normal for it to sound when I turn the steering wheel or turn in reverse?

      Dexter422 said

    Hello, I have a Ford Festiva 97, and it began to present a fault, which consists in the fact that it is very difficult to cross the vehicle when I am running and it produces a strange noise, when it is turned off or stopped but everything seems to be fine.

      Rafael said

    Hello friends, I want you to help me, I have a 2011 Amarok and it makes a noise in the right rear part as if the irons were dry, this sound appears on a uneven floor or when I brake. The drums have been checked more than once and the brake shoes (fiber) have been changed, I have changed the transmission and the sound persists, the curious thing is that sometimes the sound is lost (traca track track) and then a few days it appears. They lifted the wheels and made him Roll in gear and when he braked slowly he presented the sound as if it was on the right tire. What advice or recommendations would you give me thanks

      Miguel said

    Hi, I have a 98 Ford escort and for a few days it has had a little noise on the right side of the front end, not very loud but annoying... It doesn't do it when I take curves or anything... It does it when I accelerate and the car stays on course .. But when I brake I don't do it ASE .. It does it when I accelerate .. Could you tell me what it is?

      Maikel said

    Hello Luis, I have a problem. I hope you can help me
    My car is a 2005 Ford c-max, the problem is that when turning the wheel to the left it is moving or stopped, it sounds like a mixture of old spring and screeching. It's just by moving it to the left even a little bit. I was with my girlfriend in the car and after that she started making that noise
    What could it be?

      Maikel said

    Hello Luis, I have a problem. I hope you can help me
    My car is a 2005 Ford c-max, the problem is that when turning the wheel to the left it is moving or stopped, it sounds like a mixture of old spring and screeching. It is only when moving it to the left and on the driver's side. I was with my girlfriend in the car and after that she started making that noise
    What could it be?

      vicente said

    I have a 2012 trend goal with 22 km, a short time ago I noticed that when I go back and apply the brake for the first time it makes a sound as if they hit 2 pieces of metal, in the 2 0 3 braking it no longer makes that noise and when I turn the steering wheel to the right also makes a noise. None of the noises are loud. I changed the front brake pads and it still makes that noise. I took it to the mechanic and he told me not to worry that that noise was typical of the wear of a bar that hooks the wheel or something like that. If you can tell me what it could be, I would really appreciate it.

      jose said

    Hello, I have a 2006 Chevrolet Aveo, it started to sound a taca taca when I turn the steering wheel to the right and when I go straight, and when I turn left the horrible taca taca is removed and it is on the driver's side, for please help me my email is cell phone 04142309928. Jose

      lis said

    Hello, I have a 1996 Honda Accord, a few months ago the car made a noise when I moved the steering wheel and after several days the tire on the right side came off and it was the V. They changed it, the car continued to make the noise but less and they changed the one on the left side. and now the noise continues again, it's a sound like (a door when it opens and it's not lubricated... like chuiii.) and it makes it more when I fall into holes or when I'm parking that I have to move the rudder. My mechanic doesn't know what to do anymore.

    Thank you,

      Sheila marie said

    I have a 2007 PT Cruiser and it has the engine mount that is glued to the car compact damaged. Until now my only option is to move everything to the side to change it, this is extremely expensive for me. I will appreciate if someone knows of another option to change this point. Thank you!

      Eduardo said

    Hello, good friends, I would like if you can help me with my problem.

    I have a Fiat Grande Punto 2009 Multijet and it happens that when you turn the steering wheel to the right or left or when you are in gear, or in reverse gear, you brake, it makes the same sound "clanck clanck clanck"
    Thinking that they were the shock absorbers, I replaced them with new ones as well as the supports or better called "bowl" at first I did not notice the sound, but when parking the sound is there less loud but it is still there. What I have not checked is the steering fluid and the truth is that if it is not that, I do not know what else it could be, it has me quite worried, I would greatly appreciate your help

      Eduardo said

    Another dimension when listening to the noise from the outside, thinking about the constant velocity is not, since the noise is not heard from the outside but is heard from the vehicle's cabin...

      Ruben said

    Very good,
    My problem is a dry noise (clack), it sounds when starting the gears. It is more noticeable at low revs especially low gears. It is also sometimes heard when downshifting while driving slowly.
    With the engine stopped without a parking brake and any gear engaged pushing the car forwards and backwards, the noise is produced in the lower part of the engine in the center of the car.
    It is like a slack but very uncomfortable to drive. Could it be a driveshaft problem?

    Thank you very much, greetings.

      cross said

    I have a nissan maxima when going at low speed it sounds like a rattle on the driver's side when accelerating it goes away what could it be?


      daddy said

    I have a Pontiac grand am 97 a while ago it was making a noise in the front wheels I started doing it after I changed the tires. I always replaced the ones that the factory one brings. I thought it was the bearings and I changed them but continue. If someone can you say that it can be.thanks

      tonito said

    I have a tonderbith 90 and it squeaks me when I give the wheel to any side and it is not the Address all the cars have a tuft

      coco said

    Hello, I have a 2003 altima, when I lower the speed, or turn it, it sounds like a dry rubber tapping, they changed the shock absorbers, but it continues to sound and it is only sometimes.

      nocolas said

    Hello caapo. Che t comment I have a fiat uno scr and it has the new shock absorbers, the clamps, the ends, the bushings and the ball joint arms all new. And the other day it came with rain and it started to make a noise (only when you go slowly) like a rose in the left shock absorber as well as jaaanjaaaan and I rock it and grab it and walking slowly and grab it when I brake it also grabs it but if you go quickly route n grabs it. And the car doesn't pull anywhere, it doesn't bibra. And I picked it up and took out the rue to look at it but it's all good so I don't know what it could be

      Roberto said

    I have a vw 2002 at the time of jumping a bump or when braking the car it sounds like a thunder in the front part and also when turning left and right it thunders very ugly, could you help me diagnose what is happening?
    Thank you

      Fernando Gonzalez said

    Hello, I have a 2 a1991 golf. And this afternoon when I was walking I heard a noise down the front as if it were a rattle but made of metal, as well as it sounds and squeaks at the same time, what could it be, I even thought it was dragging something and I stopped to check and there was nothing, I only saw in the middle part of the front tires a kind of valances and it had gaskets like a spiral on the side. Right and left covering that in the middle, then the left gasket was loose and I put it on the wheel that was full of grease again, because that's how the right one was and resolved, it was no longer heard, but hours later it was heard again, so I checked those gaskets again but they were in place, I was almost one hundred percent sure it was that at the beginning but now I have no idea what it could be, what do you think it is? Thank you

      ppg said

    I hit my vehicle an explorer2014 against a concrete canopy which caused a piece of the rim to fly off and the tire was ruined, what kind of damage could the suspension have suffered?

      Frida said

    Hello, I have a 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, I have taken it to the dealer because of a noise it makes in the passenger side, when I turn left, but these w are supposed to be experts in this type of car, they do not find the problem, they charged me $1.450 for something that They told him that this was supposed to fix the noise problem, but it was not like that, the noise is still there. Please help me I'm already desperate I don't know who to go to or what to do

      Alexander Alfred said

    Hello everyone, I have the following problem. I have a suzuki sx4 automatic and it has a non-permanent high-pitched sound, it occurs when I accelerate mainly when accelerating on the highway or at slow speeds when I hit the brakes. The noise goes away when I hit the brake again. This noise was generated after going up a slope because there was a bus in panne, I think I could have stopped by to take something. I refilled the brake fluid and took the wheel out to see if there was something apparently that could be generating the noise, but I didn't find anything. If anyone has any guidance that would be great. Thank you

      Gonzalo said

    I have a 2011 Toyota Corolla. When I bought it, the car ran like silk on asphalt, but lately it feels rough, like it's driving on gravel and has sounds like vibrations. I plan to align and balance, but what else could it be?

      Dalia said

    Hello Luisgaton, from what I read it seems that you know a lot about this, I have a pregnancy and my 2001 mustang has been grinding a lot more and more and more loudly every time I turn the steering wheel or go over the curbs or potholes also when I park the car it is a metallic sound and it seems that it comes from the part where the front wheels are fitted, it sounds like it needs to be greased but I don't know where to add the grease, is it expensive to send it to be greased? It seems that there are some gaskets near the rims that broke and the grease came out of there. what do you think? would appreciate your help?

      Javier said

    Hello. My name is Javier and I have a Scenic II 1.9 DCI. My question is about a brrrrr type noise that seems to be produced by the engine and is transmitted to the passenger compartment, but without vibrations.

    Previously I already changed the pendulum support and torque recovery link 35.000km ago, which is what usually goes from engine supports. After the change, the noise disappeared, but for a few km.

    The noise is like a "gross" engine (as if the normal vibrations of the engine were propagated directly to the chassis). With a cold engine it is hardly noticeable (probably because it vibrates more); With a warm engine, yes, but if it's been driving for a long time (like +1 hour), they almost completely disappear.

    The noise is especially noticeable when the car jerks the engine because the suspension bounces when driving over undulating asphalt. With the car stopped and engine running, no.

    In my case, the use of the address does not generate noise.

    The more revolutions the engine turns, the more it is noticeable, I do not notice vibrations and strange movements in the gear lever or jerks of the engine, which on the other hand is apparently in perfect condition.

    With the car stopped and the engine idling, it is not noticeable. There are certain vibrations, but I see it as normal in a diesel car almost 9 years old.

    Lastly, I've tried letting the engine idle while driving on the highway. In that case, that brrrr of which I speak is not appreciated, although the asphalt is undulating and the suspension bounces.

    Greetings and thank you.

      Walter said

    Hello, excuse me, someone who can help me. What happens is that my car when turning left has a sound like a rattle, does anyone know what it is due to? Thank you

      submuration said

    Hello, I have a 2014 Ford Escape, every time I go through speed bumps there is a metallic noise in the front left wheel, what do I do to avoid or fix this problem? Thank you

      Luis Ochoa said

    Hi, I have a 2013 Ford Escape because when I drive it uphill it makes a knock or a noise as if it were the arrow and it starts to tremble. It makes you change the rack terminals and the address ones and the noise persists, help.

      alex said

    Hello, if you can help me, I have a Ford Escape 2013 2.0. When I'm going uphill it makes me rattle tro tro tro quickly and starts to shake because it just does. When it goes uphill because on a flat street it doesn't

      James said

    Hello, how are you, I have a btw 330ci from 2004. I have had a noise in the right front tire for a few days. But it will only be notified when I go slow in curves or brakes. All of that only at very slow speeds. But with these noises you think the tire will fall. As soon as you can at normal speeds it doesn't do anything noticeable and you don't hear anything. I thought it's the forks, because the streets here in Mexico are so flat in case they can't spend…..hehehe. but he changed it two years before and I'm not circulating as much. He uses the car two or three times a week. The shock absorbers also take two years. I have no idea what it could be…..Anyone here?

      Hello, I'm Andrés, my car just changed a large part of the suspension and supports, but when passing a bump a little faster than normal, it hits very hard as if the tires came back very hard, what could it be? said

    Thank you…

      Edwin said

    Hello, days ago my 98 year ford mondeo started with a sound that was barely heard when the car was rolling.
    Today I have left it stopped, because the sound has increased too much.
    It's a track, track, track...
    The sound comes from the front left, that is, the driver's side.
    I have recorded it with my mobile, when I was driving… in case it serves as a reference.
    Thank you.

      gil escobar said

    I have a 2003 chevrolet venture van it has a loud noise in the rear, when I go through dirt, we already checked, bushings, shock absorbers, I took it up a ramp to check it well and I started to move a rear tire noise is heard, it could be the bearing mace? and is the origin of this noise?

         victor stonemason said

      Dude, listen to your audio, and that noise is because your prisoners are loose.

      juan romero said

    I have a 2001 golf gti it went through a puddle and water got into the engine and I solved the problem only that when it starts it sounds something like a turbine. like.when you start.the car and turn yabaso on and something sounds like taya

      Luis said

    thank you very much you cleared my doubts

      Noelia said

    Hi Luis

    Excuse me, I'm from Puerto Montt, Chile, I have a 2003 Honda Crv automatic, it has a noise when going through highs or lows like a ñi ñi (like an old cot) there are days that it sounds more than others and also a knock like tac tac on the side driver's left (when going through rough roads) I have taken it to 4 mechanics, some tell me that it is a shock absorber, (I took it where they change the shock absorber and they told us it was not a shock absorber) that it is some rubber bands, another that it is the rack and stabilizer bar , another the rod. then you will understand that it is difficult with these diagnoses to know what it is.
    Hope you can guide us.

      Victor said

    Hello. I'll tell you if you can help me. I have an audi a3 and yesterday I hit a curb, let's scratch the entire tire. Thinking that I could have also damaged the tire, which by the way a week ago, the joy was seeing only the scratches on the rim. The problem is that now a noise can be heard in that front area as if it were rubbing against something and the truth is that I don't know what it could be. I need to align the address but where can the noise come from??? I would be grateful if you could lend me a hand. Thank you

      manuel said

    Hello, the site is very good, see if you can help me, I have a bird and it sounds like a Chinese in the back when the tire jumps or falls into a small hole, not a big one... help me, what can it be? Thank you

      Javier Martinez said

    Hi, I'm from Mexico. I have a 2003 grand caravan... and it makes a noise in the suspension. It doesn't sound like anything. They already checked all the suspension. I already bought the bases of the shock absorbers and they don't go away... could you help me if you can, to know what it can do? be…

      Mauricio said

    Hi, I have a 94 Mitsubishi Pajero Mini and only when going the wrong way does it make a noise like metal colliding with metal clack clack on the right front wheel... Yesterday we checked the suspension and changed the rubber bands that join the chassis with the suspension ( big houses) I think, but the noise is still the same. According to the mechanic the suspension and the spirals are good. But we do not find the noise, it seems that a wheel will come off when going through a ridge or bad road.
    Thank you

      Luis said

    Hello, I have a Renault Megane RS 2015. I have gone through a mound or bull's back very quickly and the tire has completely slashed. The tire is good. I put on the spare tire but it sounds when I keep going as if it were dragging something from the side where the tire broke I don't know if it's the CV or something like that but the noise is a tac tac and when I press the brake it sounds even more... serious friend when I burst and passed the bull's back the speed was about 150 km per hour

      Amaya said

    Good morning
    I have a ford focus three months ago when turning the steering wheel counterclockwise it made noise like an old bed. They changed me as they told me a bearing. Three months later it makes the same noise. They have changed my bits but it turns out that eight days later it makes the same noise.
    They take my money but the problem continues and I'm already desperate.
    Any advice?

      Alberto said

    I have a Hyundai I10, it had a soft front shock, we ironed it, but after a year it rattles in vaches in the front left part, as if something was loose, but on firm roads it does not sound anything, but in potholes there is this noise that could be

      Ivan said

    greetings I have a santa fe 2008 v6 2.7 gasoline to what is going to change gear 2 or 3 there is a knock if it goes faster it does not sound or sounds little thanks

      Joan said

    I have a Polo GTI from June 2013. After the second service (60.000 km), I started to hear a strange noise, like "clonk" when braking at low speed, especially when turning, both in reverse and forward gear. The workshop told me that the noise came from the deformed brake discs, and they made me change them even though I had already changed the pads in the review.
    After about 2 weeks, I heard the noise again, similar but only heard on the first brake after changing the direction of travel. And then they tell me that this noise is the most normal thing in the world, that it will come from the brake calipers, probably the rear ones, because they end up having slack. Since the car is under warranty, I got pissed off and contacted VW Spain customer service. They had the shop check the car again and now they tell me that they have tightened elements that have to do with the front suspension. She just went for him and he's exactly the same. Does anyone know if that kind of noise can be normal over time? I wonder if it could be something more serious and they give me long until the warranty ends and I have to pay for a more expensive repair. In addition, the fact that they have taken money out of me with the discs so as not to solve anything has pissed me off a lot and giving me back the money, not to mention...

      Armando Medrano said

    good morning I have a 2007 honda fit, when going through potholes a firm blow is heard only one (clonc). and when braking a little sharply at low speed you can hear clonc. Could you help me since fork bushings and shock absorber bases have been changed but the noise persists.

      hello luis gaton said

    Hello . I have a 95 golf and I've been a few days Ke I hear a crack on the passenger side but two mechanics haven't been able to tell me What it is and the truth is I'm afraid to bring the car like that, the sound is like trac trac and as if it were He would hit iron with iron Ke could be

      yonis said

    Hello, I have a Chrysler Pacifica, year 2006, I have had it for a year. I have taken it to the mechanic for three kisses because of a noise it makes when I leave the parking lot, when I turn the wheels, it makes clack clack, but only when I leave the parking lot, when it is on the road, it runs normally without any noise. noise

      Danny Valenzuela said

    Hi, I have a Toyota Yaris from 2005. When I hit a pothole or a bad road, the driver's side sounds, the entire suspension was resprayed, but the sound remains the same.

      Juan Carlos said

    Hello, good evening, could you tell me what could be the cause of the fact that when I am stopped and started, when I turn the steering wheel from one side to the other, a clok-clok sounds. And above all, how the steering gets stuck when it's cold from one day to the next and then the car heats up, and it no longer gets stuck, but if a clok-clok sounds… How can I find the fault? Please help

      GERMAN ARIAS said

    B. Days. I request you to guide me on the problem of my PT CRUISER 2010, 5 DOORS, AUT. It turns out that when I go over a bump, ford and/or pothole, the front suspension makes a screeching noise as if you were rubbing two pieces of Styrofoam together. They told me that it was due to dryness, that sending the chassis to be washed would remove it, which was not the case. Thank you for your attention.

      alfredo said

    Hello, I bought a second-hand Citroen Gran C4 Picasso, two years old and with 30.000km, shortly after taking it out, a noise began in the left rear axle, a dry and annoying groan as if two ball bearings were mounted, very annoying on uneven terrain and especially when I go down the slope of my garage. I have taken it to citroen because they gave me a year of warranty and they did not find the problem and they have asked me for the new rear axle to see if it is solved but it has me fried. what do you think greetings and thanks

      carlos camillo said

    hello I have a 2006 acoord and when my car goes through jumpy areas I hear a noise in the back as if something was loose I already took it and they told me it was the shock absorbers and after changing them it remained the same also that they were the rubbers of the bases and neither can it be thanks

      José said

    Greetings. I have a 3 Mazda 2.0 2015 petrol, with only 9000 kilometers and I am concerned about the noise that is perceived in the front left area (when turning and the car moving) when the asphalt is in bad condition or cobblestone. The sensation is bouncy and a rattling sound "cloc, cloc, cloc" very often. On asphalt in good condition you can't hear anything when turning... what could it be? Thanks.

      Juan Carlos 1.6L said

    Hello I have a Ford Ikon 2014 1.6 L a few days ago I started to feel a slight vibration and a knocking sound when I go over some edge of the road, be it a pothole, vibrators or just a small edge of the road, they say it's the shock absorber but it feels hard, what else can it be? can you help me, please?

      Rocio said


      Peter Mont said

    Friends, can someone help me with my problem, I have a 2.4 Santa Fe 2011 L; and recently I hear a knocking on the right side of the front axle, something like nac nac nac, the sound appears only when accelerating, since it is in third gear, it accelerates and is heard, I release the accelerator and it stops sounding, I can go to 120 KM/H but without accelerating and no sound; Another fact is that as the speed increases and the acceleration is maintained, the frequency of the sound increases, to the point that when it is already in sixth gear the sound is almost imperceptible, because it sounds continuously.

    Please help friends, I have already taken it to three mechanics and they do not find the problem, from what I have read it seems that the problem is in the steering system, another fact is that the steering feels slightly harder than it was .

    I keep an eye on your recommendations, thanks in advance.

      Pablo said


      They are said

    Hello, it makes a noise in front of me like a spinning disk and it is rubbing against something, it is very strange because the car continues to work perfectly

      Magda Lopez said

    Thanks, I'm a woman and I don't know anything about
    mechanical but
    Having this notion that I just learned, it is less difficult for me to be scammed or deceived, but seriously, my Ford explores
    2002 looks like an old culumbina and yet it works very well and is preserved

      Edwin said

    Hello, I have a Daewoo Racer 93 and I would like your help. When I go from first to second hard or going uphill it makes a very strong metal hit on the right side. I already checked the supports and the shock absorber, what else can it be.

      richard said

    dear edwin, an effective test is that you try to start with the parking brake activated so that the vehicle does not move forward and have another person help you to check if the wheel has too much play and in turn make the noise you mention. Another revision would be to open the hood and carry out the same operation of trying to start it and have the auxiliary person check for excessive movements of the engine mounts.
    I hope my comment helps you.

      richard said

    Soñ, the noise you refer to is very common when the brake linings no longer have the braking element and in this case it is very likely that it is already being applied on the metal base of the lining; Even so, the lining continues to do its job but with the drawback that the disc or rotor will wear out prematurely, with the risk that the braking piston will be ejected and you will be left without brakes. Another possibility of noise could be that the fender slat that is attached to the braking disc is rubbing.

      HERNAN CROSS said


      Suso said

    I have a 2010 Nissan Murano diesel with almost 130.000 km on the road.
    I have a noise for almost 3 years in the right front wheel (since the car had 70.000 km).
    I have taken it to Nissan on 2 occasions and they tell me that everything seems to be "might" come from the shock absorber. But what if they change them (700 Euros) and the noise is still there, it is my problem, that they are not responsible for the diagnosis because they do not see the origin of the noise clearly.
    The car has passed 2 ITVs and they have not seen anything.
    Every time I have changed the tires and aligned, or changed the brake pads… I have taken the opportunity to tell the mechanic to take a look at it… and they always tell me that everything is visually fine.
    The car appears to dampen well.
    The noise sounds with any pothole and from 1km/h. At low speed it is better heard because there is hardly any rolling noise... although it can also be heard on the highway.
    And a very important fact, in summer it sounds a lot and in winter it hardly sounds (I mainly move around Valladolid and Madrid).
    The noise is a very very low noise, like "gggroooopp-gggrooop".

    any idea of ​​the origin? Thanks.

      diego alexander grove gomez said

    Hello, I have a car that is presenting a problem that when I go with the quota full, I feel a noise in the rear part, something that is not felt when it goes without occupants and it has another very annoying sound in the left front tire that goes away when I half touch it. the brake but this noise if not constant is from time to time

      Horacio said

    Hello, I have a C4 launge hdi 2014, noise appeared on the right side, I took it to the VTV, they did not detect it. I went to the mechanic, I checked, connecting rods, ends, cups, exhaust, flats, motor and box supports and nothing. Walking slowly sounds even without going through wells. If I stop, put the handbrake and clutch slowly for a long time, the vibration is felt. I don't know what to check anymore. I would like to have your opinion. Thank you so much

      Ruben said

    Hello, I have a Ford Mondeo to which I have changed the rear shock absorber because it was losing liquid and it turns out that when I change it now it makes noise in the potholes... the mechanic has checked it and everything is well tightened! Does anyone know what it could be? Before I changed it, nothing sounded! Thank you

      John M. said

    Being happy is not something we can achieve overnight. It requires a lot of work and effort. It's like getting a car insurance, it is difficult for us to have it, but it is a guarantee of well-being.

      Luis Toribio said

    Greetings, I have a 2007 toyota corolla Since I bought it it has had a sound when I got into the vehicle and it comes from the rear suspension, the sound is much bigger and horrible when passengers are mounted in the back due to the weight of those passengers. The sound is strange to me because #1 is only when the vehicle is stopped #2 when passengers are mounted #3 almost always when it is rainy or humid... I have washed the vehicle from below in the rear train and it is still the same, in some forums they mention It could be the silentblocks or the bushings, I'm totally bored with the problem and I already want to solve it because it sounds pretty horrible.

    help me thanks!!!

      Morgan said

    Hello, good friends, I have a problem. I have Suzuki Suift, year 93, and the problem is when I hit a pothole and I carry weight on the rear seats. The blow feels like it was hit with a steel combo, but it is only when I carry weight, since when It goes with only two people (driver and co-pilot) nothing happens that can be resolved?

      Morgan said

    friends a query please help I have a suift suift year 93 and when I hit a pothole I feel a hit as if they hit with a steel combo all this happens in the rear and only when I have occupants in the rear I change the shock absorber and the problem persists problem I think it could be the spring but I don't know if it would be the right thing someone who can advise me and help me I want to leave it without a problem before Christmas
    Thank you

      Ramon Antonio good said

    I have a problem with my 2001 cr-v I have changed the entire front end looking for a sound and the sound continues, I have put: shock absorbers, the axos or axle tip, the links, the control arms above and below, the rack, the buoys up and down. Please if someone help me.

      CRISTIAN said

    Hello….I have a peugeot 307 1.6…beautiful car. Well the problem is that this weekend I had to drive it in the middle of the rain where the water that ran through the streets practically covered the wheels. Since yesterday I feel a loud noise in the front suspension…..from the sound it seems to be the two springs or spirals when I change direction…..and also a small knock in the left sector……. What can be?

      turbo flux said

    Hello and good morning to all. I would like to thank you for the existence of sites like this and all of you. who kindly share their automotive experiences since you learn a lot by reading the contributions they make. Once this is done, I will tell you that I have a 2003 Jetta (222,000 km) which makes a lot of noise like an "old bed". We took it to check and apparently they did not find anything abnormal in the suspension. They said that it might be dryness. Can someone guide me?
    Thanks. Greetings from Mexico.

      Lorenzo said

    hello friends, I have a 2009 automatic yaris hatchback, with knocking in the front part apparently in the suspension, so I replaced shock absorbers, shock absorber base, stabilizer bar bearings and the knocking persists. It is worth mentioning that this metallic knocking only occurs when traveling on dirt roads with potholes or passing a bump. Who can guide me to solve this noise?


         Tomas said

      Hello, if it's on the driver's side, check the connecting rods and the rack, it's a problem with the Yaris.

      walter said

    Hello, I have a Toyota Etios 2016 XLS sedan, it has barely 15000 km and a noise has been making for a long time that I feel down and forward, like a vibration, on slightly irregular streets at 20 or 30 km/h and more if I accelerate it, I took it to the official service and to another mechanic and nobody knows what it is

      zgz78 said

    Hello, I have an Alfa Romeo Giulietta from 2012, since it was delivered to me I noticed that when taking speed bumps, small potholes, cobblestones, etc. at low speed I hear a knocking (clonk, clonek, clonek) in the left rear wheel and that when touching the brake the noise disappears, we thought it was something from the braking system but everything was fine, recently I changed the entire suspension of the car for a more sporty one and I thought that the happy noise would probably disappear but it was not like that, they have checked everything and they tell me that everything is correct, I have doubts that maybe it could be the suspension cup that they did not change but at first glance it looks good and I do not know if it has to do with the fact that when braking the noise disappears with the suspension cup I desperately ask for help. Thank you very much

      fernando said

    hello I have a motomel skua 150 it is new it has only 36 kilometers traveled. it has a noise like an old bed in the rear suspension and I don't understand why it will be if I just bought it... is there any special liquid to lubricate or how can I solve it?

      Luis said

    Hello. I just changed quite a few parts on the front and rear axle on a Vectra 2.2 DTI Sport. On the left wheel I notice a slight "rattling" noise at low speed when driving in 2nd gear, it's just the noise, no perceptible vibration. Another noise that if something physical is noticed is in the steering wheel, it is felt immediately behind the wheel, in the stem or in the bar that follows it. It happens at low speed when the steering wheel is turned slightly or turning it a little faster from left to right repeatedly to verify that "strange coupling", it is noticeable as a slight physical stagger very subtle but noticeable behind the wheel. The direction seems to be perfect. Let's see where these noises come from...

      Fernando Gonzalez said

    Hello, I have a dune and it began to vibrate as if it were going to disarm a few days ago. Now I put it in first gear and it seems that the whole car is going to disarm. Your help is very important since I took out the box and everything was inside. conditions. if someone had the same problem or knows something

      Then said

    Good afternoon, first of all I thought it was an excellent article
    I have a 2006 astra and it makes that noise like an old bed….I changed the rear shock absorbers and the noise continues, the specialist told me that I have to change the rear axle…..what do you think?
    Really, the car did not have any blows nor does it circulate on dirt roads, only the donkey backs from Argentina, could you be the bushings? Thank you

      Sergio said

    The post is very good, but you are very wrong about prices, then when people go to the workshop they complain and say if I read in a post that it cost 15 euros how do you charge me 30 each...

      Isabel Fernández said

    Hello. My circumstance you see that my car makes a noise like a short metal scrape when I make a sharp right turn, such as when exiting a roundabout. The fact is that I took it to the garage and they told me it was a right front wheel bearing, €155.
    I took the car and the noise continues. My biggest concern is if that fault could cause me an accident risk or another greater one.
    Can you help me?
    My car is a 2002 Ford Focus.
    Thanks for your help.

      Mauricio Perez said

    Mauricio Perez.
    Hello everyone. I have a RENAULT 12 and the problem I have is that when I accelerate it makes a noise like a jar. Clack clak .but only when I accelerate. Ascent and descent. Can someone help me
    . regards

      yudi said

    Hi, I have a Hyundai Santa Fe. I changed shock absorbers and rear bushings and a dry hit continues every time I go on a dirt road.

      Juan Masse said

    Hello, I have a Citroen C4 PureTech 110 Live Edition 5p. now at the end of September two years ago (now it has 13.000 km), I live in a village and the road is not very good, since I released the car, it has a noise in the right front shock absorber (clo, clo) only when the road surface is very uneven (bumps). In the revisions they tell me that they do not find anything but the noise continues. My brother has a similar car and on the same road it doesn't sound, a neighbor has a new Ibiza with 10.000 km and it doesn't sound at all. What should I do?

      eduardo varela said

    Good afternoon, I have a 7 Mazda CX2009, in the mornings it makes a noise like grinding in the front part when passing uneven ground, as the day progresses the sound goes down slightly but remains whenever I pass uneven ground, some time ago I changed the base of the damper and it stopped sounding but now the sound has returned, could it be that something is damaging this piece (base) or should I change some others?

      MIGUEL said

    Hi, I have a 4 audi a2006 and I have noise at the front when I'm walking and the floor is a bit in poor condition or cracked, it sounds like a clok-clok, and it has me a little misplaced, I just passed the ITV, correct, I hope you can guide me as to what it could be... Thank you

      Pablo said

    Hello, good day. I hope you can answer my question. I have a 2014 voyage after a moderately abrupt braking, it began to make a noise, a kind of rubbing with something I would not know how to describe it exactly, the thing is that it only does it when I am driving without accelerating in neutral. When I accelerate at any speed it works without problems, when I'm in neutral or stepping on the clutch it does it, but if I'm braking it doesn't do it either. If you need more information please tell me. And thanks for the help and patience.

      María said

    Hello! I have a Peugeot and I've been going around the garage for almost a month because of a noise that I don't know where it's coming from.
    It is when going through potholes mainly. Or when the car vibrates.
    On the right side and is a clonc clonc clonc.
    They have changed the cup on that side and it continues to sound. Now they think it's the shock absorber.
    From the suspension it has to be because it sounds in potholes, right? What can be?

      Josue said

    Hello, I have a Santa Fe and when going through irregular roads the rear part sounds as if something was loose, I have already changed the shock absorbers, all that will be

      Juan Manuel Dominguez said

    Good evening, I have a Renault 9, I have changed the front shock absorbers and I hear a noise and the car has an inclination to the right side, what could it be?
    Thanks for your feedback.