Vehicular natural gas (CNG and LNG) is positioning itself as a ecological alternative Very powerful. That is why car companies are betting on the development of new models that incorporate this type of fuel and that compete with gasoline and diesel.
The acceptance of CNG and LNG is booming, but, being a novelty, Spain is not yet fully prepared to supply these vehicles, since the network of gas stations or gas stations in Spain is very limited. Once this is resolved infrastructure problem, this technology will have the weight it deserves.
However, work is being done to solve this situation and there are more and more gas stations in our territory and the projects that are on the table to expand the number. let's see one list of all gas stations that we can find in Spain and the future constructions of these infrastructures:
According to database of the Iberian Association of Natural Gas for Mobility (Gasnam), we can find a total of 71 gas stations in Spain that are currently operational and a total of 46 in the construction project phase:
Currently operating gas stations
In Andalusia we find a total of 6 gas stations operations, specifically two in Cadiz, one in Jaén, one in Sticks and two in Sevilla.
- Cadiz. Sector Pp Menacha Executed, 27 (Algeciras) (CNG-LNG)
- Cadiz CR A-381 KP. 20, Margin D (Jerez de la Frontera) (CNG-LNG)
- Jaen. Andalusia Highway N-IV, Km. 280 (Guarroman) (CNG-LNG)
- Sticks. Polígono Nuevo, 38-18 (of the Border Palos de la Frontera) (LNG)
- Seville. Link between SE30 and A-92 km.3 (Alcalá de Guadaira) (CNG-LNG)
- Seville. Av. de Andalucía, 11 (Seville) (CNG-LNG)
The Aragonese community has a total of 3 operating gas stations, all located in Zaragoza.
- Saragossa. Alcalde Gómez Laguna Street (Zaragoza) (GNC)
- Saragossa. El Saco Industrial Estate, N-II kilometer 341 (Alfajarín) (CNG-LNG)
- Saragossa. Highway A-2, km 328 (Zaragoza) (CNG-LNG)
The community of Asturias has a gas station located in Gijon.
- Gijon. C/ Avenida de Oviedo, 176 (Gijon) (CNG)
In the islands of the Balearic archipelago we find only a gas station located in Mallorca.
- Majorca. Camí Fondo s/n. E coll den Rebassa (Palma de Mallorca) (CNG)
Castilla la Mancha
The region of central Spain, the main setting for the mythical novel of Don Quixote, has 7 gas stations, one in Ciudad Real , another in Cuenca, Three in Guadalajara and two in Toledo.
- Real city. Industrial Estate Campo de la Aviación s/n (Santa Cruz de Mudela) (CNG-LNG)
- Basin. N-320, km 71 (Motilla del Palancar) (CNG-LNG)
- Guadalajara. A-2, km 47,5 (Exit 48). Ctra. Madrid, 47 (Alovera) (CNG-LNG)
- Guadalajara. C/ Guadalajara-Jalisco, 9 (Guadalajara) (CNG)
- Guadalajara. N-II, Km. 117. ES Petromiralles (Torremocha del Campo) (CNG-LNG)
- Toledo. Andalusia Highway A-4 PK 36,5 (Seseña) (CNG-LNG)
- Toledo. C/ Río Jarama, 55. AVIA (Toledo) (CNG)
Castilla y Leon
The community of Castilla y León has a total of 3 gas stations, 2 en Burgos and the rest in Zamora.
- Burgos. Madrid-Irun highway, km 247 (Rubena) (LNG)
- Burgos. Madrid-Irún Highway A-1, Km 187,700 (Fontioso) (CNG-LNG)
- Zamora. Cañada Berciario Street (Benavente) (LNG)
Catalonia has a generous number of gas stations distributed among three of the four provinces that make it up: a total of 16 natural gas service stations.
- Barcelona. C/ Fra Juníper Serra, 75 (Barcelona). (CNG)
- Barcelona. C/ Progreso esq. C/ Albert Einstein (Pol. Almeda) (Cornellá de Llobregat). (CNG)
- Barcelona. c/Treball 1 (Abrera). (CNG-LNG)
- Barcelona. Ctra. Del Mig, 36 (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat) (GNC)
- Barcelona. It is Repsol. Av. Europa, 2 (Igualada). (CNG)
- Barcelona. C/ Francisco Moragas 17 (Sant Sadurní d'Anoia) (CNG-LNG)
- Barcelona. C/ Botánica, 114 (L'Hospitalet del Llobregat). (CNG)
- Barcelona. C/ Doctor Aiguader / Plaza del Gas, 1. Belt Coast (Barcelona). (CNG)
- Barcelona. Street Y nº 29 (Barcelona). (CNG-LNG)
- Barcelona. Ctra. B-142, km 0,5 (Santa Perpètua de Mogoda) (CNG-LNG)
- Barcelona. Av. Progress. 4E (Viladecans) (CNG)
- Barcelona. Street B nº 15 Free Zone. ES Petronieves (Barcelona) (CNG-LNG)
- Gerona. Ctra N-II km.774 (Girona) (CNG-LNG)
- Gerona. (PI Hostalets (El Hostaletss) (CNG-LNG)
- Gerona. Disseminat el Sitjar, 1 (Salt) (GNC)
- Tarragona. C/ Sofre nº 3. Políg Ind Riu Clar (Tarragona) (CNG-LNG)
In Extremadura we find an operational gas station, located in Badajoz.
- Badajoz. Highway A5 Km. 341 (Mérida) (CNG-LNG)
The Galician territory has of gas stations, located in A Coruña y Orense.
- to Coruna. Rua Catavento PI Vilar Do Colo (Fene) (LNG)
- Ourense. C/ Ricardo Martín Esperanza nº 12 (San Cibrao das Viñas) (GNC)
The capital of Spain encompasses the largest number of gas stations per Community in our country: a total of 17
- Madrid. Narciso Monturiol Street (Valdemoro) (CNG-LNG)
- Madrid. C/ Ebanistas, 2. Pol. Ind. Urtinsa (Alcorcón) (GNC)
- Madrid. C/ Rafael Boti, 5 (Madrid) (GNC)
- Madrid. Cordoba Avenue, 41 (Madrid) (CNG)
- Madrid. Poblados Avenue, 128 (Madrid) (GNC)
- Madrid. Calle de Fuente de Lima (Madrid) (CNG)
- Madrid. Calle Portomarín, 19A (Madrid) (CNG)
- Madrid. C/ Fuembellida, 3 (Madrid) (GNC)
- Madrid. A- Km 26,200, Ctra, 1 (San Sebastián de los Reyes) (CNG-LNG)
- Madrid. Tres Cantos-Colmenar Viejo highway M-607 exit 18 heading north (Tres Cantos) (CNG-LNG)
- Madrid. Isaac Newton, 7 (Alcalá de Henares) (GNC)
- Madrid. Locksmiths Street (San Fernando de Henares) (CNG-LNG)
- Madrid. Av. Francisco Pi y Margall, 5 (Madrid) (GNC)
- Madrid. M-408 / c/ Pinto. El Ferial Shopping Center (Parla) (GNC)
- Madrid. Av. Eje Central, 7. Madrid Transport Center (Madrid) (GNC)
- Madrid. C/ Rivas, 14 (Madrid) (CNG)
- Madrid. C/ Piñuecar, 53 (Madrid) (CNG)
The Murcian region has only of gas stations
- Murcia. Ctra. RM-611 (Av. de la Paloma, Era Alta) (Murcia) (CNG)
- Murcia. Pol. Ind. La Serreta (Molina de Segura) (LNG)
In the community of Navarra we only find a vehicular natural gas service station.
- Navarre. Ctra. NA-2517, km 4 (Av. de Pamplona, s/n) (Villava (Atarrabia)) (CNG)
the Basque Country
The Euskadi community currently has 5 operating gas stations, two in alava, two in Guipúzcoa and one in Biscay.
- Alava. C/ Vitorialanda,12 (Vitoria – Gazteiz) (CNG)
- Alava. A-1, km 342. Pol. Ind. Subillabide (Nanclares de la Oca) (CNG-LNG)
- Guipuzcoa. Highway N-1, Km417 (Olaberria) (CNG-LNG)
- Guipuzcoa. c/ Antxon-Txipi 4 (Irun) (LNG)
- Biscay. Refradigas neighborhood Nº3 (Zierbena) (CNG-LNG)
The community known worldwide for the City of Arts and Sciences or the Oceanographic has a total of 5 gas stations fully operational, one in Alicante , another in Castellón and three in Valencia.
- Alicante. C/ Antonio Machado / c/ Fidel, Pol. Ind. La Granadina (San Isidro) (CNG-LNG)
- Castellon. C/ Denmark corner C/ Cuadra Saboner (Castellón de la Plana) (CNG-LNG)
- Valencia. C/ dels Pedrapikers, 2 (Riba-roja de Túria) (CNG-LNG)
- Valencia. C/ Mariana Pineda (Alaquas) (LNG)
- Valencia. C/ dels Gremis, 18. Pol. Vara de Quart (Valencia) (GNC)
Future gas stations
According to the Gasnam database, in Spain there are a total of 46 projects of construction of gas stations that, adding the 71 that are currently operational, would complete a total of 117. Specifically, this sum of proposals is made up of 19 gas stations that will offer NCG, a de LNG y 26 CNG and LNG.
If we want to see the current status of the natural gas stations in Spanish territory, all we have to do is visit the Gasnam stations map.
Infrastructures will grow exponentially
As we have already seen, there are several projects on the table for the construction of new gas stations for CNG and LNG refueling that offer an encouraging future.
Ideally, in 2020, are in operation 300 gas stations in the Peninsula, which would make the promotion and use of CNG technology much more feasible.
Even so, this figure falls far short of the nearly 11.000 traditional service stations that we have throughout the national territory. To change the consumer's mentality, these new gas stations must be promoted (in addition to the powerful consolidation of the "electrolineras"), in order to adapt these infrastructures to a future governed by sustainable mobility.
Very «»»grateful»»» with the pages that never never never take the Canary Islands into account. They make a mistake by saying that they are all the gas stations in Spain when they do not name the few that are on the islands. A common mistake in mainland Spain is to ignore one of its Autonomous Communities.
What nobody mentions is the horrible state in which several of these stations are. Without going any further, on a recent trip I couldn't refuel because it didn't work in Alfajarin (Zaragoza). On the same trip, I found the "Doesn't work" sign at the EDP in Vitoria, and to round it off, when I returned I made a stop in Pamplona to refuel, and not only DID IT NOT WORK, but it was totally sealed and abandoned for days and/or weeks...
If what is there is not guaranteed to work, where do we go???
By the way, what should an owner of one of the new SEATs do whose deposit has been deducted to the bare minimum (9 liters) by not being able to refuel? We have what we deserve….
It's a pity. But you should know that all this, the number of gas stations is decided in Brussels. And it is clear that Europe has opted for electricity, although the carbon footprint of electricity is much higher than that of CNG, but……….we have run into politics.
Echo is with h. Fungi hurt.
Hi there! Does anyone know if there is a gas station in the province of Teruel? Why it seems to me that in all of Aragon there are only 3 and they are in Zaragoza
You're right. I am in exactly the same situation as you.
Dreaming was free, as always in 2008. This sentence from the article, devastating:
"If Spain complies with the European guidelines to replace 2% of the vehicle fleet that runs on liquid fuels with natural gas, by the year 2010 there will be 206.000 CNG vehicles and 510 charging stations in the country, according to Natural Gas Energy"
In Morilla del Palancar, the CNC gas station was not working on the weekend of November 15. It had exploded days ago and had not been repaired, it was a disturbance.
It is a pity that this fuel is not more strongly supported, taking into account the protection of the environment. On a trip from Madrid to El Bierzo there is not even a CNG station, taking into account the autonomy of the cars that also share space with a small tank of gasoline, it is impossible to make a one-way trip with CNG to the end , nor with both fuels.
In Benavente there is a CNG pump, in very good condition and at a good price
It is from HAM gas stations, which are not located on the map, like another one in La Roda Albacete
The maps with gas stations that have already opened should be updated more, the one in Villalba Lugo has been in the project for 2 years and they do not communicate if it is already open or in the end they will not open it
The users of this fuel have a very big problem
Hi there! Does anyone know if there is a gas station in the province of Teruel? Why it seems to me that in all of Aragon there are only 3 and they are in Zaragoza
I have a Seat León that works with CNG and gasoline, it works perfectly and consumes between €3 and €3,50 per 100 km on the road. Refueling is as simple as any gasoline or gas oil vehicle, its only problem is the lack of gas stations.
In Barcelona there are several, Girona 2, Tarragona 1 and in Lerida and province none. The distribution is road in Spain is not rational.
Pollution is low, therefore it enjoys the advantages of hybrids. Nowadays it has definitely opted for electric ones, I consider that autonomy is scarce and refueling time is high, the contamination that used batteries can produce is not clear. It seems that the Wolskvaguen group wants to abandon the manufacture of these vehicles because sales did not meet expectations. How will they be sold more if there are no gas stations?
It is totally uncertain that there will be new gas stations. And all the hype that is given to this type of fuel is not true either, since 76 gas stations throughout Spain is a shame and it is selling the motorcycle. As a commercial in the company we have only one car with CNG gas and it is an ordeal. And many of those who come out do not have, they only sell the typical bottles.
I think that you have left gas stations, I put CNG gas in Mataró (Barcelona) and in Villarreal (Castellón de la Plana) and they do not appear on your list.
The government should really do something instead of so much blah blah, there are many forgotten places in Spain without CNG, Spain is not just Madrid and Barcelona.