Traffic restrictions in Madrid: scenarios

Traffic and parking restrictions according to pollution scenario in Madrid

In Madrid there is an established contamination protocol With a series of traffic and parking restrictions. Its activation and deactivation depends on the pollution scenarios that there is every day. So you have to be careful not to incur an infraction.

There are five contamination scenarios ranging from 1, which is the mildest, to 5, which is the most restrictive. Depending on the environmental label that your car has, they will affect you to a greater or lesser extent, so here you have all the scenarios explained in detail.

Table of contamination scenarios and their restrictions

M-30 speed and access roads Circular in M-30 and interior Circular in the municipality of Madrid Parking in Zona SER
1 Scenario 70 km/h Any Any Any
2 Scenario 70 km/h B‚ C‚ ECO and Zero Any ECO and Zero
3 Scenario 70 km/h B‚ C‚ ECO and Zero B‚ C‚ ECO and Zero ECO and Zero
4 Scenario 70 km/h C‚ ECO and Zero B‚ C‚ ECO and Zero ECO and Zero
5 Scenario 70 km/h ECO and Zero ECO and Zero Zero

1 Scenario

The only restriction of Scenario 1 is that the maximum speed is 70 km/h on Calle 30 (M-30) and in both directions of the access roads to Madrid from the M-40. will usually come indicated on the light signals.

2 Scenario

In addition to the speed limited to 70 km/h on the M-30 and access roads from the M-40, they add two more restrictions:

  • Vehicles may not circulate on the M-30 and its interior without environmental label. Any vehicle with a B, C, ECO and Zero environmental label can circulate without problems.
  • They will only be able to park in the parking areas. Regulated Parking Service (SER) vehicles with the ECO and Zero environmental label. Of course, if it is out of your hours of operation Anyone can park. The Residents they will be able to park as always in the green zone that they have been awarded, regardless of the environmental impact of their vehicle.

What badge does my vehicle have?

If you still don't know what the badge of your car, take a look at the article: The DGT classifies cars based on pollution with colored labels. And if you see that you do not have a badge by registration date, there is still hope because some pre-2006 diesel and pre-2000 gasoline may carry an environmental badge.

3 Scenario

Same as scenario 2, but with the added restriction that vehicles without an environmental label cannot circulate throughout the municipality of Madrid. In other words, it is not only prohibited to circulate on the M-30 and its interior, but also anywhere in the city of Madrid.

4 Scenario

Same as Scenario 3, but vehicles with environmental label B may not circulate on the M-30 and its interior. Any vehicle with an environmental label C, ECO and Zero can circulate without problems.

Pollution scenarios and their traffic restrictions in Madrid

5 Scenario

This is by far the most restrictive because it has much tougher traffic and parking restrictions. In addition to maintaining the limitation of 70 km/h on the M-30 and on access roads from the M-40, it adds that the only ones who can park on the BE area are the vehicles with Zero environmental label.

In addition, only vehicles with an ECO and Zero environmental label can circulate throughout the municipality of Madrid. Vehicles without a badge and those with a B and C badge will not be able to circulate throughout the city of Madrid.

The traffic limitations intended to reduce Madrid's emissions are not limited to these pollution scenarios. If you want to move around the center of Madrid, take a look at the article Central Madrid: entry into force, map, fines and affected vehicles.

Images – Luis Garcia Follow, Jorge Diaz

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